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760b3d  No.286983

psychiatric mental illness SSI WELFARE BENEFITS recipient Marshmallow Sally is officially gay….

according to Hitler…..

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5eeb0d  No.286984


This is irrefutable proof. Notice how Hitler even had the clarity and foresight to refer to him as WELFARE Sally, which proves it's our Marshmallow Sally that Hitler was talking about, and not some other unrelated Marshmallow Sally…

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fdc259  No.286985


I spoke with his mother recently, and coincidently enough, it turns out she confronted him about his lack of interest in females over the Christmas holiday.

She said he got really quiet and Moody for a couple days, and when he came out of his room he was crying. She said he finally admitted that he is gay.

And she also said that she has known he was gay all along… She just wanted to hear it from his mouth…


(It's not like he's capable of hiding it)

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