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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 0c368a02c055683⋯.jpg (211.14 KB, 800x450, 16:9, cover1.jpg)

777a9f  No.277621[Last 50 Posts]

my friend (25 yo) managed to get himself a 15 yo girl (age of consent is 15 in my country) and i have never been so envious and bitter in my life

what the fuck do i do now?

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038abe  No.277622

File: 3be78113f08e269⋯.jpg (317.48 KB, 864x1280, 27:40, THOT_Just_Kiss_It_FC.jpg)

File: becd8be1739d168⋯.jpg (286.65 KB, 864x1280, 27:40, REAL_Mark_Wiering_FC.jpg)

File: 5b793b0dcf983b2⋯.jpg (284.14 KB, 864x1280, 27:40, JN_FreedomConvention.jpg)

File: 7ef5c3ad87307a3⋯.jpg (184.31 KB, 1080x669, 360:223, Shit_I_Missed_That.jpg)


15 yr old girls have about as much intelligence, ability to communicate, and sexual attractiveness as chickens, to any actual man. (You) may want to look at that… (You)r Obvious Immaturity.

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777a9f  No.277625


only real value of a woman is her beauty and youth, and you know it

thanks for trying to cheer me up ig

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b74b39  No.277631


lol @ him only being able to get ONE

I've had several dozen 15-year-olds…..

The last one when I was 34 years old

Tell your friend I said he's an amateur

And tell Jerry I'd be more than happy to impregnate both of his daughters

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b74b39  No.277632


If you want advice on getting a hot teenage girl

(And don't listen to Jerry because his teenage daughters are ugly, so he has nothing to compare it to)

I'll be more than happy to tell you the three easy steps to teenage pussy wrapped around your dick

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b74b39  No.277633


I almost forgot to mention I married the last 15-year-old

And we were married for 16 years

LOL at Jerry throwing his Coke can down Nancy's hallway

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b74b39  No.277634


I'm sorry you live in a shithole country…

Where The only positive comment you can make is age of consent

But I live in America….

And in Georgia the age of consent used to be 13

So no laws were broken

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b74b39  No.277635


Tell your heterosexual daughter about my dick because as Wendy says, "size really does matter, which explains why Neptune has never gone more than three or four days without finding the next girlfriend or wife"

And tell your lesbian daughter that Wendy will be more than happy to show her the ropes.. and the chains.. and the master lock…

But she'll never see the key

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b74b39  No.277636

If I gave you a granddaughter, it would be the first person in your family who wasn't white trash

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b74b39  No.277638


All those words you typed….

Yet you somehow managed to avoid the REAL subject at hand :

you never get ANY pussy

Not teenagers, not women in their 20s, not women in their 30s, not women in their 40s, not women in their 50s, not women in their 60s, not women as old as Killcen, NONE…



You never get ANY pussy, because you don't know HOW to attract women

Go play another video game, you effeminate little sawed-off piece of shit

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777a9f  No.277639



how do you get a highschool girl as an adult

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b74b39  No.277640


What are your country's laws regarding video game playing imageboard douchebags sucking dick?

Because since you obviously can't get a woman

You're definitely going to end up with a dick in your mouth

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777a9f  No.277641


im all ears…

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b74b39  No.277642


A : become a very talented illustrator with a unique name, who is friends with a lot of internationally famous celebrities

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b74b39  No.277643


It worked for me

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b74b39  No.277645


A :STOPbelieving everything you thought you knew about how to get girls

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777a9f  No.277646


i dont want any woman older than 16 yo

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b74b39  No.277647


A :STOPwanting and trying

When people want something.. when people try to get something.. they always end up disappointed

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b74b39  No.277648


RE: wanting 16-year-olds

STOPwanting and trying

That's a huge turn off and it demonstrates desperation

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b74b39  No.277649


Let me answer your question with another question

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b74b39  No.277650


Q : what's the most attractive feature on a man?

What do all females look for in a man?

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777a9f  No.277651


yeah they will magically come to me

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777a9f  No.277652


social status

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b74b39  No.277653



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b74b39  No.277654


It's not money and it's not the size of your dick and it's not a fancy car

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b74b39  No.277655

A :SELF-CONFIDENCE is the most attractive attribute on any human being

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b74b39  No.277656

Everybody is attracted to somebody who is happy with themselves

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b74b39  No.277657

And one thing is painfully clear :

you are NOT happy with yourself

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b426cf  No.277658


Where is the "he's right you know" memer? We need that about now.

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b74b39  No.277659

Just look at the stupid picture you chose for this thread

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777a9f  No.277660


it IS social status that he gives to her

women dont care about anything else

they just want to fuck the winner

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777a9f  No.277661


yeah no shit

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777a9f  No.277662


you cant be confident and approve of yourself when you are a loser

or atleast you think that you are one

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b74b39  No.277663


….. Says the guy who can't get any pussy

….. To the former strip club DJ who has had sex with almost 700 beautiful women and teenage girls

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b426cf  No.277664




You got to convince them you are a winner, even if your not. ;)

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777a9f  No.277665


teenage girls in a strip club… yeah…

also i dont care about you fucking lowest tier of women

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777a9f  No.277666


and how do you manage to pull that one

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b426cf  No.277667


Find someone you like, talk to her and have fun with her, maybe buy her a drink or two and hang out. Just be confident and learn to have fun. Most dig that.

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777a9f  No.277668



but how do i deal with envy

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b74b39  No.277669


Says the illiterate idiot who can't differentiate between the words YOUR and YOU'RE

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b74b39  No.277670


I never said anything about teenage girls being in a strip club

I said I am a former strip club DJ

who has QUITE LITERALLY fucked almost 700 women and teenage girls

You stupid sexless sack of shit

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b426cf  No.277671


If you are a chicken they will see right through you, you need to stop behaving like a chicken and stop caring what they might or might not think about you, and insist and persist social interaction. You'll get to find out how she feels about you.

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b74b39  No.277672


show us photos of your girlfriend


you're a faggot with no gf

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777a9f  No.277673


anyone could fuck strippers if they work in a strip club

how did you managed to fuck teens?

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b74b39  No.277674


ENVY = you're Effeminate

You're a girl

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b426cf  No.277675


I don't know, but you need to stop caring so much and try to improve yourself, find something you like and be good at it, that too will help boost your self confidence with women.

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b74b39  No.277676


Obviously you've never been to a strip club

Because the customers NEVER fuck the strippers

You stupid sexually failed effeminate little boy

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b74b39  No.277677


AGAIN : you don't have a girlfriend and you don't know how to get any pussy so who the fuck are you to give advice?

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777a9f  No.277678


i said if they work in a strip club

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777a9f  No.277679


can you give advice then?

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b74b39  No.277680

None of you image board video game anime effeminate sheltered mommy's boys knows anything about getting pussy

So go play another video game

And watch another effeminate anime

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777a9f  No.277681


can you give advice then?

if not stfu

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b74b39  No.277682


hold on brb


wrong again

(And the majority of the women I fucked WEREN'T strippers)



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b74b39  No.277683


lol here's some advice :


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b74b39  No.277684

Imagine being a woman and seeing a guy that you thought was cute

And then you went to his house and saw him playing video games like a little child

And you saw him sitting on an image board whining about not being able to get pussy

And then you saw him asking other sexually failed adult males for advice on how to deal with ENVY

Exactly what about that is supposed to be attractive to a woman?

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b74b39  No.277685

It wouldn't matter how cute or handsome you were

She would see you as an effeminate little child

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b74b39  No.277686

The exact same way I perceive you

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b74b39  No.277687

The exact same way everybody perceives you

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b74b39  No.277688

So when you look in the mirror

Create the reflection of a self-confident man

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b74b39  No.277689

They can read your aura

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b74b39  No.277690

So stop exuding the energy of an effeminate video game playing sissy boy with no self-confidence and who gets shattered by envy and jealousy like a little girl

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b74b39  No.277691

You have to be happy with yourself

And you also have to be happy BY yourself

With them or without them

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b74b39  No.277692

Just try to pretend that you were born 20 years earlier than you actually were

Pretend you didn't grow up with a video game controller in your hand

Pretend that you aren't an image board faggot

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b74b39  No.277693


The most attractive feature on any human being

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b74b39  No.277694

And now my beautiful genius wife and I are going grocery shopping

And she just said "then we're going to have anal sex"

I swear to God that's what she said

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b74b39  No.277695

If you were a woman the last guy on Earth you would ever fuck would be an image board video game anime douchebag effeminate little sissy ass bitch

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777a9f  No.277696


real men dont like anal sex you absolute faggot lol

bet you like trannies too

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b74b39  No.277697



He's so stupid he will suggest men who fuck their wife in the ass are gay

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b74b39  No.277698


If there's anything we've learned today :


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777a9f  No.277699


they quite literally are

you like shit on your dick fagboi

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b74b39  No.277700


If I'm not mistaken



The 35-year-old man who still lives with his mother

Has never had a girlfriend or wife

Has no sexual attraction towards females whatsoever

And survives on $26 per day SSI welfare disability

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b74b39  No.277701


Says the man who never gets any pussy or butthole from a woman

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b74b39  No.277702


I noticed that you're also one of those effeminate trendy guys who spells the word boy with an i

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b74b39  No.277703


Men fuck their wives in the ass

You sit there playing video games

Calling them homosexuals

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b74b39  No.277704


Tell us why you still live with your mother

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b74b39  No.277705


You're not fooling anybody. That's the only woman in your life

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b74b39  No.277706



Because any man who thinks fucking their wife in the ass is homosexual IS OBVIOUSLY A HOMOSEXUAL

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b74b39  No.277707


Wendy just asked you a question.. she actually sai"how many porn videos Do You see of men fucking women in the vagina?"

A : barely any

It's almost all anal sex


Apparently you don't watch very much heterosexual porn

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b74b39  No.277708


Speaking of sex :

How's that video game working out for you?

How's 4chan going?

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777a9f  No.277709


all juicy projections in this thread

your tears are delicious

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8599c6  No.277711

File: 5968d87971dba09⋯.jpg (318.92 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, PicsArt_11_23_06_06_47.jpg)



Obviously because you don't have any track record with women


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8599c6  No.277712




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8599c6  No.277713




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8599c6  No.277714


"your tears are delicious"


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8599c6  No.277715



NEVER say "your tears are delicious_

(That's something only a faggot would say)

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8599c6  No.277716




proof that you live

sitting in front of a computer

while MEN get pussy

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8599c6  No.277717

it's THE gayest thing a man can say

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8599c6  No.277718


another indicator that you spend your lonely

existence sitting in front of your obsolete computer, never getting laid


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8599c6  No.277719


chatroom culture is proven to turn men into effeminate lonely whining sissies

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b8a9b3  No.277720




& ME

the rest of you are EFFEMINATE LITTLE BOYS

imageboard FAGGOTS

women laugh in your faces

because you're a joke

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7968be  No.277721

File: ae4407298f89019⋯.gif (24.27 KB, 220x178, 110:89, Gay_Gif.gif)

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038abe  No.277722

File: 1fa503fae0fd648⋯.webm (6.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1fa503fae0fd6484712987019….webm)

This thread…

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7968be  No.277724


Not really, but I believe soy products that have estrogen do and so does anime and video game addiction. Also beware, the schools are doing their best to turn kids gay today too, it's actually very real, why do you think all those parents are angry at the school boards? It's not just mask policies you know.

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7968be  No.277726


One more thing I forgot to mention, and this info was handed down to me years ago by a man who used to work for a government contractor, a bit of a "conspiracy theorist" himself actually, he told me be very cautious what kinds of shampoo you use for your hair and to never use "conditioner" under any circumstances. I forget the name of the chemical, but one of those chemicals in many of those shampoo and conditioner products not only causes hormone issues, they can cause the male brain to function more like a woman's brain! Forget all the details but just beware, use organic shampoo, never use the "conditioners!"

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7968be  No.277727

TOTALLY UNRELATED TOPIC: it's not about sex or reproduction or anything but I'd also like to add another tip from Jeff Smith, those that used to watch PBS back in the 90s may know of him; don't believe the lies about him they burnt him using crisis actors who made ridiculous false rape claims; he had a source who warned him not to ever eat pre-ground pepper purchased at grocery markets. Always grind your own pepper. The fact is pre-ground pepper has something secret laced into it, a slow immune system killing agent of some kind. Anyway, once he warned the public about that it was about one year later they stomped his whole career into oblivion by having a bunch of paid crisis actors make false allegations about rape, Jeff Smith raped no one! He was a man of God!

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b8a9b3  No.277751


A : conspiracies, false flag crisis rape victims, and god

Q: name 3 things that never existed

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942067  No.289069


nothing to be envious of. The first time a girl got on the top of me, I was 10. She said it hurt. I waited 7 years to sleep with another girl. I attempted the whole night and never got in. Then I waited 8 years to sleep with my fiance. I spent 2 hours trying to penetrate her but failed. Gave up.

The moral of the story is you should not fuck virgins.

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