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File: ec822a608e9900e⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 1100x618, 550:309, Dont_forget_the_fallen_717….mp4)

0f31f9  No.282987

I leave in 2018 and this is the shit show of a full chan I get greeted with, you are a disgrace and a disappointment, not even stable enough to call yourself pol anymore. What the fuck happened to you.

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7c134b  No.283002

File: 40572b89757603f⋯.png (1.77 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Picsart_22_01_11_14_51_56_….png)

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7c134b  No.283003

File: b6f663a1d164a99⋯.jpg (290.08 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Picsart_22_01_12_07_15_03_….jpg)

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44c102  No.283008

File: 105ea1b18f8f099⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.18 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20220106_074618.gif)

File: 1620d30e597fc3b⋯.png (192.07 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Yeah_You_People_Are_Disgus….png)

File: 995116166fecbdd⋯.jpg (5.56 KB, 150x92, 75:46, Nig_Nutritionals.jpg)


Imagine being gone from this hellhole for the last 4 years and actually coming back!

What an idiot! (You) do not belong here, and EVERYBODY Knows It; Including (You). GTFO NOW While (You) can.

Furthermore,This Is NOT /pol/.

Just because /pol/ sucked and this place sucks too, does not make it /pol/.

Is that clear enough for (You) and enough (You)s for (You)?

Actually, Nevermind. Just Stay. You'll fit in quite well with the fagshow around here. You and Johnny and Sally and Purple will all make Killcen ill with your constant rubbing up on each other, and he'll just keep posting more News with a Conspiracy slant, and I'll poke at all the other crazies constantly, like the crazy thatIam, and we'll all be miserable, alone, and angry, together. Welcome to the most foetid bubbling slough of a /pnd/ you could ever imagine…

I'm gonna go write elsewhere. I don't waste many words on this nig-parade anymore.

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09173b  No.283023

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416b72  No.283358

File: b6b0251b65ec70a⋯.jpg (123.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, kmc_20220113_225801.jpg)


by the way….. how are you ?…

and Nancy ?….

we hope all is well, especially in the times we're living through

At the current moment, I am putting the final touches on my newest musical project…

Yesterday, I sequenced a badass (really badass) rave style remake of "Life's what you make it" by Talk Talk… One of my favorite songs of all time..

I actually thought about YOU when I was recording the song, because although it's a rave style remix, it has a certain "Eastern Indian Enchantmen" to it…

something mystical…… It's good… maybe my best yet

I'm about to go to sleep, but I'm adding the final layers to the video (see attached pic) and I'll upload the video in the morning

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416b72  No.283359

File: dd15b575a2bb6b4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20220113_230149.png)

adding my Alpha Channel Green Screen Layers

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416b72  No.283360


with a T….

my bad

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