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File: 710b6b7c1df29c4⋯.jpg (720.7 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, lol_white_people.jpg)

85e0db  No.284853

Gotta protect those white people and their tender snowflake feely feels.

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49f446  No.284859


These are children being harassed about their non-existent "racism" you Marxist buffoon and Marxism should be banned from being taught in American schools. Children need to be taught math, science, history and literature, not harassed about the color of their skin. You communists are literally just as foolish as all the neo-Nazis who wave swastikas. Bunch of low class losers.

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85e0db  No.284860


>children being harassed

Bawwwww … children being bullied! Nooooo! Not bullied! This is why everyone gets a trophy! D: D: D:

>Children need to be taught math, science, history and literature


Unless that history hurts tender white snowflake feely feels.


Unless that literature hurts tender white snowflake feely feels.

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d551d0  No.284861

File: c06e84a3ccc0cb7⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 275x275, 1:1, sizzler.jpg)


Our resistance is unified and colorblind.

Delete this racially divisive bait thread…

or I will destroy the internet… with the power of my mind.

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