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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 54cabe574171084⋯.png (59.07 KB, 790x714, 395:357, pnd_slogan.png)

035d7d  No.281359

I noticed this a long time ago, even in the POL days where it was worse. And not just the slogans but the PND .gif title images at the top I recall things like a lot like and much worse than this current "My name is Nate Higgers".

This board stands for race realism honesty, not racial prejudice.

What kind of idiot is designing these things?

Obviously this place is allied with the left, considering it's a walking advertisement of confirming every white nationalist negative sterotype.

-It hasn't hit me like this before.–

I might have to quit this board. Maybe make my own. Is it easy to host a board on my own domain? How do I copy the code?

I'll call itSecretAgentWars.com/POL

Basically the only moderating I would do is to delete spam and off topic posts.

What you think?


Code: A2-22A

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ee22d0  No.281361

The board has always been racist. Even if it’s just a meme. Old “radical” poll was probably 1/3 non white posters. Edgy teens think it’s funny. You can try to make your own site but it will take atleast a year for it to be running good. Most alt chans go down when they become successful because it’s a lot of work and the owners almost always sperg out. If you really hate leftist I can give you a way to end their realities uwu. But you have to know how to code.

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777cd0  No.281365

File: a55c38e40f5cdf1⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 600x396, 50:33, lonely_train_pepe.gif)


You can try to make your own site but it will take atleast a year for it to be running good. Most alt chans go down when they become successful because it’s a lot of work and the owners almost always sperg out. If you really hate leftist I can give you a way to end their realities uwu. But you have to know how to code.

I'm average with code stuff. I can follow directions. I can't imagine it being that difficult to just manage a board, after someone shows me how to put it onto my website. Seems like just a bunch of copy/paste. I'd like to try it. Link me to some instructions? I've got a domain hosted by epik, same as hosts here. So that's a start…

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3fb68a  No.281373


I've got some advice for you :

if you weren't so insecure and afraid, you could get a hot girlfriend, and suddenly none of this imageboard loner bullshit would matter anymore

lol @ this being your substitute for real life romance or social interaction

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3fb68a  No.281374

File: 84366b40a0c2459⋯.jpg (203.2 KB, 1177x1080, 1177:1080, PicsArt_12_22_02_09_27.jpg)

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3fb68a  No.281376

File: 3fe86cb96e744e0⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 406x480, 203:240, km_20211226_540p_9260_00.mp4)

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38acf4  No.281387


If you’re looking for a website template I do not have them at hand. But the alt chans were using what “spacechan” used. It was a decent template that had easy to navigate site controls and decent security measures. It took the site owner a whole year of literal 10/10 turbo autism advertising. And he still gave up when people started using it. The main problem is people will start spamming cheese pizza. And there isn’t much you can do about it but take it down right away. When I was asking if you coded I was just curious as to if you would like to remake the coal fax.

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b0bb72  No.281388


Not purple, and I don't think he stands a chance, for all the reasons you mentioned, and more, but I can code, enjoy fuckin with leftists, and I'll bite..

What's a coal fax?

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035d7d  No.281393

File: 4e65d07701da870⋯.png (905.63 KB, 750x746, 375:373, natsoc_tough_SS_they_ve_ta….png)


>The main problem is people will start spamming cheese pizza. And there isn’t much you can do about it but take it down right away.

good point. you'd have to have a 24/7 moderator.

I guess then it would have to be an all text message board. I'm fine with that. It'd probably easier to find a board template code then, right?

It might be better this way, I won't have to look at the neptune spammer photoshopping purple gay porn images anymore. Seeing that trash all the time can not be good for your mental health.

Can anybody hook me up with some instructions for how to put an all text message board on SecretAgentWars.com ?

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39438c  No.281404


You know the Car Fax with the Car Fox? Coal Fax is similar but for women. It was a website that listed coal burners and their cucks. It had about 100 entries until it was taken down. It was covered by some local Austrian news site. The owner sperged and took the site down after. He claimed it was all a prank but personally I think he pussied out. Now what I am about to talk about is the website I want to create in Minecraft lol. So in Minecraft I breached the equivalent of pornhub and have the performers meta data essentially. So if you understand what this means you can see where I am going with this. We can publish their information and destroy their lives. I assume half will off them selves, and hopefully so. All meta data is public information so it’s fully legal. The problem is I have to manually extract the information. Someone needs to create a program that farms the data while catorgizing it. And ideally uses the meta data to link all their social media and personal information automatically. I assume this would be hard to code. As my bank didn’t even have programs half this complex for looking at my info when I went to my bank for help. I’ve found many people high up in my searches. All appear to be leftist garbage as far as I’m concerned. Also world wide, including China and Russia. But I can’t read their meta data so I do not believe it matters much. But yes can you do all of this? Or no where to look to do this? Otherwise I’m going to use a secure connection to find someone to do it. Remember. This is all about my Minecraft server. And nothing I say should be taken seriously. And even if it was, not like I will be rewarded for it. So I’d rather watch them burn. I can give you an example of what will happen if you want though?

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39438c  No.281405


No one will go to text only. Maybe make images all have to be reviewed before their posted? Plus you get to keep all the cp without anyone knowing. ;)

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777cd0  No.281406


>No one will go to text only.

I'm actually fine with having a small thing. I don't need to be the next 8pol. As of now my website isn't very interative. Can you help me set up a text only message board, by chance you seem to have the tech savvy…

>Maybe make images all have to be reviewed before their posted?

maybe. honestly I'd rather just have text for now, and maybe move up to that later, so it's the least moderation work as possible

>Plus you get to keep all the cp without anyone knowing. ;)

andddd all the more reason to have a text only message board. probably feds would post CP just to measure the length of time I look at each image before deleting it in order to categorize my personality even further… NO THANKS.

So how bout helping me set up that text only message board eh? I think it could take off, and be an intellectual gold mine; even if it remains small.

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39438c  No.281408


Bro image boards are already dead essentially. Without images it will be like 2 users. Text only boards were never popular ever. You will be lucky to get 20 active users with there being images. If you want something custom to your liking. Hire Russian Programmers. Seem relatively honest and will probably work for pennies on the dollar. The old Chan I admined was hosted by a Russian. I think he charged around 100 a month for his services. Nah man. Feds are dumb. No way they have that tech to watch you even if they cared. My friend was half ass combatant in MI and was probably dictating U.S. foreign policy with his assements. Not because he was special. But because everyone else was retarded. The U.S. probably doesn’t have more than 1k skilled glowniggers combined. Think of it like this. My friend had vacation but they wouldn’t pay him out. But he said if he took his vacation people would die as a result. I said fuck it let em. I never asked but I assume they died. There is no all seeing eye. If there was they would know I’m telling the truth about stuff and would be shitting breaks. But they can’t, so they ain’t. I’m tech savvy but not in the conventional sense. I suppose I could be of assistance but the last time I admined I was undermined and shitposted by the nigger Jew owner. So I gave up.

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57510a  No.281445


>register a domain

>find a hosting company

>find an open source image board


>find someone help you with some addons that allow you to do what you want

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d10561  No.281454



This is the proper answer, of course.

But >>281359 did also mention that he'd like a board here, which is entirely feasible too; more so than he might think.

Perusing the list at https://8kun.top/claim.html may give some ideas. Even >>>/pnd/ is 'available'. It often is. Just write an email and make your case to 8kun administration. >>>/pen/ is available too, but I doubt Jim will give it to you, but I don't know what his relationship is with the board owner of >>>/pnd/ . Maybe >>>/thedonald/ would be more your style. It could piss Johnny off! Or take >>>/nep/ . That might work for both of you.

Anyway, enjoy the last of 2021!

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3c1905  No.281455


The BO here vanishes for months at a time. Some of us have sent emails to Jim, etc, but never get an answer. This whole site is basically a rudderless ship and only a few of the boards have an active BO.

Board creation is also disabled.

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ba6b1f  No.281457

File: 40fbd01c812fb4f⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Purple_Gets_Serious.mp4)


This seems probable.

If Purple wasn't so insufferable I'd give him my board. Lord knows I offered it to Killcen a few times! But Nah…

Instead I'll be nice and drop some idea-giving links in here…

Purple is probably too young to remember Webrings…



But he may get some ideas at some of these links…



Anyway, Webrings are still around.

And new ideas are popping out all the time. You could pay some OXEN to the ONS and own the purple.loki address, for example, on Lokinet. Or run a public room on a VPS. Matrix is available too, but is getting a lot like 4chan. Yeah, Purple would fit in far better on Matrix. He could fire up a Synapse Server using FreedomBox easy as pie. Go check it out over on Element or something! Marshmallow Sally is over there. He goes by Moarfaeces or something similar on there. Matrix is turning into a shithole. Purple would love it. Johnny too. Of course, Johnny is an actual racist, like Sally. They hate the human race. Purple is just an "Ethnicist". He's into defining ethnic hierarchy, preferably rigidly codified and enforced.

Here's some less light reading…



Get you some ideas!

People do, however, mostly suck nowadays. including me.

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