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File: 6c60d6ce336c8c0⋯.png (33.13 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, white_national_socialist_f….png)

cf9bb6  No.282869

Come talk to Purple Anon on Audio



asdfasdfasdf asdfasdf aefgaopkju htyh dsfg

dsrfg dsrijf gdgfhpoksgfdh df sdflksdg pf

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695ddd  No.282873

File: ad15cbc02805267⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Faggot.mp4)

wow…. you're the loneliest, neediest, most awkward misfit I've seen in decades….

lol @ you begging people to please interact with you….

You had the audacity to pretend you had

'leadership' skills…. but in reality, you

suffer from a creepy social phobia

that's why you have no friends

so you live on the internet

hahahahahaha weird

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

695ddd  No.282874

oh, by the way……….

next time you talk to the "Sexy Mysterious Female Russian Secret Agent That You e Never Met, But She Wants To Fuck You", tell him I said "what's up, dude?"

lol @ you fabricating far-fetched fantasies about you "being so important, that Russian Secret Agents are assigned to you"…..

the loneliest guy on the entire internet, who sits alone, begging an EMPTY CHATROOM to please talk to you…

you're a high priority target for Russian Intelligence Agencies, huh ?

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