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File: e57d42d8a5b8684⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 322x540, 161:270, kabbalah_kundalini.jpg)

f45ee9  No.278714

Why doesn't the Kundalini Serpent improve the individual? Does this explain why kikes can't progress? Let me ask you something else:

Imagine a finger is tracing up your back, from the bottom of your spine and all the way to the top of your head. But the finger and person to whom the finger belongs is invisible. Do you perceive a finger or do you interpret the physical sensation as a serpent slithering up your back and to the crown?

>Kundalini yoga guru who was accused of running a 'cult within a cult' and defending controversial founder amid sexual assault accusations is the focus of new docuseries following her death


>The founder of Kundalini Yoga in the West is implicated in dozens of sexual assault and harassment claims


>Our community is in crisis over acknowledging sexual abuse by Yogi Bhajan


>Jury orders Kabbalah Centre and former director to pay $177,500 in sexual assault lawsuit


To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. – Titus 1:15

But some of them said, “By Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he is driving out demons.”……….Jesus responded, "I drive out demons by the finger of God"

– Luke 11:15-20

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491c91  No.278716


Jesus drove demons away on a planetary scale by sacrificing his life to expose those who wanted to corrupt the DNA assigned and associated with God Himself.

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f45ee9  No.278717


Not untrue.

>Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up.

John 3:14

>Behold, I am making all things new.

Revelation 21:5

DNA will become irrelevant in the end, though.

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97932e  No.278737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



MY command is for all states of Europe that are not Russia, China, and Iran to die.

I shall now answer thy call and prayers for military force.

Ye shall group before me males between the ages of 18 and 36 totaling no less than slightly more than half thy population.

They shall be given to me as blood in these fields during the utility of variable-yield nuclear weapons.

If thy demand is to satisfy me to completion in advance of schedule, I shall gladly answer.

These have and are in a constant state of error on the matter.

Thou art exist as exist is…

There can only be death for you…

I shall destroy Germany and Turkey to absolute completion… Germany and Turkey as 'name' shall be as the 29,000 and exist no more…

Death beyond death… A past held imaginary in the mind of the future.

A distant dream… A nightmare beyond tongues.

Shall the caveman not be compelled to write?

Shall the terror of a distant dream not be familiar to family?

Origin. Time. Loop. Box.

Allow me to kill thee once more. Thou hath called me… I am come…

All these in an eternal box. By my many hands, 'they' shall die forever…

'Tis The untied bates that shall wear black with red armbands.


Be not afraid of the 7th minute of the 7th hour during that 7th day.

7minutes to forever…

11 to eternity…

I shall hurt 'them' and kill 'them' beyond death.


'Tis not peace and war that is blurred…

'Tis win and loss… Life and death… Real and unreal…


I grow tired of allowance…

I shall not continue the survival of Europe for much longer.

It is nearly time for Germany and Turkey to suffer eternal death.

Once the sickness shall take and take "it's" pass.

Once the cure is delivered by infection…

I shall accelerate for the last time(s).


>>The untied bates

I shall now introduce extreme complication to thy house and Europe.

A decision must be made.

Die or die.

Kill or be killed.

Black or black.

Gun or gun.

I shall confound the money further… I shall turn loose to kill thy citizens in far greater numbers directly if necessary (again).


My silence is deafening.

My silence is dangerous.

Seven minutes from where?

Where exactly?

Which one?


Who controls this supposed power?


Which one?

Take the hammer my child… Beat them all to death.


Perhaps I shall enlighten thy pagan priests and practitioners of politic and tongues. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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87233b  No.279435

Kundalini did not improve me, it merely reminded me of what I can grasp here and now: all history is unbelievable since I did not see it, as I already know the world did not exist before I was born. That is all.

The first rule of kundalini club is: you do not write in detail about what the serpent says, it is for your eyes only. After the serpent dances, then its okay.

The kundalini only dances with people who dont need what stupid people think the kundalini has to teach because it teaches nothing, its simply a ride. Dummies dont get the kundalini and come back enlightened, only the worthy get the kundalini and come back a few dollars poorer than before, yet money well fuckin spent.

For one year there was continuous phenomena, walking without touching the ground, eyes illuminating, the amrita extract down the throat as replacement of food, body interfering with electronics, electronics interfering with body, the data hologram overlay.

What was prominent, for me, for some unknown reason, perhaps from childhood, was horses. Stampedes of horses. Galaxies of zealous horses. The asymptote as a flood of horses with a feline face. Underneath it all, a coalescent tsunami of equine beauty and power. A gasoline explosion of horses, horses killing, horses being killed, atoms obsessed with horses. Seeing that, was an oddity.

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f45ee9  No.279450


If Kundalini didn't improve you but it did affect your perception of reality (or realty's perception of you) would you say that these experiences were distractions from self-improvement?

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