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File: e83891b6330a7d5⋯.jpg (122.5 KB, 783x566, 783:566, cousins.jpg)

acf6ec  No.289590

Both progressives and conservatives should oppose the taboo against cousin marriage. It's a industrial age plot to keep relatives separated, and create rootless people who are easier to manipulate.

It is against traditional family values and it is incompatible with liberal, progressive views on family and sexuality as well. There is literally no reason for it to remain in today's society.

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fd6115  No.289595


Cousin marriage is legal in most places in the US. What taboo? Oh, you mean people might say rude things? Fucking cope. No matter who you marry, someone is going to say mean things to you. Even if you're in a hetero marriage, someone somewhere will lol at your ugly ass wife because they don't see her beauty.

This is a literal non-issue.

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c73e71  No.289596


…. Take a wild guess what kind of guy even thinks about stupid bullshit like this.. the type of guy who would actually waste a second of his time entertaining these idiotic thoughts thinking he was being clever?

…… Have you already guessed?


I'm married, so I didn't find anything about this to be even vaguely "edgy" or "humorous"…

I don't even find it interesting by the farthest stretch of the imagination…

You remind me of a 12-year-old boy

Because when I was 12 years old we talked

about the type of 12-year-old things kids

talked about back then

But times have changed, and now 12 year old boys talk about this the same low level "edgy"

Pseudosexual content, thinking they are "clever"

You have the same shock value as a 12-year-old

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c73e71  No.289597


So…. Although I didn't read your entire post, lost interest somewhere in the first sentence or two, I think I got the gist of what you are asking us…

I think you wanted to know if we fucked your cousin


The only ones who haven't emptied our nuts into your cousin were the dweeb who calls himself Marshmallow Sally and the flamboyantly attired PURPLE PENISPUFFER…

(They're both homosexuals)

but YEAH……

Pretty much anybody who's not a faggot has already fucked your piece of shit whore cousin

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c73e71  No.289598


Imagine how differently your life would have ended up if you had only been born with a chin

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bf3d33  No.289615


>It is against traditional family values

>and it is incompatible with liberal, progressive views on family and sexuality as well.

I didn't realize being liberal and progressive means we should become traditional.

But, being a liberal myself, I'd say let's experiment. You can find a thousand followers to test your idea. Track as least 3 generations and show the world some data.

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