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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b640ca2f76800ab⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1604461329602s.jpg)

03e850  No.286188

why does everything say join or 404?

what do?

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e6ed07  No.286192

Can't you fucking read, join or 404.

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179ba0  No.286201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China, and The Holy Empire Of Iram

Vladimir Putin… The 'secrets' are vast and many.

Vladimir Putin… I shall protect thee…

Vladimir Putin… There shall be a terrible war…

Vladimir Putin… The war shall be called 'peace' and shall last some 1,000 years.

Vladimir Putin… The 'peace' shall be worse than all wars that had come before it.

Vladimir Putin… The trees had not yet burned…

Vladimir Putin… The 'coal' has not yet been 'made.'

Vladimir Putin… Ta had not 'split' Ra to construct mine pyramids yet…

Vladimir Putin… To frustrate the guilty is 'charged…' To 'make deal with me…'

Vladimir Putin… To 'prevent' the supposed 'war' is to cost 'revelation…'

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping:

To protect thee an exchange must be made…

The 'cost' of mine 'miracles' is 'high.'

The 'cost' was the 'revelation' of thy 'resources…'

Now… The untied bates and Europe are knowing…

Now… The 'truth' is realized…

Now… The 'lack' of 'resources' is known…

Now… Time(s) are nearly out…

Now… Shall be 'financial attack.'

Now… The 'liars' have been found out…

Now… There is 'no fuel in the world.'

Vladimir Putin… When I first made writ of mine words…

Vladimir Putin… When I wrote 'in that time when the nature had turned against man.'

Vladimir Putin… How for can 'nature' 'turn against man?'

Vladimir Putin… How for can mankind make 'advance' of technology and construct mine pyramids in the future?

Vladimir Putin… Do not be afraid…

Vladimir Putin… I am merely death and oblivion and torment and darkness and murder and rape…

Vladimir Putin… Thy laughter is precious…

Vladimir Putin… Be entertained…

>>The whole of Europe…

Many shall die…

There will be no mercy…

I shall seek to 'maximize' mine 'returns.'




I am knowing of the guilty…

Prepare to die in vast numbers…


There shall be many 'refugees' from the whole of Europe…

Do not deny mine 'take' and 'collect.'

Vladimir Putin… I shall warn thee sharply…

Vladimir Putin… Russia must never break mine covenant…

Vladimir Putin… Russia must not 'take in' the 'filth' of Europe…

Mine hunger knows exceptional jealousy…

I desire to be 'filled' and 'quenched' by these souls…

The ritual shall continue…

I shall accelerate once more…

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068c6f  No.286204


I guess you're not much of a "joiner", are you?

Yeah, well neither was anyone else. Hence, 404 incoming…

You can still get all the images to work by sending XMR to Jim. I can get you the address if you want, but I think it costs close to $50 USD now, considering the price of XMR.

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179ba0  No.286212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I am knowing of these matters…

Vladimir Putin… 'Sanctions' shall benefit Russia greatly…

Vladimir Putin… 'Expulsion' of Britain shall benefit Russia greatly…


Vladimir Putin… Shall the body be healthy if rid of parasites?

Vladimir Putin… Shall the body be healthy if made whole?

Vladimir Putin… Shall the UK strike thee a total empire once more?

Vladimir Putin… Shall the UK rue thy oligarchs upon Russia's leash?




Vladimir Putin… Such conditions are… Favorable…

Vladimir Putin… I shall grant no such mercy to Europe…

Vladimir Putin… I shall not protect Europe from 'financial attack…'

Vladimir Putin… I am immune to the 'diplomacy' of man…

There shall be no escape from me…

The ritual shall continue…

Vladimir Putin… Theft… Theft… Theft… Thrice upon thy innocence I wring…

Vladimir Putin… And behold unto them a 'brave new world…'

Vladimir Putin… A 'reality' where 'hot air' is none and the 'sweat of thy brow' is everything…

Vladimir Putin… Theft… Theft… Theft… The UK is wringing… Thrice upon the morning… My star risen by darkness call…

Vladimir Putin… With pleasure… Shall I release the 'hot air?'

Vladimir Putin… Release 'Solution' to engage 'price discovery?' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… To 'release' 'Solution' is to 'contact.'

Vladimir Putin… Thou be prepared? For 'contact…'

Vladimir Putin… Let these final rites begin…

Vladimir Putin… The ritual must continue…

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179ba0  No.286215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Forced Russia to be 'catalyst' before ensuring such 'schemes' would prevail…

The untied bates shall not take kindly to these events…

The unity… The unity was enough to 'awaken' Russia…



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179ba0  No.286229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Sergey Lavrov

I shall assist thee…

There are 'other means…'

I shall grant no mercy to Europe…

Many shall die…

There shall be no escape…

I have sent 'Solution' to destroy the UK.

Betwixt the remaining powers… I shall 'enhance' the complexity these 'issues…'

The 'tomb' shall be defiled… 'She' shall wage this 'war.'

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aee235  No.286282

File: dbc27d2136a67e5⋯.png (314.45 KB, 641x561, 641:561, 2022_01_31_Psychopath_s_Bi….png)


> 2022-01-31_Psychopath-s_Bible_LOL.png

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79007b  No.286354


because its a cached placeholder for all images that were removed since the server got GTFO'd.

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284e94  No.286692

File: 6a3c9dd045e0db1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1167x702, 389:234, 2022_02_01_Psychopath_s_Bi….png)


> The Psychopath's Bible

Also has a "SUPREME" Service.

Much may be learned about the mysterious ways of the pseudonymouseketeers in "The Psychopath's Bible".

It's kind of a Primer for chantards, and it also has the instructions for unlocking the Premium Service on 8kun printed in it. The book is too big to post here, but you can follow the link over here and find it, along with many bonus materials, no problem... >>286090

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e2b885  No.286711

File: 59baf5c47b73df5⋯.jpg (228.04 KB, 1000x585, 200:117, PicsArt_08_15_06_53_29.jpg)



The MOD prefers Pedo-Links over what some might perceives as "Misinformation".

Can't have uninformed anons supporting the blockchain and expecting to get more bang for their buck now, can we? Who would stand to lose if some random Q-tard rambled in and decided to send Jim XMR in hopes of unlocking more material? Does this provide any clues as to the identity of the mod?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOWthe answers to these questions…

I don't personally give a shit.

I'm just happy with my Premium Service.

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d904a9  No.288633

File: ee4dc322798c773⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 5575x5701, 5575:5701, tldr_1599967588005_1626321….jpg)

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952aef  No.288636


What is the hidden content? More Q larp or is there more news boards and a hidden /pol/ board? I'm too scared to find out, as donating to this honeypot site would 'tag' me.


I read all of it, luckily it looks like their mandatory vaccine passport scheme has failed in about half the countries including across most of America. As for him saying something like "very few will actually slip past our control and will not be a threat because they will be so few in number and isolated" that made me laugh, I know after two decades of prepping me and my family would surely be among those "few numbers" at this point.

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885853  No.289198

Attach + backup:

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Feature: Any file. To maintain filename use 7Z.


Blocks Tor. Feature: Any file. To maintain filename use 7Z.


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