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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e024e89e544c226⋯.jpeg (4.58 KB, 346x145, 346:145, failbook.jpeg)

3da7be  No.286807

US truckers slam Facebook for removing page organizing DC freedom convoy: 'Censorship at its finest'

Truckers plan to drive from California to Washington, D.C., in protest of vaccine mandates.

By Amy Nelson | Fox News


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9ae7b8  No.286824



you're literally WHITE TRASH

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2a4245  No.286827


1.This is print media.

2. You're off topic.

3. I don't watch any nationally syndicated cable news.on television.

4 The revolution will not be televised.

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fad044  No.286837


>starting a new thread instead of using the existing one

>giving a shit what Facebook does

>linking to Fox media

Shoo shoo, filthy jew.

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56ae39  No.286893

When they dragged Zuckerberg in front of congress it was basically his confirmation hearing. Confirming that he'd be a good little boot licker. 10 years from now he'll be living on a secluded Rockefeller compound deep in the interior of chynah with his azn wife and anyone still logging into this failed turd of a website will be targeted for elimination by internet freedom fighters.

Failbook has failed. It's fall is guaranteed and Zuck ain't gonna be the tech guru flesh merchant he thought he was gonna be.

"Your money is no good here Mr. Torrence."

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d9c956  No.287014

File: 13555c8470dcd63⋯.png (318.56 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, jidf_1600666011433_1625437….png)

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f6593b  No.287046


your revolution already happened a long time ago, when you finally realized you're simply not attracted to women.

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f6593b  No.287047


boy oh boy, aren't YOU going to look stupid in 10 years

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5797e7  No.287048


If he is looking stupid in 10 years then you will know a permanent tyranny took America from the inside out and that the United States Constitution has been rendered null and void.

Freedom of speech and freedom of association is guaranteed by the Constitution. The government doesn't function according to it's own constitution. BLM can organize and burn down cities. Bail laws were changed to accommodate criminal damage to property and prevent detention of BLM operatives engaged in criminal activity.

Truckers who do NOT utilize such tactics are prevented from organizing on the same failbook that helps cities burn.

You greatly underestimate the resolve of sane people to restore government to sanity.

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13c509  No.287050

National security letters can do ANYTHING.

We are living in a failed state.

Free press free speech and freedom of association is out. Government dictated medical practice is in.

Tyranny ala mode.

And it's going to get worse.

Be prepping.

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fad044  No.287052


>still claiming that freedom of speech is in the Constitution

Nigger, please. The First Amendment protects you from PROSECUTION by the GOVERNMENT for speech. It doesn't protect you from being kicked off Facebook. For fuck's sake, you people are retarded. You claim to love the Constitution, but you've literally never read a single word of it.

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06df17  No.287068


Any tech company including hardware and software mfrs., social media platform, isp etc. who fails to comply with a National Security Letter request can face criminal prosecution for endangering "national security".

But keep calling people "n*gger".

That glow on you is unmistakable.

Maybe go find a book burning and live it up with your fellow glowies.

Zuckerberg is a sold out cuck and his site won't be around much longer. Unlike you who will be kept on one government payroll or another until you are eligible for pension.

Maybe we'll get lucky and one of those booster shots will clot you up and check you out before you're eligible for pension.

The government loves to save money honey.

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881274  No.287117


>you people

o i m laffin.


if the doctors in the OP's link ever hooked up and joined forces with the truckers and delivered testimony before congress and the world,

Rome and it's crypto-kikery would fall in one day.

the american church and government would be restored and honest reliable healthcare would be the law of the land.

as it is democide on the downlow is standard operating procedure.

death panelsain't no joke and "rationed care" is a great tool to shift demographics. (hate to say it but white genocide)

the war on the middle class was touted by pundits 30 years ago.

eliminate the remnant who witnessed the decimation of the american economy. no one really believed it.

sarah palin and her lovely feet spoke true.

"chickballs" "integrity" "courage"

dis bish is okay!!!!

i'd move to alaska if i could. a good bish like that is GOOD to find.

hard men are a dime a dozen.

hard men r still good to find…

a ballsy bish in politics spitting truth is much… much better to find.

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509175  No.287516

The EXACT moment that Zuck did the deed that started the exodus that left his website empty and pandering to corporate web pages that no one will read.

The EXACT moment that Android builds stopped incorporating Failbook apps and utilities into OEM distros.

The EXACT moment when Linux Trucker distros started appearing and new hardware tailored to their needs created a new era in online community and communication.


"I've seen them out at Soco

They're pounding sixteen penny nails

The truckers on the interstate

Have been known to ride the rails

The sweat is beating on the brow

Can't keep these fellas down

'Cause those damned blue-collared tweekers

Are runnin' this here town

I knew a man who hung drywall

He hung it mighty quick

A trip or two to the blue room

Would help him do the trick

His foreman would pat him on the back

Whenever he would come around

'Cause these dammed blue-collar tweekers

Are beloved in this here town

Now the union boys are there

To protect us from all the corporate type

While curious George's drug patrol

Is out here hunting snipe

Now they try to tell me different

But you know I ain't no clown

'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers

Are the backbone of this town

Now the flame that burns twice as bright

Burns only half as long

My eyes are growing weary

As I finalize this song

So sit back and have a cup o' joe

And watch the wheels go round

'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers

Have always run this town"


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