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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e9f548b56f2b06f⋯.jpg (71.24 KB, 650x428, 325:214, e9f548b56f2b06.jpg)

File: c3d71ccd7eaad7c⋯.jpg (86.42 KB, 1108x896, 277:224, Vaxxicana.jpg)

File: cfcd1abe3ed3b28⋯.png (120.6 KB, 747x542, 747:542, vaccine_FRAUD.png)

File: d19b4c6b0a898eb⋯.png (167.76 KB, 500x522, 250:261, corrupt_billionaires_corru….png)

a643d6  No.279187[Last 50 Posts]

All the glow niggers who claimed there would be no endless "booster" clot shots were LYING when they claimed there would be no 4th vaccine, I told everyone there would be months ago and wait for it! HA, CNBC is shilling a FOURTH clot shot!

Take a look at THIS comment from 08/16/21: >>257027 // archived here: https://archive.md/0G1Xd#selection-1597.0-1597.6

>Think about this very rationally. It's only been ONE YEAR so far since the vaccine roll out (Operation Warp Speed). So far, in ONE YEAR, there is now a THIRD vaccine being pushed! Not one, not two…. THREE different vaccines for covid-19… If you go along with the first, and then the second, what's to stop a third time? Fourth vaccine? Fifth vaccine? Numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 in the next two to three years down the road? It's really a very logical conclusion. If you put up with a mandate, they're going to endlessly mandate more and more of their 'vaccines' to keep making profits from the government all at taxpayers expense! They're not even testing this crap either! God only knows what the hell this crap will do to you many years later.

As I stated before…. $$$ENDLESS VACCINES$$$ (which NONE are intended to work for the next wave of covid $$$!

$$$ Pfizer CEO says FOURTH Covid vaccine doses may be needed sooner than expected due to omicron $$$

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Wednesday that people might need a fourth Covid-19 shot sooner than expected after preliminary research shows the new omicron variant can undermine protective antibodies generated by the vaccine the company developed with BioNTech.



Hint: I'm not taking ANY of those clot shots.

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0aa00d  No.279198


>Pfizer is the only vaccine

Look, man, if you were dumb enough to choose the Walmart brand, that's on you. None of the other available vaccines are talking about this shit, only Pfizer.

You chose the cheap one, now you pay the consequences.

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84ef71  No.279425


I have chosen none, I still go out shopping and living my life the same as ever and I am just fine.

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0aa00d  No.279446


>I am just fine

Most of us were taught by the time we were 10 years old that it isn't all about us. Nobody gives a shit if you're fine. Seriously. Nobody. Not one single human being alive on this planet right now thinks about you at all.

It's not about you.

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84ef71  No.279455


I don't really care what others think either, I'm just saying they can fuck off with all their clot shot propaganda.

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7c3d8b  No.279480

File: 164e93b3c30c9c4⋯.jpeg (135.88 KB, 740x556, 185:139, Your_Access_To_This_Site_….jpeg)

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fd3452  No.279501


I was just thinking about you just now sweetums uwu

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54e99a  No.279569


I doubt anyone on this board were taught anything of value, just indoctrinated by the failed corrupted American public school system.

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7c3d8b  No.279621


Now that was funny!

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e705c5  No.279623


How come vaccines used to work for decades? Now they don't even work for a few months?

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2fb64d  No.279690


Racketeering $$$ Corruption $$$

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2fb64d  No.279809

anti-slide bump

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2db9f7  No.279908


$$$ Israel Says Covid Booster Shots Will Now Be ENDLESS $$$

The Israeli Health Ministry (IHM) has issued a warning that Israelis need to get prepared now for an endless lineup of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” and associated “booster” shots.

The country is already on the verge of approving its fourth mandatory injection, a booster, but IHM vaccination advisory committee member and deputy chief of Israel’s largest hospital Prof. Arnon Afek is saying that a fifth, sixth, and seventh shot – followed by an endless amount after that – are next on the agenda.

“Those who think we won’t need to take more boosters are wrong,” Afek declared. “We will need to take the 4th shot, the 5th shot, the 6th shot, the 7th shot.”

“As long as the pandemic continues in places like Africa, where only few are vaccinated, new variants of COVID-19 will develop and the need to protect against them with vaccines, will continue,” Afek added.

Now that the “Omicron” (Moronic) variant has arrived, Israel is ratcheting up the tyranny in a panic trying to get ahead of the simple cold virus, which only affects the fully vaccinated.

Excited about the announcement is Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who appears to be colluding with the Israeli government to force his company’s injections on Israelis.

Bourla has made billions from the racket so far and wants to make billions more. Thus, he has declared that anyone opposing the plan is a “criminal” who needs to be locked up and punished.

According to Bourla, there is a “need” for people to get “annual revaccinations,” the unstated reason being that he needs to keep his artificially inflated stock profits flowing into his bank accounts.

Even though Pfizer’s injections are causing people to become ill by spreading Moronic and the other variants, Bourla and his Israeli government co-conspirators are demanding that the population take as many shots as commanded.

BioNTech is also rolling out a three-dose “booster” shot series specifically for Moronic that will be available in the coming months.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is fully on board with the program, having stated in a recent interview that “there’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program.”

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2db9f7  No.279929

Everyone enjoying the real news? Very good very good.

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50d9f5  No.279966


The cost for an opinion on big media is about $500k.

Rumor is that twitter has "opinion slots" that they sell to investors.

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2a0b4f  No.279986


Why risk wasting money in a rigged market when you could start prepping for inevitable hyperinflation and global economic collapse?

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2a0b4f  No.280105

Enjoy the shit show, after all, it's what you wanted. :)

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2a0b4f  No.280174

bumping true news

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285a6f  No.280417

File: 3198c40699407c6⋯.png (521.02 KB, 1044x1051, 1044:1051, 1639599563065.png)

File: 09f7bb9692b371f⋯.png (129.37 KB, 517x552, 517:552, 54754624.png)



All intentional.


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124f06  No.281145


so how dangerous are phizoterrorists new injections? Is it true that they are made with aborted childrens blood?

What is it with jews and taking other peoples blood?

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1df6ad  No.281196


Considering there happens to be massive cover-ups we likely won't ever know how many died from covid itself or the covid vaccines, or maybe both. All we have to go on is the death statistics and compare those to the vaccinated stats in certain areas. You think corrupt actors will let us know the truth? Think again.

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dbb74b  No.281212


Why are people supposed to submit obediently to death by becoming antivaxxers?

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f35f0b  No.282012


i bet more troops were killed by the clotshot than in iraq wars

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a84839  No.282137


It's not a real vaccine if you need it over and over and over again to work. It would be akin to relying on a drug, or (so-called) 'medicine' (and by far 'medicine' is mostly unnecessary crap to patch very preventable problems, like diabetes for example).

Eat healthy certified non-gmo organic vegetables with fresh garlic and ginger. Fresh meats (no nitrites or nitrates or hormones: avoid mass processed crap). Boost your immune system by exercising, getting fresh air and sunshine and taking vitamins. Avoid unhealthy activities (drinking, smoking, drugs, video game or TV addiction), and you have nothing to worry about. 99.99% of the viruses in nature can be easily defeated if you have healthy habits and eat properly! And it does not hurt to detox or fast either, try it sometime.

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a84839  No.282138


We won't ever know because the government and medical system is so corrupted today they'll label vaccine deaths as "covid-related" deaths. They have literally legalized fraud in every sense. People wonder why I don't trust the fuckers? Really?

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a84839  No.282139

Citizens in Brazil beat the shit out of the Mayor of Toritama who mandated vaccine passports.


MY COMMENT: Unfortunately the only way to deal with despotic assholes when they show up around you, other than throwing their asses out of office.

100's of Athletes Collapsing and Dying Worldwide from Heart Failure Caused by Toxic Vaccines


MY COMMENT: This is just what you get for trusting and participating in corrupted institutions and a third world society. Get used to it, goyim, your new norm.

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a84839  No.282140


One more health tip I forgot to add, and it's important (very related to diabetes, which is both preventable and curable without modern 'medicine'): simply stay away from candy and soda pop and too many sweets. Don't consume tons of sugar, only consume as little as possible. Stay away from cake, anything with high fructose syrup and aspartame too. All very toxic, number one cause from cavities to cancer: SUGAR. If you have a drinking problem, and get onset diabetes, then slow down and limit the drinking and avoid consuming any sugary foods completely. Get more exercise and cut down eating for a while. I've done this many times and it cured my diabetes, I take no 'medicine' for it. None. It is 100% curable and preventable, healthy habits and healthy diets, remember it.

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d8192e  No.282146


ask colin powell. oops he died after vax with pre-existing.

because we're being lied to and mRNA is getting a bad rap because of it.

people can't give informed consent if they're not informed.

two part vax??? whaaaaa?


covid is a smokescreen.

a manufactured crisis to cover up another crisis.

healthcare delivery sector has been a bad boy.

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d8192e  No.282148

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0aa00d  No.282159


Polio is a 4 part vax and you took it without complaint.

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a643d6  No.282161


Bullshit. I've only had one polio vaccine when I was young. If you are old enough to recall there were one vaccine for each type of disease they intended to prevent, at least traditionally that was the case. And some of the vaccines were not shots either, some of them were in the form of a patch they'd stick to your arm and remove. I'm sure they changed protocol though, it's more lucrative to doll out dozens of vaccines and routine 'boosters'. I haven't taken one vaccine since I was a teenager, and that was many decades ago.

It's your right if you want to take any vaccines you desire, but no one has the right to force it on other people. If the vaccines really work, you have nothing to be afraid of. Pandemic or no pandemic.

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0a6ae4  No.282169

File: b339033f17a7105⋯.png (756.06 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2022_01_03_Joe_Rogan_Inter….png)

I'll Just Leave This Here…

Joe Rogan Interview with Dr. Robert Malone — BANNED by Big Tech | 2022-01-03


This is an excellent interview, and one of the most informative you are likely to run across regarding the Sars CoV-2 virus.

That is probably why EewwwToob has banned it, and Twatter will continue to hemorrhage users over more censorship like this.

Big Tech is REALLY Afraid of the TRUTH!

Dr. Robert Malone is the Inventor of the mRNA Vaccine. He Is DEFINITELY Worth Listening To.

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0aa00d  No.282177


>Bullshit. I've only had one polio vaccine when I was young.

Only if you were young for a very brief window in the 50s, when the polio vaccine was administered in liquid form on a sugar cube. It was very ineffective. Since the late 60s/early 70s, the polio vaccine has been administered in 4 doses at ages 2 months, 4 months, 12 months, and 4 years. That is how we wiped out polio.


>believing anything that media hack says

When he got Covid, he slurped down every chemical known to mankind - from horse paste to weird vitamins to experimental therapy - in order to combat it instead of doing what he tells YOU to do, which is "man up and fight it with natural immunity". Never listen to anyone who doesn't practice what they preach.

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0aa00d  No.282178


>Dr. Robert Malone is the Inventor of the mRNA Vaccine.

No, he isn't. He wrote a paper on how RNA could be delivered into cells using lipids. That's it. That paper lead to further research by hundreds of scientists, which eventually led to the development of the mRNA vaccination method.

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91c77c  No.282181


The interview is very informative and interesting.



You have no idea how much we appreciate your input, Pfizer.

We will be sure to only open our minds to learning from approved sources from now on.

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91c77c  No.282186


The opinions of anyone using the term "horse paste" in reference to Ivermectin may be safely discarded.

If (You) can find someone more knowledgeable on the subject, or more coherent, with less conflicts of interest, please be my guest.

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72135b  No.282188


PROTIP: Ivermectin was developed and is sold by the 3rd largest pharmaceutical company in the world. If you tout the virtue of ivermectin, you are a shill for Big Pharma.

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fd3452  No.282193


Damn straight. I make my own shit in the lab in my shed.

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91c77c  No.282201


Big Pharma is actually who has been actively fighting the use of HIGHLY EFFECTIVE THERAPEUTICS for COVID since the beginning. This is nothing new for them. They always poo poo tried and true remedies that have already gone generic, and there's no money to be made off of, in favor of the newest most expensive untried shit that they can make loads of money off of. THERE IS NO MONEY IN HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE OR IVERMECTIN, BOTH OF WHICH HAVE BEEN PROVEN HIGHLY EFFECTIVE AGAINST COVID, IF DELIVERED EARLY, IN HUNDREDS OF STUDIES, AND BOTH OF WHICH ARE SAFE AS FUCK, BUT BIG PHARMA IS BURYING EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS, AND FORCING YOU TO BURY YOUR RELATIVES, WHILE THEY PROFIT OFF UNSAFE AND INNEFFECTIVE 'VACCINES' THEY FORCE ON EVERYONE THROUGH TOTALITARIAN MEASURES.

So, it is(You)who is acting like a "Big Pharma Shill" ITT!

(You) should probably educate yourself more before spouting out such strong opinions. (You) did not watch or listen to the interview, and most everything you think you know about Dr. Robert Malone was fed to (You) by ACTUAL Shills. And (((They))) got (((You))) to do more shilling for ((( Them)))! And furthermore, (((You)))'re proud of it!

(((You)))r Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

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a643d6  No.282234


Good job, keep up the good work. I see the pharma shills are fuming.

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d8d886  No.282288

File: 8305b57693ba998⋯.png (496.52 KB, 507x616, 507:616, baby_mask.png)

File: 1a3a32fa064e9a4⋯.jpg (94.16 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, which_one_do_they_want_to_….jpg)

File: bd54f4e117ff70b⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 800x756, 200:189, connect_the_dots.jpg)

File: 71f8862c3b0d3d8⋯.jpeg (65.13 KB, 1026x738, 57:41, admit_it_already.jpeg)

File: d937bd069cf9f6b⋯.jpeg (44.27 KB, 960x896, 15:14, you_an_adult_now.jpeg)

I'll just leave these links here…

We want to be…free.

Free to work.

Free to travel.

Free to learn.

Free to question.

Free to speak.

Free to pray.

Free to say no.

Defeat the Mandate DC:



Global COVID Summit:


Thousands of Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus on Vaccinating Children and Natural Immunity.


Doctor's & Scientist's DECLARATION:


Physicians Declaration II – Updated

Global Covid Summit

International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists


October 29, 2021


Children's Health Defense:


Children's Health Defense® is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again.


The Unity Project:


Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12

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a643d6  No.282332


Thanks for the links and memes. I do hope that I'll never be forced to place America on the official "The Fallen Nations under medical tyranny" list, but that will be up to the Supreme Court's decision on mandatory vaccines for employees.

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6fdfe1  No.282393

File: c09cf5dc3d66968⋯.jpg (52.93 KB, 640x550, 64:55, Malone_Broke_Google_Algori….jpg)

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6fdfe1  No.282394

File: 5b61d7fb1673f54⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 561x569, 561:569, u_been_conned.jpg)

File: 79a7a20cc0f03e8⋯.png (356.31 KB, 640x373, 640:373, Jeff_Bezos_New_Normal.png)

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269e8a  No.282620



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67e9bc  No.282637


Completely missing the point, as usual.

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b4e616  No.282654


Don't violate the narrative. I will report your to Vaush Koshinski if you do.

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c149c4  No.282670

File: 668f3409104beb1⋯.png (872.92 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2021_05_21_Watch_Bill_Gate….png)

An Occasional REMINDER…

Watch Bill Gates Admit to Human Depopulation Program [10:30]


> "In his own words and through the years Bill Gates has admitted his goal is to reduce population growth by focusing on vaccines, abortion and control of health care."

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dbb74b  No.282673



Depopulation is the path of compassion. People raised well and peacefully typically have loves other than reproduction, and rate highly that society should be sustainable, and so in achieving depopulation it is of the utmost importance that people should be taughf to rear their children well and peacefully.

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7e79e9  No.282686


Thanks for mirroring TRUTH. Nothing more the real kikes hate than that lol.

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7e79e9  No.282687


You know Ihroun, I'd say those that want to depopulate the world should be the first to set the example, and kill themselves. If you hate the human race so much, then why not set a good example for everyone else and kill yourself?

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cdb7c4  No.282698

File: b4e4de4cfe84148⋯.mp4 (14.59 MB, 720x480, 3:2, 2021_05_27_REMINDER_from_T….mp4)


You're Welcome.

Here is another REMINDER…

> MP4 related…


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cdb7c4  No.282705

File: 8fc84a3dec58cfb⋯.jpg (24.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kill_Bill.jpg)




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014135  No.282739


based accelerator. If you can't stop something, you can speed it up.

Daily reminder that vaccines don't exist. Jews don't exist.

PS: I'm a movie making director that was just paid by jews to make a docu on nazi alt-media. I'm actually monetizing the chaos I myself have been sowing. TOP KEK.

High Quality Deep Larp Grand Master.

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014135  No.282740


"I will cure HIV even If I have to infect the entire world in the process. We will never lose another fellow brother like Jobs to this virus again!"

- Gill Bates

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cdb7c4  No.282742


(You) are actually a LARPing nigger.


Imagine being so mentally ill that you would try to get mentally ill people on a website where only mentally ill people hang out to think that you were in some way important, (other than being a good example of mental illness!)

t. one of the mentally ill who's not too mentally ill to actually know the TRUTH.

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014135  No.282744


Imagine telling people what to imagine like a kikemutt lmao

Based fellow Giga LARPer.

PS: (I made several millis on my previous anti white docu)

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dc2b18  No.283353


It ain't about you either, faggot.

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f541c8  No.283372

File: 704ce438f652e6c⋯.pdf (654.91 KB, 2022_01_13_ENDLESS_CLOT_SH….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Will Now Bless

This Thread.


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ac559a  No.283655

File: 2413fa773d87390⋯.jpg (214.11 KB, 1401x1096, 1401:1096, free_ipad.jpg)

How do I get a free tv? Can I use this vaccine nonsense to get a free tv?

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98b969  No.283673

thank god i didn't take the clotshot

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90b918  No.283758

File: 07083333d5c3515⋯.png (189.67 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 6617754.png)


Neither did I.

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aae3ee  No.283855

File: 615a555ab0ec0e4⋯.jpg (40.52 KB, 600x579, 200:193, dont_care.jpg)


I regret not buying shizer stocks in time though.

Might have made a few bones on the scam.

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04c01c  No.283864

File: a3a23ab02550dde⋯.jpg (174.24 KB, 1080x988, 270:247, Kim_Jong_Inslee.jpg)


My gf works within the medical establishment in Washinton State.

Governor Inslee has gone full Totalitarian even more than before. I'll drop some links in for reference…

The tl:dr is that he Proclaimed a state of Emergency in early 2020, and he's just adding more Totalitarian measures on by the bucketful, with little to no pushback. Not even sure everyone knows whassup. I've seen nothing on this, but my gf got an email about it…

Medical Personnel Can FORCIBLY, AGAINST a Patient's Will, Deliver COVID Shite, or ANY Emergency Use Authorization Drug, With ZERO Liability.

Yes, you heard that right. There's more. (Including ending non-essential procedures for awhile.)The Proclamation Has Been Made.

Read it for yourself.All About That PREP Act.

We're in for a bumpy ride out here…



Here is where he begs even retired people and folks who've lost their license to practice in any field minutely related to the health care industry to begin forcibly jabbing people at random with zero liability, forever, permanently; just like his forever emergency:



Here is where he gave himself God-like powers:



And here are his idiotic plans for our State in 2022:


> Less Cops, Less Enforcement

> Criminalizing Lying. (Seriously. Read it and Weep. Gross Misdemeanor.)

> Focus on Race & Green New Deal

And much much more. We are all going to hell in a handbasket if we do not stand up against Tyranny.

If you think it isn't coming to where you are, yeah, I used to think that too…

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04c01c  No.283865

File: b829b39c9347366⋯.pdf (264.49 KB, PrepActAuthorizationRetire….pdf)

File: 2c8d35de88d1590⋯.pdf (191.87 KB, PREPActAuthorizationHospit….pdf)

File: c1ad9770371ce04⋯.pdf (212.94 KB, 20_28_COVID_19_Open_Govt_L….pdf)


The PDFs…

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93f112  No.283867


Thanks for the warnings and heads up. Keep warning others you know and care about over there too!

I've said this before and I'll say it again, keep out of those death trap hospitals! The system is far beyond just corrupted, it's downright compromised by pure evil. Take care of yourself and stay away from institutions like the plague (because they are A Plague Of Tyranny!)

You're girlfriend might want to consider another profession if she can manage, hate to say that.

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93f112  No.283870


I have checked, Washington State has already been included on the "States and/or Cities [USSA proper] under medical tyranny" no-go list.

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] under medical tyranny (as of 12/21/2021)

Las Angeles: https://archive.md/dtm2V

San Francisco: https://archive.md/a0ppP

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

Honolulu: https://archive.md/GLPnH

> Washington: https://archive.vn/TQVHm

New Orleans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_vaccine_passports

Chicago: https://archive.md/j3Hiq

Boston: https://archive.md/oellc

Sorry Jerry, looks like you live in a no-go zone. Hopefully you live rural and don't rely on medical care, as long as you keep away and arm yourself and wait this out you should be OK. If things get worse you'll have two choices: flee, or fight to the death.

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04c01c  No.283894

File: f1cc7789c19518c⋯.mp4 (9.08 MB, 640x320, 2:1, The_Vaccine_KILLS.MP4)


Nah. I have one more surgery soon. I'll need it done before the times to come.

I already talked to my doctor and let him know that, even if the State does not hold him legally liable, if I get jabbed while I'm in there,I WILL DEFINITELY HOLD HIM PERSONALLY LIABLE.

Medical practitioners who do the unwanted jabs may soon be finding themselves injected with lead if this nonsense does not soon end. It is time for those in the health care industry to stand up for what is right, and remember their oaths.

BTW, my gf can't really work in the industry anymore, and probably will not be able to go back without getting jabbed herself; and she is flying pissed that I shared about her email on this fucking goddessforsaken hellhole. She thinks the powers-that-be will find out and put even more restrictions on her license than they already have. She actually thinks Karens will call the Strike Force on us in the store if we don't wear masks (and I won't allow that maskholish stupidity in my presence, so there's that!) It's getting bad. They've got the old people terrified as shit of the COVID, thinking they're gonna die; and most of them have already had it and never even noticed. They've got everybody filled with distrust and fear of the "Other".All is going according to Plan.We're all at each others' throats, sowing more division and hate, controlled through fear and conformity enforcement on steroids.


> "Resistance Is Futile."

> "We Are the Borg."

At least that is the message.


My other message is that I'm probably full of shit and you should have read the material yourself before jumping to the conclusions I'm dancing all over.

People need to learn they cannot believe everything they read on the internet.



Who Controls That Which You Perceive With Your Perceptual Tools?

Who Controls the Sense-Making Apparatus That You Use to Make Sense of the Data Provided to You by Your Perceptual Tools?

Who Decides What to DO With This Information & Analysis?

Why Is It NOT You?

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93f112  No.283899


Get it done soon if it's absolutely necessary then, otherwise you are putting yourself in grave danger. If you ever desire to move to a better State, there is always Tennessee or Missouri (both States are really pro-freedom pro-individualism and pro-2nd!)

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04c01c  No.283900

File: 5da4b71d4fcfcfe⋯.mp4 (7.79 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2022_01_16_REMINDER_from_2….mp4)


And the other thing I wanted to say was:


Europeans can tell you that.

Australians can tell you that.

You don't want to learn that lesson the hard way.

Even if you have to kill or die…


It was never about hunting.

It was about protecting our families from all enemies; both foreign and domestic.

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04c01c  No.283902

File: 22500fcf3405a55⋯.jpeg (151.07 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, REPOST.jpeg)


That video was from 5 years ago, btw.

Notice how Varney does not want Fabio getting worked up or going off script; and notice how Commiefornia was already turning into a shithole from letting criminals run free, and has been for much longer than that.

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04c01c  No.283906

File: 38b8071f4edd385⋯.webm (1.83 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Crabby_Fractal.webm)

Crabby Fractal Bump

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ac78c0  No.283909


>take the vaccine or I'll kill you

Would anyone have the balls to wear this text on a tshirt IRL?

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1f0167  No.283937

so what are some good words to call them by?





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796da8  No.284091


but isn't it good if we D&C the pharma companies?

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796da8  No.284093

File: 0a7d8d7c282bd0b⋯.jpg (560.03 KB, 1735x1439, 1735:1439, goodjob.jpg)

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8fbc41  No.284101

File: f321440dedfd8fe⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20220117_202406935_HDR.jpg)

If an animal doesent understand it's taking part in insanity does one rehabilitate the willfully insane or put them down free from their projected irony in relation to my obvious truth.

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bc1402  No.284108


>Would anyone have the balls to wear this text on a tshirt IRL?

I doubt it.

Just listen to Fauci and do whatever he says.

Maybe things will get better after the mid term elections.

But I doubt that too.

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ac78c0  No.284313


>Maybe things will get better

I wonder how many genocided people in history have thought like that before they got eradicated..

Blind hope is truly the greatest and most intoxicating delusion of all.

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dce8a6  No.284323


"The soul of wit may become the very body of untruth. However elegant and memorable, brevity can never, in the nature of things, do justice to all the facts of a complex situation. On such a theme one can be brief only by omission and simplification. Omission and simplification help us to understand - but help us, in many cases, to understand the wrong thing; for our comprehension may be only of the abbreviator's neatly formulated notions, not of the vast, ramifying reality from which these notions have been so arbitrarily abstracted.

–Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

>Blind hope is truly the greatest and most intoxicating delusion of all.

I was beign sarcastic anon.

I was trying to being "witty".

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e60eee  No.284324

File: bc3a4af7d449f7c⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 212x300, 53:75, s_l300.jpg)


>kim jong inslee.jpg

dis is bad.

vury vury bad.

we're gonna need a bigger boat.

tyranny never sleeps.

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