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My name is Nate Higgers

File: c8f9cbce6c8f926⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 400x548, 100:137, 18166.jpg)

c620e3  No.284921

Self Improvement General /SIG/

In his sculptures, Arno Breker designed the future of humanity, which was basically an ideal demigod in the flesh. Thus, it is imperative for each and every one of you to exercise at least 4 times a week and reject degenerate fatty foods.

Read books. Do your own research with alternative search engines or physical libraries. Question everything you see on television. Assume a motive for everything. Trust yourself and very few others. Listen to music that inspires you, not music that demoralizes you.

Do not ever assume that things will magically work out. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You will end up sucking cocks for cash and shooting heroin under a bridge if you do not develop realistic and tangible plans to become who you were destined to be. If you see a SIG thread that promotes degeneracy, then it isn't legitimate.

You are worthy of more. You deserve more. Do it. Realize your full potential with the hybridization of knowledge, willpower, discipline, and excellence. If you are at that point in your life, consider building a legacy. This can be via family or even a business.

Thread Theme

Triarii - Anthem From The Iron Flame


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112652  No.284923

File: 8fdced5a06b7570⋯.jpg (81.74 KB, 623x479, 623:479, FJto4YjWYA8BDb2.jpg)

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7b3570  No.284933

File: 38bfc0609ffb72e⋯.jpg (144.46 KB, 640x638, 320:319, sig.jpg)

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36a804  No.284938


Nothing quite says, "We've lured a societal parasite!" quite like luring the people who post self-improvement OPs. Isn't it suspicious that these losers are so ungrateful to high-tech society that they define self-improvement in terms of useless, unemployable muscle?

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36a804  No.284939


Manual labor isn't coming back! Try encouraging people to learn to code!

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96cebd  No.284947

File: 968478cbc14de19⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 625x416, 625:416, PicsArt_09_25_09_23_16.jpg)



He thinks fitness of mind and of body are only of value if "Centralized Control" has determined those practices to be of value to IT; and "IT" is in control of the ways in which ANYONE may employ themselves regarding any activity whatsoever…AUTHENTICITY Be Damned.

He also could benefit from moving some energies around and getting some exercise; maybe toning up a bit.It does wonders for the mind.There's a mind /body relationship he might want to explore in more depth. We all probably should.

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36a804  No.284953



Why ARE you people so hateful of honesty, anyways?

BTW, my pronouns are either she/her (Ihroun's pronouns) or zie/zir (my true pronouns).

Promoting muscle-based "self-improvement" is still parasitic in an advanced economy. It has nothing to do with "the authority" - which is what you're being with your reliance on stealth and deception, I'll note. It comes down to improving yourself in a way that lets you give back to society. Muscles aren't the answer for that.

Study biology or something, ignatz.

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6ea0ec  No.284955

File: 13611f10b4b7b2b⋯.jpg (105.11 KB, 650x650, 1:1, white_pill.jpg)

File: 49ca05048e019a6⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, cozy_gothic.jpg)

File: 408a074427ebdef⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 640x426, 320:213, gothic_homeoffice.jpg)

File: 991c86e51c3e729⋯.jpg (876.01 KB, 2500x1875, 4:3, gothic_office.jpg)

Based thread.

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6ea0ec  No.284962

File: 123e3ee04a5dba4⋯.jpg (86.47 KB, 650x650, 1:1, angry.jpg)

I'm getting sucked into the MGTOW world. What do?

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36a804  No.284995



Be a shining light of sanity in a dark place. Encourage peaceful, non-confrontational rhetoric. There is nothing intrinsically invalid in mgtow - it only gets "anti-woman" due to bullshit infiltrators desperate to prove that they can slander everything which fails to conform with feminist orthodoxy.

I say THAT as an asexual hermaphrodite, savvy?

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