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File: 7fd11ee717098bf⋯.jpg (356.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_02_03_05_57_37_….jpg)

eb6f17  No.286852

They read all your requests, and now the internet's biggest porn websites are responding by offeringFREE PURPLE PENISPUFFER PORN™

Only last month, the name "Karl Purple" meant nothing at all…

But now, "KARL PURPLE" is quickly becoming a rising star on the horizon of gay double anal penetration porn.

We've all heard the rumors, but what REALLY happened in the Aryan Brotherhood Biker Clubhouse? It used to be a well-guarded secret known only to a handful of imageboard malcontents…

Now the entire planet can enjoy the action !!

if a picture is worth a thousand words

just imagine how valuable these videos are

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eb6f17  No.286863

File: 88a03d9c07c143f⋯.jpg (303.21 KB, 1804x1080, 451:270, Picsart_22_02_03_07_42_59_….jpg)

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eb6f17  No.286864

File: 67000e1b6607036⋯.jpg (351.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_02_03_07_38_32_….jpg)

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eb6f17  No.286865

File: 7fd11ee717098bf⋯.jpg (356.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_02_03_05_57_37_….jpg)

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eb6f17  No.286867

File: ae27e545693714a⋯.jpg (335.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_02_03_07_12_48_….jpg)

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79a65c  No.286874

Not only are his gay porn videos available, but so far, I've seen ELEVEN different porn sites with "KARL PURPLE" accounts…

that name is quickly becoming FAMOUS

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7d4aa7  No.286958


haha me too. I forgot which porn site I was on the other night, but one of the suggested videos was from a 'karl purple' profile, and when I clicked on the profile there he was with the purple mask and the purple hat and it had a bio that talked about being desperate to make friends and being willing to give guys blowjobs if they would pretend like they were his buddy

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7d4aa7  No.286960


"BUTTFUCKED BY BIKERS" is the best title of them all, because it accurately predicts purple penis puffers future

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