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File: 13007c924f7a24c⋯.mp4 (14.24 MB, 634x354, 317:177, Purple_Mein_Kampf_Aryan_Br….mp4)

882e9e  No.283528

Did the Aryan Brotherhood gang just join forces with Purple Anon???

Underground animated comedy show "Murdoch Murdoch": http://www.murdoch-murdoch.net

It seems to be covering a loosely based account of Purple Anon's life; especially in the recent episode titled “Wizards & Bros: http://www.murdoch-murdoch.net/html/mm/Wizards%20%26%20Bros.html

Video embed re-animates the episode with Purple Anon; and it seems to exactly fit.

Against all odds, might Purple Anon actually achieve what he set out to do?

Heil Hitler.

yur fren, & POL bro


VIDEO EMBED ALTERNATE LINK:https://secretagentwars.com/wp-content/uploads/manual_upload/Purple-Mein-Kampf-Aryan-Brotherhood.mp4

Story Taken from SecretAgentWars.com/Purple Pill Article January 15:https://secretagentwars.com/PurplePill


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