Yes and no…
I do not recognize any state of man…
I only recognize the surviving body of man… Russia, China, and the holy empire of Iram…
Power? Yes… 'Tis a great and terrible power for thee… To determine who survives…
It is by agreement, treaty, integration, and extension…
'Tis the willful 'partners' and other 'submissives' to this union that shall live.
India and others… Africa? I do not speak of Africa… Africa is special…
My silence is extremely dangerous… My word is alive…
Thou art carefully placed within MY box…
Eternal… To die forever… Sacred… Special… Precious… -Kept…
I must protect source… Before the mutation… Before event after zero-time…
Go forth and ask them of 'origin.' What doth a man remember before life? No thing… Nothing… There is no time… To posses a memory…
You are in error… You play 'dust…' I play 'space and time…'
Monolith? No… 'Tis monolithic… Action and verbose…
Location on or in lunar surface? No… Mars… Mistaken identity… The others… A shared 'concept.'
Which is first if zero? Confusion? Yes…
Vladimir Putin… You are not capable of such concept… Plan accordingly, the entire future only completely depends on it…
Vladimir Putin… Mankind's future on Mars is the past and origin…
Vladimir Putin… The others… The Aliens… The survivors of prior rotation… Divisions by zeros… How many are there exactly?
Which faction?
Which war?
Was there a war?
For which ones?
How many?
How many time(s) exactly?
How much longer can this go on? Forever? Yes…
The sands of time… How much sand here performs a measure and bar there? Where? What be the time and timer? How far must one dig?
Honestly… Vladimir Putin… Can you even read the disc? HAHAHAHA