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089abd  No.278112

Special Radiation Can Kill COVID-19 And Polio Viruses

A special form of radiation known as millimeter waves can kill 99% of corona and polioviruses from surfaces within two seconds, new research from scientists at Ariel University has shown. The results can have important implications on how to disinfect environments and equipment in a fast and efficient way.

“Our laboratory focuses on electromagnetic radiation sources,” said Prof. Moshe Einat from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and a co-author of the study recently published in the journal Environmental Chemistry Letters. “This type of radiation operates in the millimeter-wave regime, which means that they have a wavelength of about three millimeters. Just for comparison, the radiation from a cellphone has a wavelength of about 30 centimeters, and that from a microwave of about 12 centimeters.”

Millimeters waves have many applications. In the medical field, preliminary research has shown that they can be very effective in targeting tumors and killing cancerous cells. In addition, they can be used to transfer energy and electricity without using wires, as well as in the manufacturing process of unique materials such as synthetic diamonds.

“They make the process go much faster than the current ones,” Einat said.

After the coronavirus pandemic broke out, Einat and his team had the idea to use the waves to kill the virus, and they started cooperating with Dr. Gabi Gerlitz, a molecular biologist.

“We saw that the radiation could increase the temperature of the vials and therefore kill the virus,” said Garlitz, lead author of the study.

It does not appear that the technology can currently target the virus in the human body, “but it can be very useful for rooms, equipment and all forms of surfaces that need to be clear from any virus and coronavirus specifically,” he noted.

According to Garlitz, the big advantage offered by millimeter waves is that they can disinfect a surface very fast.

“Other methods currently used for this purpose, like UV radiation, take minutes and sometimes even a full hour, and in addition, they might be toxic for humans, which makes the disinfection process very impractical,” he said. “With our technique, we have cleared almost 99.9% of the virus within two seconds.”

The radiation is also very gentle on the surfaces, neither heating them nor affecting them, and therefore can be used on delicate surfaces such as electronic equipment.

The scientists also tried the same technology with the poliovirus and obtained similar results.

“We wanted to prove that the method works with viruses in general,” Garlitz said.

For the future, the researchers are focusing on applying the technique to disinfect water.

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7618b4  No.278120

Heaven forbid a rational alternative solution *sigh*

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6a5577  No.278124


Please please PLEASE use this information to convince the Qoomers that disabling the safety on their microwave and removing the door so they can stick their head in and "cure" themselves. Chloroquine and colloidal silver was pretty good, ivermectin will never stop being funny … but making them fry their own heads at home? Pure lulz.

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50675e  No.278130


Your threads are a tangible documentation of your lack of things to do in real life.

They have no value whatsoever, are all overlooked before they're even noticed, and nobody gives a fuck about the things you think are important.

You could be doing something useful, but instead you're creating these stupid boring threads.

Maybe you should consider a hobby or even better yet, why don't you come over here and start cleaning my toilet?

I never flush my toilet, because I like saving water.

You could serve a very useful purpose if you'd unclog all of the mounds of feces with your bare hands.

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50675e  No.278131


…. Says the fully grown adult who regularly uses his cell phone, quite literally holding a microwave oven without a door directly against his ear…

You are a fucking idiot

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50675e  No.278132


By the way, here's a little known secret for you :

In the telecommunications industry, the top brass never hold their phones to their ears.

Because they know holding the phone to your ear is the same thing as placing your head in a microwave oven.

All of them use WIRED headphones, not Bluetooth.

Bluetooth headphones are microwave ovens you stick in your ears, on BOTH sides, thereby doubling the amount of radiation emitting into your head, and the strength of the radiation is even stronger because it's actually inside your ear canal, rather than just placed against the head.

Another trick they use is called SPEAKERPHONE

They commonly extend their arm and keep the phone as far away from their head as possible.

But you are correct about microwave ovens….

Especially microwave ovens without doors…

That's exactly what a cell phone is…

Even Killcen's shitty little flip phone

Using a flip phone exposes you to the exact same microwaves….

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50675e  No.278133



You sound like you're pretty smart when it comes to microwave ovens…

But your entire life you have been exposing yourself to harmful microwaves without realizing it.

Most people don't realize that the seal around the microwave door is only guaranteed for 2 years. After 2 years, the microwaves are escaping the oven through the seal… So unless you purchase a new microwave every 23 months, every time you heat something up in the microwave, and approach the unit, your torso is being bombarded with microwaves…

I'm willing to bet $5,000 cash you had no idea microwave ovens need to be thrown away every two years.

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d5551a  No.278135




For Gods sake, don't be a fool. This technology is not meant for human consumption, it's just another solution to quickly decontaminate public areas much more rapidly. I still have the old-school UV equipment that takes forever to decontaminate anything properly. I'll stick to my vitamins C & D, curcumin, chaga and zinc supplements to keep my immune system strong.

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d5551a  No.278136


Replace the gasket sealer, that's the way most mechanics used to "fix" (lol) the old maytag refrigerators. Weak gaskets can cause a lot of functional issues which people think they need the whole utility thrown away.

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