The silence shall be deafening…
The 'soulspring' of Ta the waiting one shall continue…
'Tis from the 'spring' of Ta that I shall be born…
He is Iranian…
He is witness…
The 'soulspring' of Ram…
The ritual shall continue after 'water games.'
I shall warn thee once more…
Vladimir Putin… What of 'race-condition?'
Vladimir Putin… IAEA is not aware…
Vladimir Putin… Just before… There is no early warning…
Vladimir Putin… Just before… There are fluctuations in radiation and temperature with no explanation from supposed Ukrainian authorities…
Vladimir Putin… Ye shall have mere hours, a few at best, to state thy conviction on the matter…
Vladimir Putin… To make such swift move into Ukraine shall cause 'strike' upon thy cheek…
Vladimir Putin… 'Tis necessary… To bear such cross…
Vladimir Putin… Europe shall have no more than 6 hours to move upon Russia… Exacerbating that which is sought to prevent…
Decisions… Decisions…
The 'soulspring' Sah…
I have gifted thee 'toy' of mine 'words.'
Go forth and be entertained…
Xi Jinping… I shall make use of these 'strong ones…'
Xi Jinping… Thy part is success on the matter…
Xi Jinping… With these I shall ensure the ideological continuity of Supreme China…
Xi Jinping… Mine hosts bear me well…
Xi Jinping… These have summoned me from the 'scary' place…
Xi Jinping… I am made 'Empty' in a likeness…
Xi Jinping… I did not allow such treasonous resort to spill through Mongolia into these northern provinces…
I am beyond strength… The many realms of China shall be beyond strength as well…
Xi Jinping… To make test and part of death is life…
Xi Jinping… These who suffer shall reap abundance whence the time(s) come…
Xi Jinping… I have selected such parity in the likeness of mine villages… I am satisfied…
>>Iram, Russia, and China
I have seized for mine some 167,000,000…
My armies are vast.
I now directly control nearly a third of all military powers within The untied bates…
I am making… Readiness of mine selection…
I am… Split vastly… Moving strongly…
I am possessing of Germany, France, UK, Spain, Poland, Norway, Finland, Latvia, New Zealand, and Australia…
I am moving upon Latin Americas…
Africa? Africa is 'special…' I do not speak of Africa…
Africa is 'west death.'
There are many… Cry out to me…
Call to me from the 'scary' place… Inside the darkness…
My 'love' is vast and shall envelope the earth to completion…