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cbbc7f  No.289607

According to a complaint last year, P&G’s 16 deodorant and antiperspirant sprays contain high levels of carcinogens, but the news was quickly erased. Related lawsuits were also dropped because P&G squared Merrick Garland to dismiss the cases. P&G, most recently as the official partner of Winter Olympics, should focus on its products instead of colluding with government officials. They throw lots of money at politicians to manipulate the market and cover up the truth.

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2d18f4  No.289608

OGE documents said AG Garland held between $250,001 and $500,000 in P&G shares.

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dc215e  No.289610


Procter & Gamble have been making these same drastic decisions since they first began

And consumer groups have been complaining about it for decades and decades

In fact, at this point, it's pretty much moot

Everybody knows by now

Procter & Gamble

Have no intention

Of doing things right

They breach almost every ethic code

And they flaunt it

They have laughed at consumer groups

They thumb their nose at people like you and I

And they have no intention of changing

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dc215e  No.289611

You could go back and research it

And you will find a long history of controversial decisions by Procter & Gamble, from bizarre DRAIZE TESTS to obviously dangerous ingredients

Their environmental record is horrible

Violations everywhere

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dc215e  No.289612

Smart people have been boycotting P&G for decades

my wife and I would NEVER buy their garbage

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dc215e  No.289613

When I met Wendy almost 10 years ago, she was already boycotting P&G

which was one of many reasons why I knew she was the one

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dc215e  No.289614

we hate them because of their redundant, unnecessary animal testing

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