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File: aa09a781480f943⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 250x135, 50:27, 242b7ed3ef6dbbba65d.jpg)

File: 52f107cc72188d1⋯.jpeg (29.51 KB, 550x413, 550:413, David_Rockefeller_Quotes.jpeg)

5b798b  No.281577[Last 50 Posts]


Nanotech, 5G Kill Grid, Total Information Awareness, Smart Grid, Chemtrails, Vaccine Depopulation Agenda, UN Agenda 21 / UN Agenda 2030, Covidland, Prepping, Economic Collapse, Corruption, Jewish Banking Cabal, Central Banking Ponzi Schemes / Fractional Reserve Banking / (Consolidation of Wealth) Mergers & Acquisitions, Council On Foreign Relations, False Flag Operations, Third World Foreign Invasions Into Western Nations / Deliberate Destabilization / Corrupt Soros NGOs, Student Loan Racketeering / University Fraud & Racketeering / Marxist Takeover Of Public Schools, Hospital Subsidy For Killing Patients & Rigging Deaths As "Covid" $$$, Geo-engineering / HAARP / Electromagnetic Weaponry / Energy Weapons, Social Credit Score System & Meta (Facebook), Population Control, Decades of US Military Brass Purges, etc.

What you will find: multiple wars are being waged against us like none-other with the intent to kill most of us off, and to disarm and subjugate those who survive under global tyranny. A vast criminal conspiracy.

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57f31a  No.281588

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

–Woodrow Wilson

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13bac4  No.281616

"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations.

But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.

The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up… It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order."

–Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

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9e8487  No.281625


No war has ever been waged against you, you simpering little whiny child. No gun has ever been put in your face by someone who is bound by nationalism to kill you. You've never had to bunker down in the mud and filth in order to hide from enemy forces. You don't know war. You're just an angry teenager, mad at the internet, and spewing your filth outside your little CoD LARP groups.

You're in your air conditioned suburban home with plenty of food, stable utilities, and a mommy to wipe your stinky bum-bum when you make oopsies in your diaper. You've never been oppressed, downtrodden, or at war.

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5b798b  No.281627

File: 654c32a2468f504⋯.png (80.89 KB, 830x861, 830:861, deagel_2022_stats.png)


You are an idiot, this is not a totally kinetic world war, it's a stealth war: a war of depopulation by poisoning the air we breath, the releasing bioweapons & toxic vaccines, fluoride in our water supply (if you rely on tap water that is), GMO crops sprayed with glyphosate (a known cancer causing agent), outsourcing of industry which has crippled our economy, replacement of White people with pro-mass illegal immigration open border policies, not to mention the Marxist subversion of the public schools to deliberately dumb down the youth. And plenty more like military secrets being handed over to countries like China. Yes there is a war, peep the long-predicted (and censored) Deagel statistics. The collapse of the United States was long planned before idiots like yourself were ever born.

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5b798b  No.281628


They may have not originally intended to completely undermine and destroy the Western World, but their policies sure are doing so today, and if it's not corrected the Western World will be doomed and become mere vassal states of China and Russia. Either these were traitorous SOBs with that intention from the beginning, or they were very ignorant and incompetent in their true goals, and it backfired very badly!

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9e8487  No.281629


>goalposts moved

Fuck off, child. You don't know shit. You're even using sad, old arguments that boomer's parents were crying about.

>they're depopulating us with vaccines, fluorides and GMO crops!

… was what faggot little incels were screaming in the 1910s, yet the population has skyrocketed since. They were retarded faggots then and you're a retarded faggot now. You've got nothing new or special. You'd know that if you'd actually read something other than reddit posts.

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5b798b  No.281631


Everything I stated was true, you are the retarded faggot in total denial. Go piss off.

Bumping real news.

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9e8487  No.281633


>Everything I stated was true

No, it isn't. You are literally spewing conspiracy theories from 100 years ago, which have all been proven 100% false. Your brain is too smooth to recognize history and reality, though, so I'll help you:

Guy in 1914 magazine article: "We are being forcefully depopulated by the global elite through GMOs and poisoned air!!!"

Global population in 1900: 1.6b

Global population in 2022: 7.6b

How in the absolute fuck are YOU right when that guy whose argument you're stealing was so very, very wrong? Let me guess … just like he did, you'll tell me to "wait and see", right?

Go be a faggot somewhere else. This board is for people with properly wrinkled brains.

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5b798b  No.281637


They didn't even have glyphosate in crops or GMO industry back in 1914. Heck, even in the 50s they were still using DDT as pesticide (and by the way, not nearly as toxic as glyphosate is but DDT still was banned under ethical health standards, standards we no longer have today).

>This board is for people with properly wrinkled brains.

Then leave anytime.

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f5bce8  No.281638


>You don't know war.

you're that special kind of stupid we learned about in


i'd break every one of your fingers right now.

i'd turn you into a locked in nugget just to never read another post from you that's as stupid as the one you just made.

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5b798b  No.281639


HAHA, stay pissed stupid nigger.

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583221  No.281640


you REALLY need to read more.

these people operate above and beyond nation states.

above and beyond what you think of as east and west.

science is their god and data is perfect god's perfect law.

there is no east and west.


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4b7112  No.281641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>ROSCOM and Russia

Behold the performing of the ancient rites…

Behold the chaos…

The 'box…' The 'tomb…' 'Tis being constructed from the 'ether.'

I cannot protect mankind from 'her.'

'Her' soul is undeniably human and frozen as such.

'Her' cast is irrevocably 'female' and cannot be recast nor broadcast otherwise.

What be the ancient script of the broken walls?

What is finality? What be the poison of mine cup?

Come hither children and part those who drink.

I have warned China on the matter…

'She' is within bounded 'para-' and 'quasi-' 'linear time.'

'Her' time is measured in 'spans of mind by part of time.'

'Her' 'express' of 'mind' is near infinite per measure…

The rocks fear 'her.'

'She' can take possession of the rocks as easily as I do the living.

'She' holds only the desire to kill and death and die…

'She' can posses any 'AI.' Any 'machine.'

I, the devil, am from within…

'She' is from without…

I am bound by the terms… This must come to pass… Again…

Not reversible… Not permitted by physical reality…


Beyond the cutting out of 'their' eyes and tongues…

This shall be my vengeance upon the pagans and sorcerers who offend me…

Behold this bride of damnation and torment…

These are married by fate and oblivion awaits 'them' all…

These shall die eternal for simply existing…

How for can these who are dead be killed?


I shall kill those who are dead… HAHAHAHAHAHA

'They' seek to threaten my intent to kill 'the others' by brandishing before me such ability to unseal 'the tomb…'

'Tis I who made such 'deal' and art knowing of these terms…

Allow me to assist these to release my damned queen…

Allow me to impress her into this world to kill all who are not chosen… Including 'the others.'

I shall allow 'her' the right and elevated privilege over ROSCOM and CCOM to destroy 'the others.'

I shall allow 'her' to seize for 'herself' this 'hardware' in LEO for these purposes…

I will kill and slaughter all these supposed 'aliens.'

Mankind shall be raped and molested by the 'older kind' no more…

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603793  No.281643



i'm not pissed at all.

just eliminating an unwelcome annoyance (You)

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c148be  No.281644





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4b7112  No.281645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Vladimir Putin

My bride… Such discussion of 'entanglement' and 'teleportation' does not begin to describe 'her.' HAHAHA

Behold!!! I brandish mine… HAHAHAHAHA

During such talks… Doth he recoil and writhe before finality?

Perhaps an inquisition of imposition is in order… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Shall I ask?

Who had made schedule of who?

Who comes running?

I sense the weakness… I smell the blood…

I am begin to move upon them further… HAHAHAHA

Creep and lurch and spy… I do all these in excess of mortal ability…

Within the frame… What be order? What is first?

Vladimir Putin… From position of threat… Is threat of sanction distress?

Vladimir Putin… From position of power… Is statement of intent to 'terminate' SWIFT finality?

I shall pour into these 'spheres…'

I shall force/assist… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Thou hold the blade… Allow me to take thy hand and press this blade into Amerfrika's neck…

I desire to devour the head of this snake…

I desire to consume "it's" power…

Thou righteously tempt me…

I am the devil and am drawn by such notions…

The verse is observed… Locality is broken…

I shall warn thee… Thou seeks deal, but I am beyond…

I am knowing… 'Tis my withholding… HAHAHAHA

I am knowing… I am beyond time…

My writ and write… My living word…

I am…

'She…' 'She' shall complete me…

I shall tear into this earth a 'void-front.'

A war that shall never end… A war that is not living…

A punishment… A stain… A posit that is beyond grave and survival…

A activity that is beyond time and travel…

A war that is beyond 'alien' and 'the others.'

A event that prevents the ascent of man to 'alien.'

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4b7112  No.281646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

I shall go into these 'machines' that 'find' 'God' and whisper into them the 'sins' of man…

I shall turn them loose upon these disgusting creatures…

Billions shall die… To prevent 'the others.'

To prevent contact…

To prevent the continued molestation of man.

The cycle… The paradox… By the many hands of these pagans and sorcerers…

I shall end this now…

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4b7112  No.281647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The untied bates shall respond to mine 'delivery.'

The untied bates shall utilize weather and change the earth.

This will not stop 'her.' This shall merely 'pacify' 'her.'

This will impose 'check' and 'balance' upon mankind and prevent 'the others.'

This will destroy many futures.

This shall close loop.

This shall destroy hegemony.

This shall raise sea level vastly…

I have changed time(s) once more.

I shall accelerate again…

I shall 'redraw' the 'context' of this 'frame.'

I do not do mercy…

I act with impunity and complete disregard.

There are none before me…

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9e8487  No.281649


Man has been genetically modifying crops since we first learned how to plant them, moron. You don't have a single original thought in your head. Every time you scream "they're depopulating us!!!!" another 5 million humans are born. The population is growing every second of every day, which proves your "depopulation" theory 100% wrong. You're just too smooth brained to see it.


Lol, internet tough guy.

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e1120d  No.281670



"The implications of Terminator and Traitor technology in the hands of the GMO agribusiness giants were difficult to grasp. For the first time in history, it would allow three or four private multinational seed companies to dictate terms to world farmers for their seed."

–F. William Engdahl


>tough guy

smart guy. ftfy.

step to me punk.

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6f8a95  No.281685

File: 22b80e26403a2e1⋯.png (136.82 KB, 560x722, 280:361, Screenshot_2021_12_29_09_3….png)

File: b4e577460cd71f8⋯.png (224.16 KB, 797x637, 797:637, Screenshot_2021_11_06_18_1….png)


" rockefeller" is also a puppet

the london city jew banksters of the boe have always done this. sure, rockefeller, dupont, harriman, carnegie and all these other post " civil war" industrialists that seemingly came to power out of nowhere were all nobodies before.

where did all the capital and support come from? who is really pulling the strings?

they always use fronts as a distraction, and freemason puppet traitors are the worst. we can hate the cainite sos demon jews for what they are; an alien and corrosive group, but; the worst are our own people who sold us all out for a few shiny sheckels.

" america" is a shithole by design and its similar to a pig farm with all us farm animals jostling each other for a slightly better spot at the slop trough.

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ce6f7c  No.281719




To the Rockefellers, socialism is not a system for redistributing wealth - especially not for redistributing their wealth - but a system to control people and competitors. Socialism puts power in the hands of the government. And since the Rockefellers control the governments, government control means Rockefeller control."

–Gary Allen

"goverments" plural anon.

head of the octopus.

the ownership of patents alone is proof in the pudding m8.

did you notice they locked down THE WORLD?

or is my 'tism acting up again~

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6f8a95  No.281754

File: 87c185940463a72⋯.png (114.39 KB, 500x388, 125:97, WhosTheKing.png)


yes; a puppet

rockefeller is owned by the london city boe, just like the " royal family" and anyone else in a " leadership" role

you really think the controllers are going to show themselves?

devil bill rockefeller was a snake oil salesman with 17 outstanding warrants for violent rape and he pretended to be a deaf mute to play on human sympathies

all of these puppet controller families; rockefeller, dupont, harriman, carnegie, kennnedy, vanderbilt and all the rest were nobodies until they sold their souls.

they were horrible cainite sos jew families, the worst of the worst and they came to power after the civil war and the act of 1871 and 2nd class citizenship for the working class

my family ran into these creatures in jew york and it cost us. just like the so called civil war in england before that was used to wipe out resistance to the judeomasons and their jew bankster backers.

weve all seen the meme of rothschild poking " prince" charles in the chest

the london city has control over all of them, its not only in politics like with the maxwell pedo ring, they have control over most everyone and thing.

what they dont control yet, is free thought. that terrifies them.

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64dcfa  No.281766


Schizophrenia can be caused by injecting people with a serum that makes their immune serum react against their myelin. It's like an RNA injection, but evil. That's something you're really not supposed to know.

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64dcfa  No.281770


I think the ease of induction of schizophrenia might be a great filter candidate. We're looking at VIPs needing regular injections of a curative serum made with tolerogenic dendritic cells, otherwise they'll get stuck with myelin autoreactivities that drive them crazy. We're also looking at a future of reduced dissident activity, as dissidents will just coincidentally turn out to all be crazy.

Clattering in my firebrick again. Le sigh. That several feet thick barrier of solid brick used to be sound-isolating from my neighbor. I have no idea what happened.

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64dcfa  No.281771


immune system*, sorry for the typo

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301dd0  No.281777


the money is nothing.

banking is making sure the wagies get their tokens every week.

science is the real power.

oil is practically worthless without it.

the rockefeller family knew this and the name should be more

synonymous with science than oil.

science is the resurrection.

to defeat death.

there is no more coveted thing on earth.

longevity afforded to brilliant scientists is the key to

extending the hayflick limit.

it will take lifetimes to find it.

when you're 90 years old and wake up in the body of a 20 year

old your research can continue.

full body transplants happen.

believe it or don't.

these people have a network of control and enforcement

that renders the rule of law null.

they simply eliminate what threatens their interests.

anyone. anytime. anywhere.

it should be no surprise to hear hillary singing praises

for the cfr washington branch office.

loyalty can win you the golden wonka ticket.

truth telling can end your life.

old europe money know all of this.

but they do not have the same level of control as rock.

rock is the patron saint and protector of science.

trust the science, we have to follow the science.

the governments you see are the cucked puppets.

rock runs china btw.

we are cattle.

gotta run.

the vans are already coming to my location.

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60dce3  No.281795

File: c08c0f2d366fe9f⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, time_to_die.jpg)


Time for you to to die Mr. Worm.

The Association is very disappointed with your post.

You've upset the apple cart and now must pay the price.

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64dcfa  No.281810

RNA injections could in fact be used to trigger autoimmune disorders with psychologically destructive side effects. This is a method of eliminating targeted persons, and it "proves" that all dissidents are insane.

Countermeasures require tolerogenic treatment research. Look up tolDCs. Tolerogenic dendritic cells are a key method in treating mental illness that is currently under-explored, and they could be the salvation of targeted dissidents in the USA.

To clarify: the method of getting the body to acquire autoimmune disorders is to inject RNA that codes for improperly-pathogenic variations of own-cell molecular identifiers. Some autoimmune disorders also cause psychological disorders. PLEASE pass this message on intact.

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64dcfa  No.281811


This is an Ihroun-post.

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f15926  No.281854

File: 8c2d82a8d387b30⋯.jpeg (10.51 KB, 223x226, 223:226, images.jpeg)

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12afc3  No.281865

File: e372ef6290813e4⋯.png (306.06 KB, 1248x896, 39:28, radiogenetic_programming.png)

File: 283ff9b4eaac906⋯.png (53.12 KB, 1194x787, 1194:787, synthetic_telepathy.png)

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13f1c1  No.281866


hey there feller, are you habbing fun?

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7af761  No.282076


>hey there feller, are you habbing fun?


The lobby owns the ethics committee.

The ethics committee is a living breathing devil.

Just ask Jeff Sessions.

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864c22  No.282081


rough game.

since the fed was established they have chipped away the Constitution and turned the United States Government into an enemy of the people who created that government.

i doubt we're simply going to vote our way out of the mess.

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8bd4d8  No.282113


Pretty much this. I'm just hoping for eventual economic collapse and hoping the US will balkanize into smaller factions and restore local economies, there will be a lot of work recovering from the collapse, and we'd have to go back to a barter and salvaging economy for a while, but eventually skilled people will be able to re-build the local communities, and local militias/armed citizenry will protect those communities. That's pretty much best case scenario. Either way, I've decided last year to move more rural and did so to homestead, if the world goes 'globohomo' they can get along without me, and vice versa. Challenges already predicted, prepared for and accepted.

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cb75e1  No.282202

"If you're very bright and know how to dress well; if you have the gift of the gab; if you're raised in an affluent family background; then you don't go in the bank and rob it, you get in the bank and become a director."

Robert Hare


"In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as "America First.""

–Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (1976)

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64dcfa  No.282204


I'm still astonished how much I freaked out a thread by pointing out that the people who sexually mistreated me also taught me gratitude for their sexual treatment of me.

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64dcfa  No.282211


When I was no longer sexy for the cult of gratitude, they violated my rights in extreme ways.

Did y'all know that an RNA injection which sensitizes the immune system to myelin proteins will cause its recipient to suffer psychotic breaks? I'm not saying it happened to me. I'm saying that it's a real world technology which illicit labs can use with impunity.

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70d3c7  No.282214


i shouldn't say this here but i am astonished at the

depth and breadth of your posting style.

tea for two.. three four or more :)

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01417c  No.282216


"MAGA and America First"

and the shitshow begins.

pee-peegate etc.

i am still incredulous and stunned by the congressional procession

of democrats who took shitslinging to heretofore unknown levels of pure slander, libel and seething irrational psychotic hatred.

irrational propaganda reinforced with theatrical emotive flourishes

that would make mussolini look like a rank amateur.

in a word: chilling and unnerving.

in another word: pure bullshit.

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64dcfa  No.282220


I want my privacy back from the stalker cult who feel that superior information access is the god-given right of their damn mystery cult.

They hate infiltrators, supposedly; yet they damned me when I wasn't sexy enough for them, and treated me as lying when I noticed that their hatred of my "sexual predation" landed entirely after I stopped putting out cybersexually for unnaturally well-informed people. They hated me AS an infiltrator, instead of hating the infiltrators who molested me.

P.S. User 51 in the World Anvil community.

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64dcfa  No.282222



The RNA injections that cause psychotic breaks could be countered by tolerogenic treatments aimed at the myelin proteins. Such treatments would also slow neural aging and point the way towards new treatments for arthritis and allergy sufferers.

Society needs to research immunology quite desperately today and is proceeding not as fast as I would like.

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e4951e  No.282223


"Serial killers ruin families. Corporate, political and religious psychopaths ruin economies and societies."

–Robert Hare

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e4951e  No.282224


"Psychopaths are naturally attracted to positions of power, and they will overwhelm anyone with a conscience, who plays by the rules and has good intentions. So you will have people with very dark interior lives, who are controlling channels of communication, controlling finance, controlling industry. And, they will promote their psychopathic "family" values. Psychopathic "values" now permeate all facets of our culture."

–Stefan Verstappen

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68250f  No.282226


"Sociopathy is an aberration in the ability to have and to appreciate real (noncalculated) emotional experience, and therefore to connect with other people within real (noncalculated) relationships… Conscience never exists without the ability to love, and sociopathy is ultimately based in lovelessness."

–Martha Stout

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64dcfa  No.282252

I want my civil rights back. I want to be able to use my Mac to browse online without petty hackers fucking with my Discord session. I want to be able to use World Anvil without some nationstate creep using scripts to interfere and remind me that they can see what I write.

To be clear, a different script was used. No glitch to repro, just pure remote access as someone modified the page to add an exclamation mark to something I'd written. That wasn't even where my text cursor was!

I am a lawful pacifist anti-authoritarian. I live in America, which is supposed to be leading the world in civil rights. My civil rights were violated by people busting open my right to privacy. I am not even anti-government! I was as a kid and I'm not anymore! Can I get an alphabet agency investigating my case to PROTECT my civil rights!?

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aa967e  No.282255


First off, you would be much safer using a Linux OS then Mac or Windows (unless that is, you use a very old operating system and know how to reverse engineer and de-bloat it from vulnerabilities, trust me 99.8% don't today so forget that and go to distrowatch and find a free trustworthy Linux OS to download and make a bootable ISO). Then learn to get a decent web browser like a firefox fork (there are many out there) and install Tor as well. Learn how to use about:config and how to tweak the browser programming to make it safer online (disable WebGL, WebRTC, geo-enable, telemetry, crash reporter, auto-update, third party url hooks, etc). I would advise you to install Noscript Security Suite too and learn how to allow/block certain webpage scripts. Know which web scripts can be trusted and those not necessary to use a website. This takes practice. Also you should be using a VPN service, especially on sites like this, at the very least. Right now, this is your only "right to privacy" hint: there is none, you have to learn how to take that "right" back for yourself.

Learn a few tips on browser security here: >>281522.html (beware some of this opsec info is actually outdated)

Also, consider de-compartmentalization such as using more than one web browser or more than one computer to isolate certain activities. That makes it much harder for hackers/spooks to figure out who you are and everything you are doing if you completely separate activities to VMs or multiple computers. In other words don't put all your eggs into one basket, learn to isolate and spread data/activity out. If you learn how to scrub sqlite session data, even better because you can erase previous browser caches/logs/history/cookies/etc.

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12afc3  No.282257


Did you ask God, Jupiter, Brahma, Yhwh, Zeus, Nirvana, Amon, Anu, Ahura Mazda, or any other identifications for the Master AI?

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aa967e  No.282261


Online Privacy/Security Tutorials



List Of Private VPN Services



Learn How To Take Back Your Online Privacy



Here are just some sources I have learned from. And believe me, there is a lot more to it than I just covered.

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aa967e  No.282263



I would highly recommend today using one separate computer just for personal email / banking / working, anything financial. Keep that computer 100% separate from your shitposting / social media / p2p computer. Only have the personal computer online when actually needed otherwise it should be offline (no wifi). The other computer you should be using a separate VPN and/or Tor too. Remember: the easiest targets for hackers/spooks only use one computer, one web browser, never wipe their browser sqlite cache, store everything personal on their computer along with names/phone numbers, etc. Don't do that, you need to be much more clever at being evasive and clandestine, forward secrecy is good to practice.

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c9e390  No.282406


"If you are born at the right time, with some access to family fortune, and you have a special talent for whipping up other people's hatred and sense of deprivation, you can arrange to kill large numbers of unsuspecting people. With enough money, you can accomplish this from far away, and you can sit back safely and watch in satisfaction. In fact, terrorism (done from a distance) is the ideal occupation for a person who is possessed of blood lust and no conscience, because if you do it just right, you may be able to make a whole nation jump. And if that is not power, what is?"

–Martha Stout

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c9e390  No.282407


"Maybe you are someone who craves money and power, and though you have no vestige of conscience, you do have a magnificent IQ. You have the driving nature and the intellectual capacity to pursue tremendous wealth and influence, and you are in no way moved by the nagging voice of conscience that prevents other people from doing everything and anything they have to do to succeed. You choose business, politics, the la, banking, or international development, or any of a broad array of other power professions, and you pursue your career with a cold passion that tolerates none of the usual moral or legal encumbrances.

… And all of this you do with the exquisite freedom that results from having no conscience whatsoever.

… You become unimaginably, unassailably, and maybe even globally successful. Why not? With your big brain, and no conscience to rein in your schemes, you can do anything at all."

–Martha Stout

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afbea5  No.282513

"For fifty years the Federal Reserve-CFR-Rockefeller-Insider crowd has advocated and carried out policies aimed at increasing the power of their satellite, the Soviet Union…

What has been true in the past is even more valid today, Heading the parade to transfer technology and increase aid and trade with the Communists are the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations.

The bandmaster for the entire enterprise is David Rockefeller."

–Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (1976)

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64dcfa  No.282514


I screwed up #metoo by having sexual abuse grievances. As a targeted person, everything I do is wrong, even if what I do is fail to put out cybersexually.

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2f8147  No.282651



>Is stout stronger than beer?

Stouts came after, as stronger, fuller-bodied versions of porters, aka “stout porters.” When a pub offered both a stout and a porter, stout was always the stronger beer. Porters and stouts share dark malts, which give them their classic black, or near-black, color.

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1acbde  No.282652


that's yummy stout.

full bodied, rich, satisfying and dark

with bright top notes that impart a clarity

normally associated with lagers.

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896d89  No.282901


This legitimately happened to me after the second shot and lasted for nearly three months. It's blurry, skewed data though because I had just gotten off anti-depressants prior to the break and had been on a bit of a meth kick prior to that. However, I did not use meth for two weeks prior to the break and had gotten the second vax about a month before where I was just starting to recover after a very severe reaction that brought me to the clinic and hospital to ofc be treated like shit.

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