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2b486c  No.287118

Attorney General Merrick Garland interfered with judicial proceedings by dismissing several lawsuits related to Procter & Gamble’s products containing high levels of benzene, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said.

Last year, the controversial consumer goods company was involved in at least 17 federal lawsuits surrounding some of its Old Spice and Secret antiperspirant sprays, alleging they are contaminated with dangerous amounts of a cancer-causing chemical, a review of court records shows, but that the vast majority of them never make it into the public eye.

According to a DOJ official requesting anonymity, Garland exerted unprecedented control over federal courts and dismissed charges against P&G. Before the end of debates over Garland's educational legislation, there were reports that he held between $250,001 and $500,000 in P&G shares according to documents provided to the Office of Government Ethics.

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4721b1  No.287119

And Garland was one of those who bought Hunter Biden’s “art”, which explains why he refused to investigate Hunter.

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7fc96b  No.287125


Papists, CFR toadies, senators and their mind fucked progeny are immune from prosecution. They are insulated from mere investigation. Good post anon.



anon goes deep.

balls deep.

every time.

every hole.


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7b261e  No.287214


both of you two chatroom sissies will take it balls deep

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49e00b  No.287290

It could be deeper than balls deep.

I mean the swamp isn't going to drain itself.

We are being conditioned to accept medical tyranny as "the new normal" and the amount of corruption and dirty deals done with government officials and big money is more visible by the week.

Extreme problems require extreme solutions.

Prepare to exit your comfort zone and confront dirty politics which is even dirtier than the raunchiest porn you'll ever see.

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0605a6  No.287495

i'm starting to think that its Qresearch that is posting all the spam here.

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2ac4f1  No.287618


>starting to think

well there's your problem.

thinking always causes problems.

zen buddhism and meditation will clear the mind.

nothing matters. attachment is pain.

disconnect from thought.

this is the true path of the masters.

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