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My name is Nate Higgers

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60747f  No.284644

International Currency Exchange Rate Should Based On The Survival Foods Meals System Of Each Nations

Source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com

The current out-dated fiat money or currency now are backed and guaranteed by each national government.

In secret mode, it backed by natural resources such as oil, gas, silver, gold, etc.

What if any nations collapse and vanished by natural forces? Then that money become useless.

The international money currency exchange rate must be backed and based on real product services that provided by each national government.

And the only make sense solution and answer is based on survival foods meals metric !

Contribution to the society or moral as a metric?

Sorry folks there are always positive and negative contribution, so silver gold oil gas can be both good and bad. And if you read back history scripture from previous civilization, the collapse is all because of so called natural resources greed like “technology, metals, silver, gold, etc.”

By using survival foods meals system as the metric, you will have the most fair neutral way to judge because it involve in teamwork skill and co-operation between humans.

We can have the default rules such as: each national government must able to provide every citizen 2 basic meals per day (vegan only) at the price of the based rate (1 dollar for example), then the point that nation will receive will based on the “foods meals” storage (with the population) they have every year. The maximum point is 100 for example, so no nations will receive above that point.

Then we will have only 1 currency exchange rate between each nations for 1 year, and will updated only once per year.

The foods meals survival system should contain 3 metric: quantity, variety and quality. But that is the future, the starting point there should be no any metric.

In my opinion, the national exchange rate should be fixed, it is all about the flow of goods/products/services. If you don’t want to sell/buy from any other nations if they have negative trade deficit or whatever reason, you just need to stop.

The global currency war is the most stupid things of humanity and it should never be even existed !

Each people have it own vision and ideology about how it go.

Since I do not get paid so I have no reason to spend more time energy to design the whole system and tell you guys everything. But I will only do if receive any proposal and request.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com

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