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File: 7c83325bba5750b⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, america.jpg)

8410b2  No.283424

LOL! Poll Shows Americans No Longer Trust Corporate Media

A new poll has found that just 10% of Americans trust the media when it comes to information about COVID-19, while just over 30% trust Anthony Fauci.

The survey was conducted by NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ: https://www.newsnationnow.com/health/coronavirus/read-the-full-report-newsnations-survey-about-covid-19/

It asked participants, “When it comes to information about COVID-19, which of the following sources would you say you trust? Select all that apply.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci: 30.8%

Federal health authorities like the CDC and the FDA: 49.8%

Your doctor: 63.2%

President Biden: 15.5%

The news media: 10.2%

Put it another way, almost 90% of Americans don’t trust the media when it comes to COVID and fewer than one in five trust Joe Biden.

No wonder Biden is begging social media companies to engage in even more censorship of information relating to COVID-19.

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463615  No.283498


actually, nobody trusts YOU

….. And that's exactly how you ended up completely alone, with nobody to talk to, no friends and no family around you, sitting in an empty chat room, creating boring repetitive posts about predictable topics, stories that you get directly from news sources, showing that you actually do watch the news…

What a pathetic one Man circle jerk you're living

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ff7155  No.283541


Nobody trusts me online, and neither do I trust them. It's mutual OPSEC. As far as family and friends I don't need to talk to them online. I use my flip phone or talk to them in person.

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512c77  No.283579

File: 9861ba3d5188f02⋯.jpg (137.83 KB, 976x722, 488:361, cozy.jpg)


>cozy thread? Cozy thread!

Remember to drink water.

Avoid fast sugars for breakfast.

Shower everyday.

Always be in the gym if you are not working.

Never eat before bed.

Never sleep during the day.

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7ca4cd  No.283594

File: 895b2a4ef287f64⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 595x445, 119:89, rarest.jpg)

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0a5c61  No.283618

File: 49d7a55ed689b3d⋯.gif (957.34 KB, 400x560, 5:7, 1642269877385.gif)

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76ae50  No.283628

File: d5edfbff2a6d596⋯.webm (708.7 KB, 394x480, 197:240, welldone.webm)

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04564b  No.284185


CNN just lost 90% of their viewership in one single year.


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