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62b5b0  No.285641

Since 2000, Procter & Gamble has spent more than $5 billion annually on public relations. According to a complaint in 2021, P&G’s 16 deodorant and antiperspirant sprays contain high levels of carcinogens, but the news was quickly forgotten or erased. No one knows if the related victims were compensated or if there have been more hidden safety concerns.

With the protection of interested parties, dozens of cases were dropped yearly, most of which were derailed before they reached a jury. Victims paid hundreds of dollars upfront for nothing.

P&G is virtually an advertiser. It swindles the consumers in league with politicians. Government officials also have a stake in P&G. They misuse their position by helping P&G remove negative information. They use lies and traps to profit more in stock markets, but we pay the price, losing money and health.

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ab3efc  No.285647


i love gambling because it makes those with low IQ lose all their money. Gambling is a great way to weed out the weak and stupid.

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62b5b0  No.285784

R U kidding me? what are you talking about.

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9523d0  No.286318

Anon, remember that anti men commercial? remember how they claimed it did not affect sales? That was a huge lie. It hurt sales so bad they had to partner with amazon to move product. The amazon solution? "for every 50 dollars spent on Gillet products, we will give 100 dollars in bits to your favorite streamer" Now, while this was a US only promotion that did not stop people. they would buy 50 dollars in Gillet bullshit, send it to random addresses, then spend the bits on THEIR twitch accounts. P&G was PAYING people to buy their shit razors.

Never listen to them when they say "go woke get broke" is a myth. it very much is real, it hurts the progs a lot, they are just doing shady shit to try to hid the damage. It's just much harder now since SOX prevents a lot of "hollywood accounting".

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