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fa5bf2  No.283180

>Cute, submissive, feminine, virgin, innocent women turned into whores, sluts, and bitches

>Losing your virginity and have kids with a loving wife before the age of 18 through socially acceptable family marriage

>A supportive family that isn't split and fractionated because of politics and generational differences, who won't kick you out when you turn 18

>The ability to afford, and own houses, without having to borrow money at extortionate prices from a bank

>Being able to marry the woman of your dreams without having to worry if she will steal half your money and assets 15 years later in divorce court

>The ability to earn enough money to afford food, water, shelter, support a family by yourself, without having to earn 200k a year as an investment banker, programmer, or politician with 200 different skills

>The ability to speak up online your real thoughts without having to worry about getting doxxed and fired from your job, and kicked out by people around you

>Your ability to have a normal childhood as a boy, by brainwashing you into being a soy by fat boomers

>Your ability to play video games, and socialize on anon imageboards without having to worry about racism shoved in your face every 10 seconds

>The ability to use the internet and research cool topics without have to watch for code words such as "conspiracy theory", " racist", "Antisemetic", to see if the site was overrun by Jews

>The ability for you to return to a normal lifestyle, by forcing you to sit in lockdown, take a gene mutating vaccine, and wear a mask to prevent some 10 boomers from dying of Covid

Are you just going to sit and watch as your entire lifestyle is ripped from you piece by piece Anon?

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e663ca  No.283260


tyrranists vs anti-vaxxers

Who wins?

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fbf082  No.283974

OP, just want to say one word.


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f97160  No.283992


Altering your DNA with experimental metal toxins is awesome!

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