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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 283256f93a5e71f⋯.jpg (351.64 KB, 1080x1521, 120:169, _antisemitism_.jpg)

File: 5f04ab020bfc04b⋯.jpg (111.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, jewish_phenotypes.jpg)

aa3732  No.284585[Last 50 Posts]

Look at her troll phenotype. Why are Jews so anti-Semitic?

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aa3732  No.284587

File: 1b01465c5985c59⋯.jpg (52.44 KB, 701x695, 701:695, _antisemitism_2.jpg)

This is her from a few years ago hanging out with a couple of fellow fake Jews. It's almost like cartoonish anti-Semitism is a Jewish scam…

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158a82  No.284589


Isn't denying the mere existence of jews quite anti-semitic?

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aa3732  No.284592

File: 9dd42d1388efa37⋯.png (15.51 KB, 733x364, 733:364, jew_defined.PNG)


Not if they're lying about their heritage.

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158a82  No.284595


How do you know if they have successfully traced their origins? How do you know who is lying about their heritage?

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aa3732  No.284596

File: 992b20856540048⋯.png (73.03 KB, 859x563, 859:563, fake_jews_converts_0.PNG)


Modern genetic studies.

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158a82  No.284598


And aren't online dictionaries quite arbitrary? I mean, who gave that website the right to "control language" ? And aren't many of these dictionaries quite inconsistent with each other?

Your answer raises more questions than it answers.


But if the genetic studies proves it, why is israel so genetically diverse? Not even 15% have haplogroup J? And why is haplgroup J is found in primarily non-jewish countries, despite israel having most of the "jews" in the world?

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aa3732  No.284600


Modern genetic studies have proven that "Jews" are converts to Judaism. Today's "Jews" are fake Jews – liars at the top and deceived at the bottom. As "Jews" they don't exist because they're not Jews. The truth isn't anti-Semitic.

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158a82  No.284605


So you are saying that people in israel are just LARPing as jews? Most of them are just fake?

You are smarter than all of these millions of "deceived" people?

To me, denying the absolute existence of jews is even more offensive than denying the holocaust. As a matter of fact, you are denying the holocaust by proxy by saying there were no jews to begin with. So what happened with all those jewish genes? They all got "smoked up" in thin air? Do you think mongols are real? Are descendants of the Genghis Khan real?

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aa3732  No.284607


>So you are saying that people in israel are just LARPing as jews? Most of them are just fake?

All of them are fake. Ashkenazi are converts of Turkish origin, Sephardi are converts of Spanish origin, Mizrahi are converts of Arab origin. Then there's the African converts, the Asian converts, and so forth.

>You are smarter than all of these millions of "deceived" people?

Intelligence has nothing to do with deception. A magician can deceive an audience of rocket scientists far more intelligent than himself.

>denying the absolute existence of jews is even more offensive than denying the holocaust

Inconvenient truth offends those who prefer comfortable lies.

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158a82  No.284608


You didn't answer my question of descendants of Genghis Khan.

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aa3732  No.284609


i haven no knowledge of the descendants of genghis khan. it's not something ive looked into.

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158a82  No.284611


Well, since his "tribe" is the biggest, and he has the biggest set of descendants what makes him different? You rarely see anyone calling himself "a descendant of the khan!", yet you see tons of people calling themselves jews.

Maybe these genetic studies aren't as accurate as we would like to believe.

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aa3732  No.284612


A quick Google search returns a genetic study showing that 1 in 200 men are descendants of Khan:


>Maybe these genetic studies aren't as accurate as we would like to believe.

Do you have any reason to doubt the genetic study on "Jews" that I provided? If so then please explain. Otherwise stop dancing around the truth.

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1ac44c  No.284613


So what, then hitler just tricked the entire world and killed a bunch of random people? How about greeks are they not real greeks either, since many of them are of turkish blood too?

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aa3732  No.284614

File: 3a07da2962ee538⋯.jpg (784.64 KB, 1557x1081, 1557:1081, natsoc_hess_redpill.jpg)


>hitler just tricked the entire world and killed a bunch of random people?

Jewish "New World Order" is a concept and goal far older than Hitler. WW2 was a stepping stone towards reaching that goal.

>greeks are they not real greeks either, since many of them are of turkish blood too?

Greeks who have mixed with Turks are no longer Greeks but mixed raced persons.

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1ac44c  No.284615


>Greeks who have mixed with Turks are no longer Greeks but mixed raced persons.

And where are the real greeks? The genetic diversity in greece is not much different than it is in israel. Greece is pretty based btw.

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aa3732  No.284616


>And where are the real Greeks?

Mostly in the Western part of Greece. Source:


>The genetic diversity in greece is not much different than it is in israel.

True. And Turks who LARP as Greek are not much different than Turks who LARP as Israeli.

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1ac44c  No.284617


>True. And Turks who LARP as Greek are not much different than Turks who LARP as Israeli.

But might you not then as well say that greece and turkey are run by jews? Also if this is all true, if jews "don't exist" why isn't everyone talking about it? Why are there so many jewish lobby groups if its all fake?

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aa3732  No.284618


>But might you not then as well say that greece and turkey are run by jews?

I would say that every country and state have been subverted by "Jews."

>Why are there so many jewish lobby groups if its all fake?

Precisely because it's fake. These groups label anyone who mentions the topic as "anti-Semitic." The genetic studies are out there but no one (as in the mainstream media) is talking about it because "Jews" also control the mainstream media. These groups exist to sustain the Big Lie.

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6d8d96  No.284627

File: c991e00d99ad80a⋯.mp4 (94.94 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Sally_s_Negro_DNA_.mp4)


Word up. You've actually got a tiny bit of negro in your DNA.

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54c7a0  No.284628


>Why are Jews so anti-Semitic?

For the same reason Germanic whites, Slavic whites, and Celtic whites will all scream, "U NO WHITE!!!" at each other. On a long enough timeline, you are all a tribe of one person.

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aa3732  No.284629



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aa3732  No.284630

File: e9ff5e5cb8d85a4⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 3159x3250, 243:250, is_X_white_redpill.jpg)


White refers to European of non-Jewish lineage. I've never experienced a white person claim that Celtic people aren't white. Have I experienced kikes LARPing as white people attempting to D&C the larger white race by claiming X isn't white? Of course.

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54c7a0  No.284631

File: c4201ebb8b11a4e⋯.jpg (136.46 KB, 696x378, 116:63, Scientific_racism_irish.jpg)


>I've never experienced a white person claim that Celtic people aren't white.

Well, hang around a while!

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aa3732  No.284634


White refers to European of non-Jewish lineage. Simple as that.

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871f9c  No.284635


lol @ your fantasy that Jews (or anybody else) actually realize you exist.

You're always pretending like you 'matter'.

For some reason, that's really important to you.. your legacy has been overcompensation, ever since your childhood.

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aa3732  No.284636


cool story. let me know when you can debunk my argument.

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b87393  No.284663

File: a94dd316068f49c⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 493.46 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, 2021_10_17_YOU.gif)



Both of (((You)))

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d1eaf5  No.284735

File: 390a39f6c0fca05⋯.jpg (4.15 KB, 124x124, 1:1, 1642387578001s.jpg)


Shouldn't we all deny jews their existence.

At the very least in our nations.

They should all return to their promised land and be landlocked altogether in their israeli rat colony.

it's would take less nukes to deal with those goblins if they try any more shenanigans.

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aa3732  No.284741


Israel is an illegally occupying power. Nice try, Zionist shill.

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b19431  No.284744


Seems to me like most science today is politically loaded in someway or oppressed in another. How do you know what to trust or rely on?

>inb4 thats a "no real scotsman" argument

Just look at how many scientists in the "intelligence community" are refusing to speak out about IQ and race because they are afraid of the consequences. Perhaps the genetics people are afraid to speak out about the truth in our ancestries as well? Who knows how much influence politicians have in science?

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aa3732  No.284746


>How do you know what to trust or rely on?

If the (((mainstream media))) refuses to address… if Jewish lobby groups call you "anti-Semitic" for addressing it… then it's likely true.

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b19431  No.284748


So what does that mean? that you and me just sit here and spam on /pol/ forever until we die?

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aa3732  No.284750

File: c9c5e6ff0715d8b⋯.png (99.79 KB, 1349x452, 1349:452, fake_jews_meme_LOL.PNG)


If mainstream media and social networks are compromised and censored but you want to reach those audiences then it seems the best route to take is utilizing imageboards, as that target audience will spread these views to other social networks, which they also use, while losing trust in mainstream media. When a large enough portion of their Big Lie fails (((they))) must resort to attacking the population in a last-ditch effort to shame or scare them back into compliance. This is the push the world needs in order to push back.

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b19431  No.284753


so we are stuck here until then? It might take decades if it ever happens. I don't feel like spending the rest of my life on mongolian basketweaving forums.

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aa3732  No.284756

File: 1e7695d3afe24ca⋯.png (342.57 KB, 604x527, 604:527, fake_jews_twitter.PNG)


It's been happening. Just do a quick search on Twitter, or Facebook. The meme is spreading organically. Decades aren't required in order to capitalize on this, but proper timing is a factor. However, even if it took decades that would be fine, as it only takes once to solve the Jewish Problem for all eternity. This is a long game and I have patience.

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b19431  No.284765


Well. I don't feel like spending several years on image boards. Its too demoralizing for me.

By the way, I just noticed. The "freemason symbol" actually looks a little like a davids star. Do you see those overlapping triangles?

Either way. My point was, how do we know whom to trust and what to trust? Is everything in the world fud-shit now?

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aa3732  No.284768

File: c5287f046436b43⋯.jpg (73.97 KB, 401x1024, 401:1024, Mason_Bolsheviks.jpg)


Truth is simple but deception requires complexity. If the world is governed by complex deceptions, rely on simple truths.

>There are no good "Jews"

>Zionism and Communism have the same goal

>Truth-telling is superior to lying

>Avoid the hypnosis of false dichotomies

>Do not follow tradition for tradition's sake

Five simple truths thwart a myriad of Jewish lies and their strategies.

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b19431  No.284770


>Truth-telling is superior to lying

I personally always felt like, somehow, perhaps magically, I got depressed by lying. Lies seem to create some kind of hoovering shadowy sense of doom for me. It's as if my entire life got unnecessarily complicated and annoying by lying. It made me feel paranoid as if everyone else was lying too, and it made me feel as if they were expecting me to be a liar as well and so on. I'm good as anyone at lying and deceiving, but somehow being trusted and trusting is close to my true nature. I really enjoy being a trusting person and also trusting others, call me naive, but being like this is just healthier for me.

Even when I do "white good" lies I feel like I'm fucking something up in someway, its spooky. I've tested being "idiotically honest" and to be honest, it feels like it made me more friends than by being a scheming and deceptive person. Sorry for the blog.

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aa3732  No.284773


Truth doesn't have to be boring; you can tell it creatively. Maybe you'll get so good at truth-telling that it appears as deception.

>made me more friends than by being a scheming and deceptive person

is how it usually works.

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b19431  No.284774


Just try it for one week. Make it into a social experiment, to not tell a single lie for 7 days. And be hyper consistent with this rule. You will notice how life somehow magically just becomes easier, its pretty spooky.

By the way, we should have a new SIG (self help) thread here. Where is the old one? I cannot find it on the catalog.

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aa3732  No.284776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Just try it for one week.

I don't lie. My fault is not following through with the truth – doing the opposite of what I know is the honest action.

>we should have a new SIG


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b2f1ea  No.284795

File: 0e868ec9568d426⋯.jpg (353.59 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Sally_Defeats_Himself.jpg)


> I have patience.

See >>284661

> stay defeated, Sally

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aa3732  No.284797

File: 2a7098058dcc19d⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 539x960, 539:960, jew_diseases_2.jpg)


>Since all Jews are racists, all racists must be Jews; therefore only (((You))) are a REAL Jew

All Jews are racist because despite their inferiority they insist they're superior to all other races. When I speak of the races I do so from a position of truth and the truth is not racist.

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bb00e5  No.284808


Posting this would probably get you banned on 99% of all social media.

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aa3732  No.284809

File: af9fcf5ddae282b⋯.jpg (185.61 KB, 2048x1153, 2048:1153, taytay_thinking_hard.jpg)


What happens when people do get banned for posting such things? They move to "alternative social media" which are honeypots, always get hacked, and their members doxed. In the end anons conclude that both mainstream and alternative outlets are controlled opposition. This is often the first false dichotomy to be destroyed in their minds, which makes others more easily destroyed. So it all works out in the end.

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54c7a0  No.284813


It stems from the natural paranoia of humans. All humans share it. Paranoia is survival instinct. It's what makes you nervous when you find a wallet with $500 in it and wonder if it was put there to test you and you look around for cameras.

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aa3732  No.284814


Paranoia isn't the same as rightful suspicion. Anon experiences rightful suspicion and concludes first that mainstream and alt social networks are the same garbage, then that all ecelebs are the same garbage, and finally that all groups are the same garbage. This is the state of mind that liberates anon from Jewish control.

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54c7a0  No.284822


Yeah, and then they whine and complain that "this place is dead". It's a feedback loop.

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aa3732  No.284823


True. The feedback loop resulting in the feeling that everything is dead, there's no purpose, and no use trying to find purpose in these places or groups or "leaders" creates a vacuum that can not be filled by controlled opposition, whether of the Zionist or Bolshevik sort.

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bb00e5  No.284824

ok you guys seem smart in this thread. What's the proper way to reply to fud-posters? How do you counter someone who's primary goal is to simply sow distrust and discredit? What is the best way to deal with it? Their endless slides, spam and all of that "counter-arguing" is starting to get under my skin. I feel like I want a normal conversation but it just make me start doubting myself. What is the final solution to this?

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54c7a0  No.284826


>What's the proper way to reply to fud-posters?

Giggle and move on.

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c4a536  No.284973


Maybe the fud is unstoppable and a natural part of the internet fauna now? The fud is like the insects of internet that break everything down into pieces that are indigestible to humans.

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