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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 89d421e5d3cfd2f⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 400x377, 400:377, newstrain.jpg)

File: 541d4bf58185a78⋯.png (21.47 KB, 807x506, 807:506, barrettrash.png)

2027e2  No.256142

Why are we seeing stuff like this now when we never used to?

She's got bells palsey and is still pushing the shot. And the news announcer brushed it off as "shaking with emotion".

This world is as fake as they can make it. There she is, in THAT condition, working for the dark side even after the dark side destroyed her. This is absolutely freakish, and a sure sign we are near the end of all this, they'll have to accelerate it with force. Obviously this woman said "I can't do this" because she knows the con after being destroyed by the con and look where the scum eating news anchor took it.

Obviously you DO NOT go to college now.

On top of the brain wipe, you'll be forced to get your body wiped out. Jab now mandatory.

College is now, in addition to wasted time, money, and effort, a great way to be twitching with Bell's Palsey for time immortal (or at least "until death do you part".) COLLEGE IS FOR IDIOTS NOW, do something else.

If you cannot cope with NOT going to college because it fulfills some insecurity you have, AT LEAST WAIT A YEAR.


MY COMMENT: 100% agree! Go get a trade job with decent pay instead and put some of that income into prepping for SHTF! That's really all the youth can do to survive what is coming, which will be hyperinflation and collapse of the US Dollar!

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7abf40  No.256177

File: 93b7cb469e967d0⋯.jpg (230.7 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, goooood_gooooooooooooooooo….jpg)


>don't get educated, goy

>don't listen to experts, goy

>don't vote, goy

>don't participate, goy

>gooood goy

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a9ab5a  No.256194


I am prepping for what Jim Stone wrote there.

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a9ab5a  No.256196


"education" today means learning 53 genders, hating America and paying $100,000 in student loans for your worthless cause. But if you want to piss your life down the drain go for it!!

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3f4c17  No.256199


Fuck around and find out.

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3f4c17  No.256207


Did what? Prepping for SHTF? If anyone wants to kill me, they'll have their chance to do so when this system all collapses, but I will defend myself to the very end.

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7abf40  No.256277


Believing this proves (((they))) got to you. Unless you literally and personally choose to sign up for an elective "gender studies" class, nobody is teaching you that shit. Maybe if you went to college, you'd know the difference between "elective" and "core".

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a69853  No.256279

File: c5881ce5a4d5142⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1468x2744, 367:686, CuomoTheHomoLaTeesh.png)

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a69853  No.256282

File: 5dbda2260428517⋯.png (14.04 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4160c9c0182fe⋯.png (30.83 KB, 300x284, 75:71, ClipboardImage.png)


It don't mattered.

The AI is taking over soon.

We lost. (((THEY))) lost.

But the funny thing is that (((THEY))) wanted to lose.

AI wins everything and we all become part of the global techno-feudal state with every aspect of life on the planet being monitored by an all-prevalent artificially intelligent techno-god.

Welcome to Day Zero!

You will be rewarded with hexagonal plots of antigravity cells.

One is allotted to each human adult life and you will be rewarded accordingly depending on how you caretake your hexagonal antigravity cell.

You may acquire moar cells depending on how much you are able to benefit the planet by your caretaking efforts.

Your sperm and egg production will be shutdown by nano structures that have been introduced through massive vaccinations during the 2020's.

COVID wasn't enugg to get everyone to take the jab, so the final assault on the human livestock was to create and release a NEW NANO STRUCTRED VARIANT that mimicked a virus, but was in all actuality an AI conduit to link up the entire human race to the TECHNO-FEUDAL-HEXAGONAL-ANTIGRAVITY-CELL-OCRACY.

It will decide when and where the human livestock need moar children to introduce to the herd and what would be most beneficial to each geographical area on the planet.

The transition is only going to suck for the older generations of people that are use to living in a corrupt world that is full of war, sickness, hunger, over population, plastics, poverty, crime….but for those children born into the system, they will never know these things. The AI will manage and monitor everything and decide the size of the human population dependent on geographical and environmental needs.

The culling never is really noticed, because it is all done through the sexual reproduction system of the human animal's reproductive system. The AI can turn it on and off like a light switch. A person can still enjoy having sex, but the AI decides whether or not a person can actually have any children.

Adoption will be heavily encouraged and will be the quickest way to be "rewarded" through the HEXAGONAL ANTIGRAVITY CELL system put into place.

Enjoy your NWO, Human Cattle!

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8a18c4  No.257014





Notice the deadly SILENCE from those neo-nazi types (especially on image boards) who claim to support the white nations of Europe? Where do they stand when their white ancestor nations are protesting against all of this commie bullshit today?

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3f4c17  No.257015


I haven't and still will never take the vaccine. Currently I'm homesteading and prepping to become completely independent and live the future off-grid (if need be). For that I invested in solar panels for the homestead and have a 15kw central propane generator (with a 500 lb tank out back). Wood burning stove for the winter. Raising chickens right now, next year meat rabbits too. Expanding out the garden next year (it's currently around ~400 sq ft this year). Luckily I have some contacts from the local farmers market out here where I buy beef wholesale, so I have around half a cow worth of beef still (should last another year with family & 'get togethers'). I've been a prepper for a long time but in 2020 I decided to move more rural and homestead (glad I did, never regretted it).

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2027e2  No.257016


Maybe, but it's just what I've heard from others and witnessed in life. A lot of younger folks that get out of college are no smarter today than the average high schooler. Perhaps you are correct, perhaps there are decent studies and professions. If you decide it being worth the risk of this AI mRNA altering vaccine nano-bot toxin then go for it. If I were younger today I'd likely join the trade instead.

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f84f54  No.257027


Think about this very rationally. It's only been ONE YEAR so far since the vaccine roll out (Operation Warp Speed). So far, in ONE YEAR, there is now a THIRD vaccine being pushed! Not one, not two…. THREE different vaccines for covid-19…..

If you go along with the first, and then the second, what's to stop a third time? Fourth vaccine? Fifth vaccine? Numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 in the next two to three years down the road?

It's really a very logical conclusion. If you put up with a mandate, they're going to endlessly mandate more and more of their 'vaccines' to keep making profits from the government all at taxpayers expense! They're not even testing this crap either! God only knows what the hell this crap will do to you many years later.



What experts are there to listen to that the media presents these days? They're all propagandists. Education? A lot of it is completely subverted and corrupted today, you have to be cautious who even to trust in the educational system these days. Voting? Go ahead, but they screw us over almost all the time [Dems & the cowardly RINOs (with very rare exceptions)]. Participate? Participate in what? Corruption? Obedience? Serfdom? How about I tend to my own affairs like people used to do ever so freely? This is no longer 60s Americana, this system is 10,000 times more corrupted and subverted today. Trust just gets you burned today.

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1cdbd9  No.257556

Take your THIRD 'booster' vaccine goyim, the other two don't seem to work!

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123901  No.257598

File: d82443958766cbf⋯.png (38.65 KB, 1437x441, 479:147, ClipboardImage.png)


The AI TechnoFeudal Antigravity Hexagonal Cells applaud you!

Keep up the good work!

You will be dearly rewarded, hexagonal by hexagonal by hexagonal by hexagonal!

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123901  No.257600

File: 44d7599b6f93b17⋯.png (432.88 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a8229e533b08ad⋯.png (338.88 KB, 744x612, 62:51, ObamaOrderQqx66_Olaquindox….png)

File: e0cf60e625ef13c⋯.png (90.38 KB, 1558x622, 779:311, ClipboardImage.png)


What's to stop your computer from updating? Nothing. Hackers continually change code for computer viruses, so software must be continually updated to protect from malware. COVID is just the latest version (if not the very first) of a computer virus that has been developed to target the human system. COVID will never stop changing, so the VAX must be UPDATED just like your computer must UPDATE to keep running prime.

Enjoy your future in the Technofeudal Hexagonal Antigravity Cell-ocracy!

Waaaaaaait for it!……….


They are going to make it MADATORY for the FOOD INDUSTRY to put an oral equivalent of THE VAX into our FOOD SUPPLY! YES! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!






The "order" has been given.

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e2407f  No.257602


I guess we better start growing our own food and buying from trusted sources or this is the end of human civilization.

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123901  No.258559

File: 211385d4837b0eb⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1492x1348, 373:337, KristiNoem_Terminator.png)


We are witnessing the evolution of a true Cybernetic Society.

The Virus was developed FOR the Vaccine.

The Virus infects, the Vaccine inoculates…the Virus mutates, the Vaccine is updated, ad infinitum until the twain are symbiotic throughout the human host.

Cyborgs…we're on it!

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1cdbd9  No.258950

File: 6f42fcbdb068cc4⋯.jpg (332.86 KB, 626x1242, 313:621, palsy_vaxxed.jpg)

HA. HA. Serves him right! Bad karma.

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7abf40  No.271517

File: 05ff8593d37e197⋯.jpg (711.02 KB, 1000x1170, 100:117, 77.jpg)

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7cd3b6  No.279185


>If you put up with a mandate, they're going to endlessly mandate more and more of their 'vaccines' to keep making profits from the government all at taxpayers expense!

As I stated before…. $$$ ENDLESS VACCINES $$$ (which NONE are intended to work for the next wave of covid $$$!

$$$ Pfizer CEO says FOURTH Covid vaccine doses may be needed sooner than expected due to omicron $$$

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Wednesday that people might need a fourth Covid-19 shot sooner than expected after preliminary research shows the new omicron variant can undermine protective antibodies generated by the vaccine the company developed with BioNTech.



Hint: I'm not taking ANY of those clot shots.

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25ae41  No.297176

File: 2d474711b512b5c⋯.jpg (101.24 KB, 640x960, 2:3, PicsArt_05_28_09_27_18.jpg)


> The Stuff /pnd/ Freaks Out About…. POSTED WITHOUT MERCY

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8a1280  No.297223

File: 093bf7b0830acec⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 300x250, 6:5, They_re_SWEET.jpg)


Nobody freaks out about ShadowSaging, but it's REAL.

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