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File: 02437c5d945922b⋯.png (210.48 KB, 974x547, 974:547, joker_1.png)

5781df  No.283136


working towards next level, networking, security or infrastructure touched on all already.

looking at jobs market

>you must have 200 different skills basically a 1 man department and we pay you meh…

>ive seen literal "looking for JOB A & JOB B TECHNICIAN" 2 For the price of a half. r u fuk nuts do you want to get shot?

>already have years of experience

>any tips based jobs or other tips, this shit is beyond ridiculous

>get into IT they said, FUCK!!! any manager or some other skill-less jobs probably gettign the same money minus the thousands of hours of building your skills. is this a joke. think im rob a bank rather.

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0e3761  No.283139

File: 733c38bbdc9e72f⋯.png (963.29 KB, 957x943, 957:943, realnews.png)


just recruit some cheaper labor and let them do the job for you.

The entire IT industry has become a pyramid scheme at this point.

Everything is fake.

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96c295  No.283195


Can anyone tell me what is so problematic about avoiding massive student loan debt and joining the trade while you are still young? There is a much higher likelihood of retiring earlier and being able to pay off a mortgage by doing skilled trade work.

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c33710  No.283238


because who is going to buy fraud $500 textbooks and pay usury if people don't get fake educations?

Unless you are studying engineering, medicine or law. You are most likely being scammed.

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