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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 1dc2ad4cdad212a⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 265x370, 53:74, moon_blessed_cleric.jpg)

0830f1  No.284564

Look, I get it. You're mixed race and consider yourself a decent individual, so the race-focused 'Nazis' must be wrong and simply arrogant. Or perhaps you're partially Jewish, at least according to common knowledge, as you don't hold Jewish viewpoints – You don't sincerely want to genocide other groups, you don't support, you don't support enslaving the world because you think that you're superior to everyone else, and you don't value the worst traits humans have to offer. 'Jew' is just a convenient way of explaining your ethnic background. But if race is important enough to attack then it's important enough to defend. If Jewish Supremacists seek genocide and slavery then they're worth destroying. Consider the truth of the matter.

You're stuck between two extreme ends: The one seeking to genocide and enslave 'goyim' and the one who as a response seeks to genocide and enslave the attackers and their supporters. And you don't know what to do. I get it. But you'll have to pick a side eventually and there's no use in trying to have it both ways. You can't be cool with everyone. Either commit yourself to being part of the problem or solution. But these Nazbols and others trying to play both sides will lose the game.

Whether you're mixed race or Jewish you and I are not equals. Maybe you're taller than I am? In this regard you're superior to me. Do you code? I don't. Not yet anyway. In this regard you're superior to me. You're superior to me in many ways, but I'm also superior to you in many ways. Neither of us are equals. But we can reach a state of true equality by the way we behave and treat one another. If you embrace truth when it's not convenient and choose to act upon it then we are equals.

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ba8c09  No.284567

I think I finally "get" you, Sally.

You use the term "Jew" like I use the word "Nigger". You see, when I refer to niggers, they could be of any skin color, including white. I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, when you refer to "Jews", or your favorite, "fake Jews", you are referring to the mammalian trait of Lording it over others of their kind, when it is taken to extreme measures, and applied to humans… but you pretty much refer to the trait itself when you call everything and everyone you disagree with "fake Jews". You really seem to have lost all real anchoring of that term in "ethnicity", nor can you define "Jewish" ethnicity. I don't think you think it's about their religion either; although it's about the belief system of those who seek to enslave everybody else. I think the term you are looking for might be "Psychopaths", NOT "Jews". You see, there are many Jewish psychopaths, and even a case could be made for percentages, but no one can take you seriously when you say all Jews are psychopaths, and all the psychopaths happen to be "Jews", because that is your pet word for those exhibiting the kinds of behavior you don't like; quite similarly to how "Nigger" is my pet word for those exhibiting the kinds of behavior I don't like, you know, "niggerish" behavior, amirite, nigger?

Anyway, gf is here. No time to hear your reply. I'll check later. Just thought the clarification may prove educational.

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0830f1  No.284572

File: 9dd42d1388efa37⋯.png (15.51 KB, 733x364, 733:364, jew_defined.PNG)


Anyone can act like a nigger, and anyone can act like a Jew, but niggers and Jews are by nature what others merely behave like.

>but no one can take you seriously when you say all Jews are psychopaths

All Jews are fake Jews because they can not trace their origin to ancient Israelites or Abraham. Therefore, all "Jews" are liars, whether psychopathic or not.

>p-please don't respond and destroy my pseudo-argument!

stay defeated.

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60a077  No.284579



>Shizo replying to a group of pro-shills as if its an individual

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ae07dc  No.284619

Funny you would mention it, considering the fact that you are a mutt… There is a less than .004% chance of you having pure DNA, and the only race on planet Earth who has truly pure DNA are negroes.

Unless you are a negro, it's absolutely impossible for you to have a pure genetic DNA lineage.

That's right, Sally boy.. if you got a DNA test, you would be horrified to discover that you have a tiny drop of negro DNA in your lineage.

Everybody does. You've also got several other tiny drops of pretty much every other nasty gross disgusting protein strand imaginable in your hand-me-down second fiddle genotype.

There's one thing that's even lower than a fake Jew :

A fake white person.. that's what you are..

You're not completely white, no matter how many times you've tried to convince yourself otherwise.

You're simply not 100% White….

Teeny tiny amounts of negro and other dirt in your dna.. just tiny little amounts…

But if I added a teeny tiny little insignificant piece of my feces into a glass of water, would you drink it?

Your teeny tiny little bit of negro DNA is a deal breaker. You've got feces in your water.

Just thought you'd want to know.

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ae07dc  No.284621


The sheltered uneducated Man child actually believes Abraham ever existed.

You desperately try to be perceived as being intelligent, but you voluntarily allowed the lowest caliber bottom tier religious brainwashing to recalibrate your entire belief system?

You were an easy target, obviously..

Can you imagine somebody actually believing the Bible is real?

lol I bet you even think 'jesus' existed, huh?

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ae07dc  No.284623



Your entire incessant "fake jew" fagshow is sourced entirely from your foolish and erroneous belief in Christianity.

You are stupid as shit. You're SO stupid, that you actually allowed yourself to be brainwashed and reconditioned with the most transparently false and fabricated religion on Earth..

And you think people perceive you as being intelligent?

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ae07dc  No.284624


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0830f1  No.284625


Actually it's sourced from genetic studies, as I told you here:


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9a1b62  No.284661

File: 0e868ec9568d426⋯.jpg (353.59 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Sally_Defeats_Himself.jpg)


I think (((You)))r twisted logic is becoming clearer to me…

Since all Jews are racists, all racists must be Jews; therefore only (((You))) are a REAL Jew, and the TRUE inheritor of whatever special blood magic you got from Abraham. Got it.

Thank you for clearing that up.

Also, why do (((You))) actually give a fuck how "Other" chooses to self-identify?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

And what are (((You))) DOING to improve the world in.any way, or solve any of the "problems" (((You))) see in it?

Does it make (((You))) feel powerful to say childish things like "stay defeated" on the internet? To bitch and whine about the "Victimization" of "Jews"? Your time and energy would be better spent, like Johnny tells you constantly, by planting your seed in a woman and raising children, instead of acting like a child around those who've already raised their's; begging them to tell (((You))) to "Grow Up".

It is (((You))) who defeats (((You)))rself. Perhaps (((You))) should not always be on such a War footing. But I know that's hard to change when (((You))) focus on a War God like Yahweh with (((You)))r every thought and deed.

(((You))) should probably look at that.

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9a1b62  No.284662

File: 7325eea3f8e04f0⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB, 210x210, 1:1, 03f3be1d_a329_4dc4_a3aa_c….jpeg)




And yes, I appear just as stupid by habitually using the word "Nigger" to apply to everything and everyone, pretty much constantly.

Thank you, Sally, for drawing that to my attention, how stupid a stance like that looks. I will do some behavioral changes in that area, so I don't seem like such a dufus in public. I can do that, because I am open to change. I am open to educating myself. I am open to learning from my "mistakes". I maintain an Open Stance, to the best of my abilities. I do not let myself get caged in; not by "others", and especially not by my own actions or thought processes.

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d31e43  No.284696


what are you talking about nigger

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ef7eb8  No.284792

File: 6e1520ded03faca⋯.mp4 (270.6 KB, 360x360, 1:1, hi_nigger.mp4)


that you can't figure that out says a lot about you.

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ec9d54  No.284793

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0830f1  No.284798


He's babbling because he has no real argument.

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838ce8  No.284802



… Queen starts playing… You make the rockin' world go round…

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777f1b  No.284803


yeah. He's just a nigger

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