Hi fellow Americans. This is Q4OXC3:7-8 from the SOC Starrcade Battalion Force from parts unknown.
Under dire circumstances that have unfolded recently, mostly geo-political and militant, it is my duty to warn you all about current events as well the plans current governments and political power brokers have intended for perceived threats.
As most may know the current global order is very unstable at best, we have already entered another major cold war with two other superpower nation states.
The recent lie being told to the public is that a "volcanic eruption" occurred in the Pacific Ocean which triggered tsunami warnings and the flooding of many coastal areas and islands.
This was no volcanic eruption.
It was Russia testing one of their Poseidon nuclear torpedos in the Pacific as a warning to America as well the rest of the world that if threats from NATO and other Western nations persist near their national borders (such as Ukraine and Kazakhstan) they are prepared for Holy War in national defense.
You may be aware of US military combat training in rural North and South Carolina. Their allegations is this combat exercise is to combat insurgency. The true intent of this controversial training- in similar manner to Jade Helm combat training in Texas back in 2015 and 2016- is to take on Americans who refuse to cooperate with their new war powers and emergency declarations when the United States government is at war with Russia and China.
They plan on using this war not only to weaken Russia, China and Europe but to also weaken America, and make all major nations ripe for international interventions and future "peacekeeping" which will be a sweep up of undesirable populations and tribes (genocide), America by far the most dangerous and armed of the bunch.
The intent is to train the US military for armed resistance in rural America knowing certain factions of our military would stand down and even defect to aid American citizens in these war efforts.
Not to save Americans but to have more people killed off in sweeping foreign interventionist warfare. The design is to weaken all nations.
The power brokers who have compromised and corrupted governments have assisted with new plans for a Global Reset.
There will be no utopia in this Global Reset, most of the world is not intended to survive it. Only the biggest power brokers are safely hidden abroad. Continuity of government will persist but will be chaotic.
The Pentagon has played this all out in many past "war game" simulations. So have super computers from America to China.
Previous United States President Donald Trump warned there was a "calm before the storm" before America completely balkanized.
Current United States President Joe Biden warned of a "Dark Winter" which could end in a whole lot of death.
The next United States President will be an AI Computer run in a deep underground military bunker. At that point there will be nothing left to warn about.