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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

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ed15b6  No.284838

The Only Answer For Global Geopolitics Conflict Is Upgrade The Government Structure To 2 Layers

Source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com

We need to look at the all the puzzles in this big Earth society.

The conflict between North Korea vs South Korea, China mainland vs Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, Russia vs Ukraine, etc.

It is impossible to find the common ground between them with the current rules of society.

And even if the leaders of all sides agree, then the answer is do their citizen want to form a share common nation or not.

If you look at the North Korea vs South Korea, with the contrast in daily life, the answer is no, impossible unless 1 of 2 vanish by natural forces.

The only answer is changing the rule of the game, change the current society structure.

But how?

For the last few thousands years till today, all nations and regime have only 1 layer of management which is: the authority the people work for the government are always the boss, and the public normal citizens must be the one the obey the law in silence.

That’s the root problem of this mortal world and that lead to many corruption, crime, etc.

Because there is no one above those government/authority.

My solution is changing, upgrading the government structure to 2 layers:

Layer 1: Grand Nation.

Layer 2: Nations.

The priority job of layer 1 grand nation is observe layer 2, and receive feedback/report from any citizens about any corruption or criticize about layer 2’s people.

Another job of layer 1 grand nation authority is become security guard for the whole group.

While the job of layer 2 nations authority is create/making laws for it own territory, pretty much like what all the government are doing right now.

About election:

Layer 1: random drawing from anyone who want become “boss”. Because they do not need to make any kind of law so everybody no matter their background can do this job.

Layer 2: still using normal elect system like current one.

In term of economy:

Each nations in layer 2 can have it own local money currency.

But when trading with other nations, their people will have another choice of using the grand nation ‘s currency.

Any group who want to form any layer 2 nations can do if there is enough people by just submit request to layer 1.


Grand Nation: United States.

Nations: New York, Texas, Ohio, Hawaii, Alaska, etc.

International currency: USA Dollar.

Local currencies: Texas bucks, New York coin, etc.

I won’t discuss how the money distribution and rules here because I have talked about it already.

Depend on each nation size and population, we can many new nations.

That is the only solution to stop war between nations and also solve the global economic conflict.

That is my vision about the future.

I do not get paid and do not know what is your opinion so I won’t talk more.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ

Source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com

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