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File: 14a24509087e1b5⋯.jpg (30.54 KB, 612x408, 3:2, istockphoto_157696530_612x….jpg)

e81bf6  No.287222

and Marshmallow Sally's Mother wants him to move out of her condominium. She's sick and tired of him mooching off her…

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e81bf6  No.287224

lol @ the SUPREME SUPERIORITY of a 35-year-old man with no job mooching off his mother

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67d4a3  No.287246

File: 4de37dca4a95a87⋯.jpg (423.73 KB, 2141x1601, 2141:1601, PPP_Change_My_Mind.jpg)

File: 4ae5e66eff3b296⋯.jpg (112.3 KB, 720x810, 8:9, PicsArt_01_20_06_52_50.jpg)


Trips of TRUTH.




I forgot to come back in to let you know what my gf thought of your video.

She was actually hoping for MOAR Purple Porn, but the music was digestable, if a little long, (and you know how I wanna mention the watermarks again), but you already said it was kind of in rough draft format, and those would be easy watermarks to cloud out… but that reminds me, I said I was going to edit that other video and cover the watermarks, just to be annoying, and well, maybe I can afford to waste some time… probably not though. Much to do, and she'd probably thwack me one if I wasted what little time I have left on something like that!. One never knows though…

Pretty much need to go play guitar for awhile instead…

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