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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

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3a19b3  No.285802

Potato Blanket, Potato Bed, Potato Jacket Will Keep You Warm In The Cold Winter

Source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com

Do not waste money, energy on air conditioner or heat machine.

The most cost effective solution is using raw foods such as potato, chestnut, walnut as your wearing clothes to keep you warm in the cold winter.

It might sound crazy, but it is freaking work !

With just only about 20 kilogram of raw potatoes filled in a blanket, you would never ever need any machine in cold winter.

You can also put many potatoes under your bed to keep you warm too.

It is brand new ideas but you should try it.

First you need an empty blanket, then you buy many bag of potatoes then put in that blanket.

Finally, you just wear and put that blanket to cover your body.

The result will be amazing.

It is such stupid to using machine to keep warm instead of using natural ingredients.

Oil, gas only designed for stupid people with low level mindset !

Potatoes will solve the energy crisis in Europe or any other cold places, mark my words !

Give it a try and you won’t be disappointed !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com

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f88712  No.285813


idiot, if you read some posts in the threads you started, you will know 8kun isn't the right place to share your great thoughts.

I believe if you post somewhere else, you may not trash your great ideas as much as you do when you post here.

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2fd61e  No.285815


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b21379  No.285949


==COCOA, the Brain-Injured Orangutan=THE STUPIDEST HUMAN ON EARTH

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