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d4ad71  No.283320

COVID's Ability-To-Infect Plunges 90% After 20 Minutes In The Air

One recent study found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID and its many variants, actually isn't as infectious as "the science" - and, more importantly, the government authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci - would like the public to believe.

Offering yet another example of how lingering in enclosed spaces doesn't dramatically increase an individual's risk of contracting COVID, Coronavirus loses 90% of its ability to infect us within 20 minutes of becoming airborne - with most of the loss occurring within the first five minutes, the world’s first simulations of how the virus survives in exhaled air suggest.

Professor Jonathan Reid, director of the University of Bristol’s Aerosol Research Center and the lead author of this study, explained why lingering in poorly ventilated spaces isn't as risky as scientists would have us believe.

Most of this decline in viral infectiousness was gleaned from a study whose authors described it as the world’s first simulations of how the virus survives in exhaled air suggest.

Interestingly, this means that ventilation, once thought to be the most effective way to ignore the physical distancing and mask-wearing likely to be the most effective means of preventing infection. Ventilation, though still worthwhile, is likely to have a lesser impact.

"People have been focused on poorly ventilated spaces and thinking about airborne transmission over metres or across a room. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen, but I think still the greatest risk of exposure is when you’re close to someone," Dr. Reid said. "When you move further away, not only is the aerosol diluted down, there’s also less infectious virus because the virus has lost infectivity [as a result of time]."

This latest study completely contradicts previous research conducted by scientists in the US, which purported to show that particles containing the virus that causes COVID could still be found lingering in the air.

Until now, our assumptions about how long the virus survives in tiny airborne droplets have been based on studies that involved spraying virus into sealed vessels called Goldberg drums, which rotate to keep the droplets airborne. Using this method, US researchers found that infectious virus could still be detected after three hours. Yet such experiments do not accurately replicate what happens when we cough or breathe. Instead, researchers from the University of Bristol developed apparatus that allowed them to generate any number of tiny, virus-containing particles and gently levitate them between two electric rings for anywhere between five seconds to 20 minutes, while tightly controlling the temperature, humidity and UV light intensity of their surroundings. “This is the first time anyone has been able to actually simulate what happens to the aerosol during the exhalation process,” Reid said.

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d7d9e6  No.283323


when you make a new thread, please wait a few minutes before making a new one. It takes some time for the index to update

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55a990  No.283329


>world's first simulation


<I call bullshit.

OP gives no link or source

Don't be a bad OP, be a good OP and:

cite and or LINK your source

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c7c7a7  No.283330


>world's first simulation

highly dubious claim.


mould, pollen, bacteria, viruses, tilled soil, vehicle engine and tire emissions etc.

if it has been detected in the air it has already been studied.

capsid oxidation and loss of infectivity is well known and understood.

covid has been called the most politicized disease in history.

people will generate studies and reports and the government will cherry pick what suits it's agenda and make ANY information infallible and official with a news conference in the halls of the capitol building.

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cfd30e  No.283391


those aren't hospitals.

they death traps.

"A better focus would be to make it possible for the patient community to know what and where such problems are. If patients know where the problems are they can avoid them and let the problem areas in medicine respond by fixing themselves in order to get patients to come back, the way it is in other parts of our economy.

This can be done by gathering the information necessary to know what treatments are worthless, where the infectiousdeath trapsare, what bankrupts the most patients, which physicians cannot be trusted, etc.

This is information that cannot be collected by anyone in medicine. People with vested interests being the only source of the data never will be a good idea. The data must be collected from the outside by watching the patient community and how it fares depending on where patients have been."


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859f88  No.283412


Due to snowflake whining and complaining I no longer post links to sources in the OP here. The assholes revoked their privilege to see the news sources, so if they want to judge the information they'll just have to read the OP. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

859f88  No.283413


Due to snowflake whining and complaining I no longer post links to sources in the OP here. The assholes revoked their privilege to see the news sources, so if they want to judge the information they'll just have to read the OP. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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