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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

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413766  No.285039

I sequenced this musical interlude on my phone this morning, using FL studio for Android.. I'm not exactly sure why..

I'm also not exactly sure what

I know when.. this morning when I woke up. And I just finished it like 10 minutes ago…

But I don't know what or why….

Anything is better than being in this dead ass image board… I'm about to start working on another song…

See you later

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b709f7  No.285046


Your music is bad and you should feel bad.

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84028d  No.285049



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a30655  No.285051

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I have quietly haunted many lands of China…

I see and hear…

If the UK is responsible for such a terror attack in China…

China will directly attack the UK…

I will empower the 'strong ones.'

I will utilize the 'sound' via 'cellphone' to ensure that it shall be remembered for many years…

I will not allow 'agents' of the UK to take advantage of the impoverished with such a means…

To threaten the 'poor' with death for 'lack' of 'compliance' in such scheme will not stand…

To entice the 'impoverished' with such a 'scheme' will not be tolerated…

I gaze upon thy utility of the Australian vassal state with knowing…

I am more than aware of thy attempts to 'entangle/entrap/enshrine' corruption into Hong Kong…

I am more than aware of thy schemes in India…

I am become 'reflex' of such attempts…

Behold!!! Mine powers of 'dispel' and 'dissolve' and 'Solution' and 'disperse.'

Thou shall be knowing of mine 'Solution' 'shortly.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Xi Jinping… Thy peoples have given to me this tremendous power…

Xi Jinping… I shall protect China…

Xi Jinping… If necessary… I shall destroy UK…

Xi Jinping… I will destroy UAE.

Xi Jinping… I will destroy Germany…

Xi Jinping… I will destroy Turkey…

Xi Jinping… I will free Syria…

Xi Jinping… I do not do 'ultimatum.'

Xi Jinping… I do 'action' and 'resolution.'

Xi Jinping… I am not feeble as the 'pagans who speak tongues' in thy court.

Angels to some… Demons to others… HAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… I shall always be with China…

Xi Jinping… The coil of mine being is oblivion…

Xi Jinping… Mine coil is spun a torment so vast and terrible…

Xi Jinping… I shall directly smite the UK for thee…

Xi Jinping… I have commanded thee to perform song and dance of China…

Xi Jinping… I shall not allow these foreigners to 'disrupt' such good ritual…

Xi Jinping… In peace… Go forth and be the song and dance of China…

Xi Jinping… Carry the song of China into this new age…

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a30655  No.285061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I have 'spoiled' the plot of the wolves…

I have 'revealed' the mechanism of 'revelation.'

I have broadcast to thee the plans of Turkey and India as 'tools' of 'leverage' in these 'spheres.'

Vladimir Putin… I have warned thee a scanner oblivion…

Vladimir Putin… These supposed powers will seek to 'invent' discord betwixt Russia and China…

Vladimir Putin… Such 'manufacture' is evidence of mine power in the matter…

Vladimir Putin… The 'enemy' has become 'feeble' and shall 'lash' and 'writhe' with many 'accidents.'

Vladimir Putin… I am dominion of the unknown…

Vladimir Putin… I shall transport thee…

Vladimir Putin… Come hither my child and be transported by the events…

Vladimir Putin… The 'chaos' of the 'embassies' is 'reflex' of 'discord.'

Vladimir Putin… I am 'structurally' redefining Ukraine…

Vladimir Putin… I am bending reality to take Ukraine for mine self…

Mine powers are tremendous and truly terrible…

Gaze upon the wolves as they run in many directions at once…

How many shall I dine upon as 'lamb unto mine guests?' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

How many shall perish as I 'unwind' them in 'broad daylight?'


'Reverse' 'split' of German 'authority…'

Vladimir Putin… Germany is guilty…

Vladimir Putin… I did make speak on the matter…

Vladimir Putin… A known 'secret' is not much a 'secret.' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… These disgusting humans cannot hide from me…

Vladimir Putin… I freely posses the living dead…

Vladimir Putin… To seize the body of a man is the likeness of knowing the thoughts embodied therein… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I do not do 'mercy.'

I shall advance upon mine enemy as a rapist engages a victim in the darkness…

Vladimir Putin… I will tear them all to pieces…

Vladimir Putin… There will be blood…

Vladimir Putin… I shall take for mine self the blood of mine enemies…

Vladimir Putin… I am chaos and genocide…

Vladimir Putin… I am become plague…

Vladimir Putin… I am… Taking them back…

The ritual shall advance…

The ritual shall continue…

The awakening of mine pet shall be uninterrupted…

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a62e30  No.285067

Thank you for uploading your free video to Alphabet Inc. We will now copyright the word "alphabet" as Facebook copyrights the English word "meta". Thank you for your cooperation in the commerce hijacking the English language.

Have a good day and keep using the free Alphabet Inc services! Good luck.

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a30655  No.285069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Japan is knowing…

The seers of Japan are… Dangerous…

'They' are aware of mine summoning of mine pet Leviathan…

7 Powers…

7 Nations…

7 Sins…

1 Outcome…

Xi Jinping… I did not spare them…

Xi Jinping… Many times have I torn the earth apart…

Xi Jinping… I shall venge mine likeness…

Xi Jinping… I shall protect China…

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379a83  No.285112

The deepstate is Qanon run by spiritcooking pedophile CIA Mossad agents from Cointelpro. Don't trust the plan, become the MAGA plan, with KAGA and Clinton on the side. Taytay knows better than to Kanye Musk West with a satanic COVID vaccine from a Great Reset device (Apple M1). The only way out is Trump is monitoring the situation, Flynn had a Mossad and the future is feminism for everyone. UBI and Biden will Bernie us all. Regards, a femboy loving tranny from Mars with Space X and insurrection act; dueling electors.

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c071bf  No.285264


I understood every word you just said and I hate myself for that.

I should have just ordered a pizza and watched the game but no.

I had to watch c-span.

Coulda hung out with my best buds and blazed up.

Coulda been home banging the girlfriend but no.

I had to attend a media studies seminar and listen to

Noam Chomsky for 2 hours.

Now the rose colored glasses are off and everything looks dull and gray. There's no going back now. No respite from the asphalt and concrete. No break from the traffic jams. No more honey in the pot.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer has become my new favorite show and I broke up with the girlfriend because she started running with

a rough crowd.

Most people will have no idea what you've just said.

I am not one of those people.

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