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993d49  No.277623

Which items would you rearrange on this list, which ones add as important but missing, and which ones remove as red herrings?

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f3bee8  No.277624


Fuck off CNN.

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e37f86  No.277626


The only conspiracy worth talking about is that birds aren't real.

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841e30  No.277723



only a faggot uses trendy catchphrases


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cd93cf  No.277725


And ANYTHING that isn't government-approved official narrative is "conspiracy theory", huh? I'm sure pretty much every topic about corruption, for example, is included as just a "conspiracy theory". And Americans wonder why the US is in such social and economic demise? Gee, I wonder why that could be?

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841e30  No.277728


because of the downward spiral in education


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841e30  No.277729


faggots like YOU

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cd93cf  No.277730


>because of the downward spiral in education

That's a criminal conspiracy too.


I covered that issue here: >>277724 & >>277726

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841e30  No.277731


(get a job, you welfare mooch)

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cd93cf  No.277732


I'm not on welfare Johnnny, you know that.

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424f3e  No.277733

File: 8914a6705ce1c1d⋯.jpeg (41.02 KB, 461x480, 461:480, B032FDDD_542F_4B29_9487_4….jpeg)

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