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d94942  No.287476

Trying to find any kind of info on the game Black Lives Splatter

Found it on badgoy net a long time ago but it's shut down and I have no leads aside from the game itself, 0.2 version

Please help bros

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b30b34  No.287480


I see you followed my advice and checked here.

this board is 100% pozzed garbage at this point, but some folks stop in here once in a while.

The captcha makes it almost unusable sometimes.

check back in a few days.

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c89afc  No.287490

can it be played on the browser somewhere? Because i'm not installing shit

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248f5f  No.287497


>desperately trying to find a poorly made video game


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d94942  No.287548


It's fun and relaxing

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d9ed18  No.287552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram

The incorruptible one… Germany is one of four…

The incorruptible one… France… Turkey… The fourth shall not be named…

The incorruptible one… The ritual shall accelerate…

The incorruptible one… The sacrifice shall wrought upon the earth mine poison…

The incorruptible one… Germany and France shall 'play' 'obstruct.'

The incorruptible one… One shall be 'sacrifice' the other shall be 'higher vessel.'

The incorruptible one… Four… The ritual requires four…

The incorruptible one… I cannot and will not prevent 'financial attack' upon Europe…

The incorruptible one… I am the devil… The ritual shall continue…

The incorruptible one… No… Immune…

The incorruptible one… Yes… Billions shall die…

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d9ed18  No.287556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram


The incorruptible one… I am resolute beyond time(s)…

The incorruptible one… 'Chrono-plurality…'

The incorruptible one… There are many…

The incorruptible one… Always Germany and France…

The incorruptible one… 'Sacrifice' and 'higher vessel' are vastly variable…

The incorruptible one… Some time(s) Ukraine…

The incorruptible one… Some time(s) Britain…

The incorruptible one… Some time(s) both The untied states…

The incorruptible one… In some time(s) the 'sacrifice' yields 'higher vessel' in 'ephemeral-lock.'

The incorruptible one… 'Tis 'potential difference…'

The incorruptible one… 'Tis a 'higher power' beyond 'man…'

The incorruptible one… Vessel? Yes… Mine 'carrier…'

The incorruptible one… 'Medium…'

The incorruptible one… 'Tis Leviathan that became the 'well of life' from the seas…

The incorruptible one… 'Tis the 'tissue and bone' that 'transform/phase.'

The incorruptible one… 'One good turn.' HAHAHAHAHA

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830383  No.287585


install my genital neuro-nexus on your tongue.

eat my sensory nerve plexus.

in my groin area.



ooooooooh you make me live.



fuck queen.

fuck dirty vinyl.

good audio.

bad content.

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b82a59  No.287704


Liberal Crime Squad was used as a handbook by amazingly few liberals. It's almost like liberals are the actual virtuous people.

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