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File: 0b5dfcfc4b1338f⋯.jpg (173.7 KB, 1262x826, 631:413, benis.jpg)

f37f71  No.289870

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770024  No.289873

File: dc323ee3e4f8aac⋯.jpg (343.17 KB, 1080x1435, 216:287, Picsart_22_02_24_14_31_14_….jpg)

I suppose it's not surprising Hitler insisted his troops follow this route through Germany before ever beginning world war II…

And insisted they all do it naked, while he wore a bra and masturbated

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770024  No.289875

File: 8ccbd866488d15f⋯.jpg (281.49 KB, 621x1349, 621:1349, Picsart_22_02_24_14_36_12_….jpg)

You think that's wild?

You should have seen the original battle plan for the Potomac

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770024  No.289876


What's actually "wild" was your ability to somehow see a penis in that squiggly shape…

I'm guessing you wouldn't make it to a Rorschach test without your propensity to picture penises becoming self-evident?

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770024  No.289877

Through* ….. To…. Whatever, right?

The oxycontin continues it's efficacy

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