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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 958f1b4eace0734⋯.png (18 KB, 688x558, 344:279, Windows_10_BOTNET.png)

2c60ca  No.283419

Microsoft Botnet To Censor Speech In New Lastest Word Software

Microsoft has included a new function in the latest version of its Word software that acts as a checker for inclusivity and offers PC alternatives to phrases which could upset snowflakes. Traditionally, Microsoft Word has offered tools to its 25 0million users such as checking software for spelling, punctuation and grammar. But now, the left-wing tech giant has added an additional feature which reads through a user’s work and examines whether the language used may offend mentally ill morons.

The Sun reports it does this by highlighting phrases focusing on gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity of 'socio-economic status'.


MY COMMENT: There is always Libre Office which is open-source and FREE, many Linux operating systems come with Libre Office which is very much the same as Windows version, only much better and safer to use (does not contain bloat or spyware).

Libre Office: https://www.libreoffice.org/

Check out the latest FREE Linux operating systems: https://distrowatch.com/

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2c60ca  No.283422

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)


(PIC) Someone should make a similar meme to this with the cool bro wearing a red Linux shirt and the vaxxed weakling wearing a Microsoft logo mask.

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a4f768  No.283439

File: 439f2f21ec5adc1⋯.webm (2.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cap.webm)


>being a real-inject virgin

>Not being a fake-inject chad

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