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File: ddfa9f19b87cbc6⋯.jpg (587.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HRR_2021_12_10_Situation_U….jpg)

1f9f27  No.280572 [Last 50 Posts]

CRIMINALS Will Rule During The CHAOS Of Societal Collapse, Psychological SHOCK Coming To The Oblivious Masses

Most people live in the artificial construct of a “polite” society. They follow the rules, obey authority and call 911 when they have a problem that needs to be solved by men with guns. They delegate their personal safety and security to the government, then pretend that most people in society are “good” people because their true animalistic nature has been held back by the men and women in blue.

The rest of us — people who have seen the dark side of human behavior — know that society is perpetually on the verge of total collapse into anarchy and lawlessness… and that such a plunge would unleash the darkest parts of the reptilian psyche in those who are cornered into desperation and fear.

Cops already know this. The LA Police Protective League, the union representing LA cops, has issued an urgent warning, saying, “Don’t come to LA. We can’t protect you!”

As I explain in today’s Situation Update podcast (below), if you ever have the opportunity to do a ride along with local cops as they respond to calls, take that opportunity. What you will witness will forever alter your worldview, and it will turn you into an instant prepper.

One group in society is fully prepared for chaos, because they LIVE in it every day.

There’s one group that’s ready for social collapse and chaos: the criminals.

The more violent the criminals, the more they’re already familiar with living with violence. This means they don’t hesitate to harm or kill others to get what they want.

They care nothing for laws or rules. They aren’t interested in being polite. They are experts in survival, and if they’ve spent a few years in federal prison, they’re even more prepared for living under chaos, violence and mayhem.

When the collapse accelerates, what’s actually going to end up killing nice people isn’t the violence per se, but the lack of mental readiness for violence. Because they aren’t mentally prepared for the violence that will be unleashed as the financial system suffers disruptions and the supply chain further deteriorates, they have no real capacity for self-defense or preparedness.

Those who lived their entire lives depending on others to protect them will be easy pickings for the aggressive, violent, hardened criminals who will very quickly take over and rule entire cities.

Los Angeles will be run entirely by violent gangs. Police won’t even pretend to assert force. A similar situation will rapidly unfold in Chicago (some would argue it’s already there), Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, New York City and even cities in red states such as Houston and Miami.

There are really only two ways to survive this scenario, and it’s coming soon:

1) Don’t be there. Get out of the cities while you can.

2) Become extremely proficient in firearms operations for self-defense. You will need Kyle Rittenhouse-level skills to have any chance at all.


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79b47f  No.280579


you're a paranoid schizophrenic

who thinks your psychosis can magically "become contagious"….

IT CAN'T….. you're all alone on this one !!

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79b47f  No.280580


LOLit sucks to be YOU, huh?

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79b47f  No.280581

thank "god" we don't have to wake up every day and be YOU

that must be horrible

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79b47f  No.280582

thank "god" we don't have to wake up every day and be YOU

that must be horrible !!!

I can't even imagine what it must be like to be RULED BY A PARANOID PSYCHOSIS

what a "hellish" existence

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1f9f27  No.280583

Hey Johnny, I thought you may want to know everyone has left /pnd/ and we are all posting here: 16chan

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79b47f  No.280584

this is NOT the behavior of a happy man

you claim your ALCOHOL ADDICTION "cures" your paranoid schizophrenia…..BULLSHIT!!

you're simply AN ADDICT, making ADDICT EXCUSES, just like a heroin junkie claims the heroin "kills his pain"


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1f9f27  No.280585


It doesn't feel all that bad, it's very normal for me to brew some coffee and start focusing on the next wave of threats actually.

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79b47f  No.280586



You're 73 years old, and you've been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia since you were 17



I don't care where they went

As long as they don't come back

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79b47f  No.280587

normal people DON'T Wake up and begin focusing on imaginary WAVES OF THREATS

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1f9f27  No.280588


I actually enjoy thinking about the End Times and how to better prepare for what is to come. I like giving you people tips too, from my own experience. SHTF can be just as exciting as it is scary, you just have to get past the initial fear of it, accept it as reality, and take it head on.

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79b47f  No.280589

AGAIN : this is not the behavior of a happy man

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79b47f  No.280590


Normal psychologically stable humans don't behave this way

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79b47f  No.280591


"I actually ENJOY my paranoid psychosis"

yeah….. we know

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79b47f  No.280592


today, I woke up and ENJOYED BEING ALIVE

I enjoyed getting ready to paint a portrait for my client who gave me a $2,400 down payment the other day

I enjoyed kissing Wendy and giving her coffee

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79b47f  No.280593

(the portrait is not of a human)

I'm painting an antibellum mansion he purchased

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077e6d  No.280594

(the portrait is not of a human)

I'm painting an antibellum mansion he purchased


awesome !!! I Single-Handedly destroyed /pnd/


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077e6d  No.280595





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077e6d  No.280596

now, I will destroy yet another board

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077e6d  No.280597

isn't it peculiar ?………



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077e6d  No.280598







you know how to contact me

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077e6d  No.280599


the guest known as "Killcen" is NOT one of the Neo Nazi targets.

"Killcen" is the 'apocalyptic anarchist anti government domestic terrorist' with booby traps and weapons that we discussed in 2019

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077e6d  No.280600


again, as we discussed: the guest known as "Killcen" is armed, and suffers from a profound paranoid schizophrenia

approach with caution.

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077e6d  No.280601

OKAY…. it looks like my work here is complete

back to newsplus

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077e6d  No.280602


if only you knew what's coming

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077e6d  No.280604

it's coming to a head, though….

you'll see firsthand

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ccf429  No.280605


Wrong. I am a doomsday prepper, I do not wish to harm anyone. Only if absolutely necessary, for self defense of me, my family and property.

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077e6d  No.280606


>>280605 is the guest known as "Killcen"

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077e6d  No.280607

armed, claims to have built "booby traps", uncontrolled alcoholic, paranoid schizophrenic

he's a classic "17"

Approach with caution

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077e6d  No.280608

my conclusion:

after analysis, I've determined that "Killcen" suffers from Diffuse Lewy Body Dementia

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ccf429  No.280610

Someone on 16chan:

"I pity the ones that stick to 8kun the most, it's pretty awful."


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ccf429  No.280611


Even more funny:

"you have a farm of thousands of dumb schizophrenic boomers who are all still clucking away at clouds"

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ccf429  No.280612

I really enjoy seeing people speak about 8kun, oh my is it hilarious!!!!!!!!!!

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884eeb  No.280613


nobody gives a fuck what she says or thinks

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ccf429  No.280614


>Diffuse Lewy Body Dementia

WTF? Am I becoming Biden or something?

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ccf429  No.280615


No, seriously, that absolutely think we are totally ridiculous and pathetic! It is hilarious looking at the comments!

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884eeb  No.280616


lol @ YOU being one of the losers who goes there


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884eeb  No.280617


no…. Biden doesn't have Diffuse Lewy Body Dementia

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ccf429  No.280618


Seriously, does everyone think we are schizos? That seems to be the consensus for 8kun, full of frantic manic schizos.

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884eeb  No.280619


I couldn't care less what comments I could find on a BARNEY THE DINOSAUR FORUM

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884eeb  No.280620


HINT : absutely NOBODY ends up self-contained in imageboards unless they have some form of mental illness

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884eeb  No.280621



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884eeb  No.280622


lol @ caring what they think

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884eeb  No.280623

one thing they've never seen :


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884eeb  No.280624

one thing they've never accomplished :


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884eeb  No.280625

two things they'll never achieve :


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884eeb  No.280626

these are not just generalized stereotypes


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884eeb  No.280627

they are NOT MEN

they will NEVER BE MEN

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884eeb  No.280628


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884eeb  No.280629

they areALLpart of "the generation of sexual and social failure"


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884eeb  No.280630

that's why "WE" are called

'schizo boomers"





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884eeb  No.280631


(for example: jews)

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884eeb  No.280632


(for example: jews)


they overcame insurmountable adversity

and came out on top

THESE IMAGEBOARD VIDEOGAME ANIME SISSIES (like SALLY) can't even look a woman in the eyes

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884eeb  No.280633

That's why they're always



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884eeb  No.280634

because they CANNOT


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884eeb  No.280635


no accomplishment

no friends

no girlfriends

no experience

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884eeb  No.280636

all they've got is THEIR COMPUTER

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884eeb  No.280637

and an instinctual desire to PRETEND

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884eeb  No.280638


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884eeb  No.280639


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884eeb  No.280640


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884eeb  No.280641

their generation is THE END OF HETEROSEXUALITY

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884eeb  No.280642

Their testosterone levels are UNDETECTABLE

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884eeb  No.280643

but they've got a COMPUTER


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884eeb  No.280644

File: 48d11f712da927c⋯.png (386.65 KB, 990x584, 495:292, PicsArt_12_17_10_04_28.png)


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884eeb  No.280645


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e097f0  No.280749


Cute girl. Can I get her number? I'd like to fuck her in the ass.

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fd4f47  No.280772


Why is /pnd/ so fucking despicable? This place seems to be crawling with low life commie scumbags from some demonic worship refuge hidden under a NYC bridge.

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cd8efa  No.280831

File: f0ed4cdbcd4dff8⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 550x413, 550:413, rockefeller_01.jpg)

" criminals" have been in charge for a long time. all of us work for them.

anyone using " federal reserve notes" and paying irs ( extortion) " taxes" are their slaves.

this was the real reason for the " american" " civil war": 14th admendment " voluntary" servitude and 2nd class " citizenship" for working class. the Republic died in 1871. the jews/judeomasons got tired stirring us bs every 20 years when the boe charter ran out in " america" and we destroyed the barbary coast ( jew/muslim operated) slave trade. like Luther the Reformer said; " theres never been a more vengeful "people" than the jews" and they went into full cainite demon mode when we messed with their sheckels

look at the 50 years leading up to the " civil war" and whats a " fillibustering expedition"? thats where my family pissed the jew york bankers off.

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4f02cd  No.280838

As a friendly reminder, if you ever witness the internet and-or power grid go down for more than an hour it's time to get ready for war and bunker down. You'll have 8 hours before public panic and the grocery stores get mobbed. Don't obey any FEMA alerts over the radio telling you to go to their "facilities" they'll be death camps for you goyim! Get what you need and have some basic essentials stocked up to survive.

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cd8efa  No.280849

File: ca570e6b28f4645⋯.png (563.75 KB, 625x679, 625:679, Screenshot_2021_10_18_09_4….png)


you make a great point, anon

never trust the central govt.

they purged my family in two " civil wars" ( english and american) and its very telling if Christ is a " jew on a stick" why are jews so offended by him?

one of many things that just dont make sense in reality

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4f02cd  No.280869


I hate to say this but with the endless barrage of attacks we are under and facing, defection and maybe even civil war is the inevitable result. That means an economic collapse too, with Russia and China taking full advantage of becoming the new super powers at this point.

I don't know our future but it doesn't look good, time to bail this sinking ship.

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4f02cd  No.280870


By "bail" I don't mean flee, btw. I just mean to hunker down, get your all preps ready and be ready to use them if need be.

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e2d428  No.298400

anti-slide bumparoo

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9a51b4  No.299539

actual news bump.

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3b9212  No.300551

anti-slide munparoo

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c021ac  No.310667

anti-slide warfare mitigation __*#(osjosjisjiusisuhsiuh)ppososo

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4ce8d4  No.311031

anti-slide warfare mitigation RE536W%

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3ce810  No.311131

File: 7269d6f461ae84b⋯.webm (2.74 MB, 853x480, 853:480, evil.webm)



they already do

they call themselves government

every human gets the slavery he deserves

it is our fault for allowing sociopaths to enslave us

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e15f3f  No.319151


It's not usually the sociopaths doing the enslaving.

It's the psychopathic parasites.

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cbea4a  No.319162


Criminals are ruling now.

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8e5e0a  No.319221

>criminals will rule

oh my sweet summer child

they already do

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8d1319  No.320977



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48ff4f  No.321003


Researchers have discovered a previously undetectable quantum excitation known as the axial Higgs mode, magnetic relative of the mass-defining #HiggsBoson particle: https://qscience.org/evasive-quantum-phenomenon-makes-debut-in-routine-tabletop-experiment/





#AFOSRBoldResearch #AFOSR70 #ArtofScience


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278a06  No.322078

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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62e873  No.322781

I could really go for a Philly Cheesesteak right now.

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058787  No.323347


me and you both anon

100% Scripted

Who is on/off team is impossible to tell

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ee55e1  No.323740


Not zero delta Q drops. Fake

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427f4d  No.323982


to understand the mind of your enemy

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97b977  No.323998


>Ever watch wrestling?

never. Maybe (you) watched a bit too much?

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23f72d  No.324746


>What does R Kelly know about Haiti?

ssame theing thisese people know….


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78974d  No.324830


Gonna need a rich fag on this op

qanon.com for sale $266,000


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6a9198  No.324860


Looks like a great place to drop a line or seed ;)

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74f503  No.325006


>Jesuit spirituality is inherently theatrical

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4ee7ed  No.325113


The plan was wide left

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9e2fdd  No.325218


infinity quints chek'ed

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34a038  No.325274

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9d353c  No.325524

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d293e8  No.325634

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ba6a87  No.325676

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James Brown Bros unite!

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aeb21e  No.325746



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90a785  No.326006


>Brace for the night lads, Antifa Super Soldiers will surely be unleashed.

You mean UKIE AZOV Battalion NAZI's?

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85ac63  No.326386


Sharing/sleuthing/digging was great; leaving comments about doing so on her IG was just plain stupid

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a57898  No.328465

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1b2ce6  No.328468


don't let Fauci near those dogs

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ba000d  No.328641

>Israel said on Monday it has canceled a plan to deport African migrants to Africa and reached an agreement with the U.N. refugee agency to send more than 16,000 to Western countries instead.

>The fate of some 37,000 Africans in Israel has posed a moral dilemma for a state founded as a haven for Jews from persecution and a national home. The right-wing government is under pressure from its nationalist voter base to expel the migrants, while others are calling for them to be taken in.


All zionists will be deported or hanged for treason (legally off course), one way or the other.

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ecde46  No.328722


north korea just wants tehy mcdonalds franchise

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3b5ec3  No.328836



I love the GlowBots!

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3d486f  No.328881

Schoolboy, 14, who 'used a fake ID' to get into a nightclub in Manchester's gay village, is arrested on suspicion of rape after a woman is attacked in the toilets

A 14-year-old boy allegedly used fake ID to sneak into a nightclub in Manchester

He was arrested after a woman claimed she raped in the men's toilets of the club

The woman's friends told police he offered to sell them drugs at around 4.15am

Licencing committee heard a bouncer ignored two people being inside a cubicle


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3977cb  No.329374

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ed79d2  No.329529


>I want to see proof of that; sounds like absolute nonsense, perjury][I want to see proof of that;

>sounds like absolute nonsense, perjury

What sounds nonsensical or like perjury?

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441cc2  No.329756


yea whatever you need to tell yourself dude.

Keep trying to make friends with satan and his nigger army.

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58d996  No.329774


1st pot of the day in 3,2…


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2dc50e  No.329928


If you question the 81 million votes - then you are a domestic jan6 insurrectionist and terrorist

becus joser ses so

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a5de67  No.330072


got it

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9622b3  No.330549


So this is a public admission that you are infact a Gay man? - hey you do you I suppourt that.

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5cb6b5  No.332357


Trump need to fit the phrase 'salt rotation' into the rally tonight.

Otherwise your new posts are both counterfeit and homosexual.

That is all.

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83b3ea  No.332821

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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c89ee2  No.333188

Glenn Greenwald


JOURNALISTS, all day yesterday: Trump assaulted his Secret Service agents and grabbed the wheel of the presidential limo!!! Headline news. Smoking gun!!!!

SECRET SERVICE AGENTS: That never happened.

JOURNALISTS: That was never an important part of the testimony.

8:31 AM · Jun 29, 2022·Twitter Web App


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cd5f47  No.333250


Well I will say this it's the same ID as 2020. But it might be good for Q to give us something verifiable

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32b417  No.333257





Now wouldn't that be nice…

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cf46a5  No.333284

Morality is the precious ore that is being mined in our society at the moment. There is no rarer or more VALUABLE gem in human society at the moment than morality.

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c4c445  No.333415


Are you a biologist?

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db67f0  No.333555


>That would be much fun. How do we arrange that?

everyone is OSS, anon

wheres stelter

let me at 'em


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f60373  No.333710

When it habbens, Anon won't be out n about while armed. Anon will be watching his threshold, and the fatal funnel that follows.

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cc50e9  No.333788


I said multiple times, no way nearly 5k Q posts ends with a Twisted Sister song. Didn't know it would be 2 years, but hey, I stuck to my guns.

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f46fcb  No.333968

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777392  No.334463


in your mom's mouth

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f37626  No.334857


You participate Here by posting in Red approx.

87% of the time..Yelling, Caps lock-screaming your woes here..This is an observation. Usually when a thing compulsively bellows with no end it is trapped or dying. I suggest since God runs the show that You PRAY. Just a suggestion.. or by all means LARP away it is your right.

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dcefe6  No.334982

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5698d7  No.335123


>they can't sacrifice the unborn anymore.


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4892ca  No.335575


Smears aren't smears if they are factually true. That's just calling someone out for the things they've done.

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3992b3  No.335670



Feed us


Feed us

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5a2bae  No.336102


Well said.

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21ed1d  No.336350


TYB! Love Tuesday Morning Melania Editions.

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d726ed  No.336632


Just an Attack of Dumbass on my part

Had the Q post in the notepad but didn't add it to the new dough

I fixed it at:


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e854c6  No.336710


I don't think you know what hazing is.

Sounds like your are talking about some yuppie team building experiences.

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8a7244  No.336711


grandpa hasn't gotten off the tractor…………just yet……..but grammy has gotten his attention at supper lately ; most people still not paying attention to this stuff ; most people do not have cable ; most people are not on social media…and i reckon most people still do not vote………….yet……….

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9129b7  No.337318


The checkmark saved anon a little time, not sure if it'll work for everyone, but it's just a tip.

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5e56d4  No.337442


The Tor ID pops as 000000

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d2baa4  No.337486


$4/carton here in Iowa. Chicken is up almost 20% in the last few weeks. Beef is nearly unaffordable from the grocery chains.

But if you venture into Amish/Mennonite country, all is available cheaper at the smoke houses, meat lockers and poultry farms. Many will sell you live chickens and as many eggs as you want to buy. If you live in a coastal city, get out now while you can and still have the strength. Remember what Sam Kinison said, move to where the food is.

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33d78f  No.337989

Q………..If I;ll leave you'll cry, so come. let's have a chat.

This morans in here, deserve some answers.

B/C they love you.

So come answer to some things……

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c7c844  No.338136


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4df911  No.338917


You're Fired

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66f0d6  No.339041


Let's roll!

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b65063  No.339681



missed dhat


you so funny

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031d3d  No.339865

Pop quiz hotshits.

>What’s 30x’s larger than Fort Fucking Knox?

>Why would the explicitly Constitutional entity, USPS, patent blockchain tech?

>What do you think happens when Legislative delegation is deemed unconstitutional tomorrow?

We’re crashing the petro-dollar, with no survivors.


Trump's second term is even more entertaining than his first.


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520217  No.339890



Fraud vitiates everything!

Your ID has Zero to do with anything!

It’s the trip code that matters

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e443ae  No.339962


Right. Take domestic abuse. Usually, the cops are called and only seperate the couple for a few monutes while asking the victim if they want to press charges (knowing full well that most of them won't). Then they allow them the perp to get back to the victim. In many cases, they get a bonus collar and a murder charge to spread the wealth around.

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b15727  No.340090


Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein


Und das heißt


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c80764  No.340672


Has Biden cornered any of them and jammed his fingers in any of their vaginas like he did to his staffer, Tara Reade, back when he was a US Senator? Or does he only do that to White girls.


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5a828e  No.340692


>[They] are attacking the food supply at all points. [They] want you to starve. [They] want mass rioting and civil war.

They will succeed.


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6804b7  No.340799


Maggie Nixon?


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fdb4b2  No.341251



Q team is shitting all over



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86ef6f  No.341336

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69e231  No.341416


>As always we pray for the victims and their families for this senseless attack on children during a time of celebration.



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75cdc5  No.341486


lol well to be fair that was me begging for a zero delta for days on end like a nutcase, then i went back to the drops and realized this >>280643


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4be140  No.341637


My Perfect Elder Brother.


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751d24  No.342198




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9ef31d  No.342426

Ukraine Biolabs Reports pdf format


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ba9b24  No.342598


You really hate that guy huh?


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493474  No.342612


pics unrelated or whatever because of course i effed up.


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c99dc2  No.342645


just how far you gonna stretch that?


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59ee19  No.343138



the author leaves this part of the "code" out

for the purpose of conveying, or in a manner reasonably calculated to convey, a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or by any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.


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69e231  No.343475


I hope the depopulation theory via vax isn’t true. A mass die off would be a nightmare


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0b0a71  No.344172


Full House


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abf623  No.344559


>it needs droned


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495a89  No.344756


Is that a parable? I don't understand.


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e21220  No.344974


that was a captivating read and certainly passed the smell test

anon recommends.


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e6744c  No.345007


Other Vatican News and Digs























Books that expose the evil within the Vatican - hint: It's always been there…..






Meme/Graphix archive that explains "The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican" - members are called "Guardians" and the Pope is [their] Spiritual Leader - see Q drop #1413 - Guardian_P


Masons, Illuminati and the Jesuit connection explored



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8e58d4  No.345046



All those birds up last night.

Now this news, which includes:

On Monday evening, he said, White Hats mobilized “a lot of” active-duty soldiers, primarily from the Special Operations community. Although he would not quantify how many troops were involved in the operation, he said “plenty of experienced volunteers” were eager to uphold the U.S. Constitution and repel an armed invasion against U.S. sovereignty.

Yeah, it's RRN; chew the meat and spit out the bones. It aligns with what we're seeing – which doesn't mean either of them isn't false, in some fashion. Discern…



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385f4e  No.345239

The Pelosis like drunk drivin



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a60853  No.345343


What if it's more than watching a movie?

What if it's a simulation and we are in the movie


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c99dc2  No.345680


What then does 218 refer to?


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1c046d  No.345800

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b5f80e  No.351567


> CRIMINALS Will Rule During The CHAOS Of Societal Collapse, Psychological SHOCK Coming To The Oblivious Masses

As it ever was.

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3b8eae  No.352741

File: 51a9e4210268e80⋯.mp4 (795.75 KB, 336x480, 7:10, What_Could_Go_Wrong_She_Pl….mp4)


And they'reSTOOPID AS FUCKToo!

> 'Vid Related is why Leftards like Johnny aren't allowed near firearms. This is about the sum total of their experience with projectile weapons. No wonder they are scared of guns! They should'' be!

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957e85  No.352744



People this stupid make a strong argument for euthanasia.

With a kid in the room?

That kid will learn the stupid and the cycle repeats.

People this stupid make a strong argument for genocide.

I hope DPRK nukes LA and gets the ww3 ball rolling.

I hope it wipes 4/5ths of this human garbage off the face of the Earth.

Some people here have advocated for the complete elimination of the human race.

I'll settle for 4/5ths and call it a win.

God muthafucking damn! This shit is fubar stupid.

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e18f2d  No.352756


Lets call her Mary.

She is a queen.

She is entrusted with raising the next generation.

You will now understand why the nuclear family and spontaneous procreation is slated for complete abolition.

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000000  No.353136

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f20b0c  No.353175


Maternal instinct. It is a gift from God and God gives this gift to all women. Because God is not an astronaut, Ezekiel is not a schizophrenic and nature is perfect in all of nature's ways. God is pretty cool that way.

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de416b  No.353389

bumping real news

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791c0a  No.353406



>be me

>responsible man new father

>get home after sweating my balls for 12 hours to pay bills

>hole in ceiling

>upstairs neighbor is pissed and spray painted our front door

>baby's mamma hands me piece of paper

>lease terminated

>we have 72 hrs to vacate the premises

>find this video OTI

>head spinning

>wtf? accident? WTF STUPID!

>grab all my guns and ammo

>grab my kid

>spend night in motel

>friend tells me she's fucking sancho daily on the DL

>adam's rib "God don't make mistakes"

>fuck adam fuck God

>drain bank account cancel credit cards

>call work request 72 hours emergency leave

>no can do

>get fired

>move out of state overnight stay with parents

>find new job

>sancho gets new full time cum dumpster

>hire attorney

>granted full custody immediately

>no visitation for baby's mamma

>kid wants momma

>momma is gone kiddo

>kid cries

>"God permits suffering"

>fuck God

>hire psychotherapist for kid

>psychotherapist calls me a fiddler

>court returns custody to baby's mamma

>no visitation for me

>move out of state

>find new job

>dead hooker in my trunk

>getting fragrant


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40823b  No.353862


Nice. I was wondering if I was the only one who had those as my first thoughts.

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e0b894  No.357459


>Get out of the cities while you can.


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9c13bf  No.357846

Criminals are ruling right now, dipshit.

And they are responsible, directly and indirectly, for virtually all crime.

Read "The most dangerous superstition" by Larken Rose or listen to the audiobook on youtube.


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236329  No.357853


Some people actually believe in so called "governments". Its hilarious. It's almost as funny as the toiletpaper known as money. The jewish money printer is a great IQ test for a nation.

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7be6d2  No.360413


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