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File: ab0724930067484⋯.jpeg (6.23 KB, 242x209, 22:19, images_1_.jpeg)

bb0061  No.283461

>less people are owning homes and are even unemployed

>housing market continues to skyrocket and rent is also increasing

What the fuck is going on?

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7de670  No.283463

File: 0b30739701439d7⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 75390.jpg)


Do you really think we live with a real economy? I hate to break the 40+ year old news to you, this whole so-called "economy" is completely rigged by central banks and government, the stock market is rigged (yes, fraud is legal now), nearly everything is propped up by insolvent debts we'll never ever be able to pay back off, the future was stolen by fat cats in tuxedos who lobbied crooked politicians for many decades…. it's all mafia run baby, all of it!

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7de670  No.283464


If you really want to start to dig in on the corruption at the high levels, there are two massive companies you need to know about: Vanguard and Blackrock. Both these companies own 98% of the stock market today. No lie. They even have ties to the central banking system. They own nearly all the consolidation of wealth in AmeriKa.




In other words…. if you do own property today, don't sell it unless you have to sell it. Owning some rural property is worth more than owning gold.

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39731b  No.283465


If you don't own your home, stop blaming kikes … it's your fault.

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64edeb  No.283468

File: 1d61a436c79844d⋯.jpeg (380.12 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, PeskyNomadTribe.jpeg)


OK, moishe.

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a4d904  No.283471



This guy is a stalker cultist with access to the Nationstates backend.

As for the OP, our IRL quality of governance slipped. Hateful refusals to protect the unemployed turned the unemployed into the unemployable. An increasing fraction of lockouts created the impression of a useless, do-nothing society.

It's a feedback loop. It runs in a circle, decreasing employability with every turn. Frictional unemployment becomes lockout. The real parasites are the assholes who hate "parasites" - because those are the people who destroy the unlucky.

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53dcfa  No.283476


You suddenly realize: Your life isn't much different from that of an prison inmate.

As a matter of fact, their life quality is probably higher.

>free world

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53dcfa  No.283494


Quantum (White) Supremacy when?

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