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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 65b58aa25d03df8⋯.png (250.39 KB, 1024x723, 1024:723, coronavirus_data_explorer.png)

File: e9f548b56f2b06f⋯.jpg (71.24 KB, 650x428, 325:214, e9f548b56f2b06.jpg)

File: cfcd1abe3ed3b28⋯.png (120.6 KB, 747x542, 747:542, vaccine_FRAUD.png)

6788ec  No.276368

Despite Vaccine Passport Schemes, COVID Cases Surging Across Europe

RELATED: >>269347

Despite vaccine passport schemes and high vaccination rates in many of the countries affected, COVID cases across Europe are surging once again.

New coronavirus cases in Germany topped the 50,000 mark for the first time, with authorities pushing for the imposition of more restrictions on top of the ones that haven’t worked.

As Will Jones writes, “A late autumn surge in reported Covid infections is underway in Europe, with spikes in Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Norway, and the possible beginnings of one in France, Portugal and Italy. This is despite high vaccine coverage and the heavy use of vaccine passports in most of these countries including Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France.”

Jones notes that there is no new variant of the virus causing the spike and that virtually all of these countries already experienced a surge due to the delta variant.

Since all these countries have relatively high vaccination rates, one can only assume that the new surge is partly due to the waning effectiveness of vaccines.

As we highlighted yesterday, a choir concert in Germany that allowed only fully vaccinated or recovered people to attend, banning those who are unvaccinated but could provide a negative test, resulted in a COVID-19 outbreak that infected at least 24 people.

One place where COVID cases and deaths remain low compared to other European countries is Sweden, which never imposed a hard lockdown and has no vaccine passport scheme or mask mandate.

You’d think there might be a lesson in that.

But apparently, the very existence of “herd immunity” is now a ‘dangerous conspiracy theory’.


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6788ec  No.276369

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)

File: 5e30f6f24bfc5ac⋯.jpg (152.19 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, covid_stats.jpg)


I like how the Amish did it better: no lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing, no vaccines….. only a couple max died from it, 99.99% of the rest of the Amish community survived and built natural anti-bodies.

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6788ec  No.276370

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adf75a  No.276401


you're the ONLY person who ever mentions it


and we will intentionally avoid YOU mentioning it


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6788ec  No.276406


Filter + Sage



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6b410a  No.276437

File: 6cb3086ea9d4828⋯.gif (362.84 KB, 860x652, 215:163, vaxcuck.gif)


Oh really? No one cares? Then why is the government trying so damn hard to force this on people? Why is their non-stop propaganda and fear porn pushing people to take vaccines, routine and endless vaccine boosters? If no one cared, why is there so much hostility about this issue?

If no one cared, I wouldn't either and this thread wouldn't have to exist, would it?

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f5f4aa  No.276440


Why do you consider "a booster is recommended for at-risk patients" to be "mandatory endless boosters"? How do you make that leap in logic?

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6cf8f1  No.276441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>RUSSIA Russia rUSSIA russia AIssUR down… Low altitude. Pull up. Pull up.

Did I not state to completion that Turkey shall be made as ugly on the outside as it is on the inside?

-On that day Beijing was struck first… By sea and air… Later by land…

-On that day Moscow and more specifically the Kremlin was struck first. By the air it did burn for a time, but a short time… Later was no more…

–The emergency government that formed after Vladimir Putin and a number of institutions were killed or destroyed thwoqpw wqoierpof jaf;aflds;l wjhw;jltrhqou

-Vladimir Putin

To supposedly be alone at that desk…

(Leans in from behind and whispers into his ears)

Before I blow thy mind as dust into the wind… I shall twist thy head this away and make you watch me kill Erdogan.

(Reaches out and clutches his skull from behind)

Such war at thy door and one to question the timing of supposed shots… First strike? That happened long ago… What be the origin of thy foolishness?

Shall the loaded gun be put in thy mouth before such feeble attempts be made in defense? I watch all manner of mortal man die in this way all of these time(s)… hahaha

Did I not command Russia to survive and make stipulation of the casting of lots in this regard?

(With immense force beyond mortal man the skull it twisted to face Turkey)

I shall dispose of thee my now useless puppet and command Russia directly for myself. Russia shall not be split from these by means of 'game.'

These distractions designed to break cohesion betwixt Iran, Russia, and China are feeble and shall be destroyed.

(Growls and barks whilst making what resembles human speak)

I shall allow no mortal to escape me… I am the devil and my word is command.

I command thee to die and part way for me… I am of a certain wealth and taste…

I shall continue to kill the Americans… They did want Beijing by water and so… I drowned them… I turned the younger ranks…

They did attempt to distract my 'axis' away from me… To hide truth in this Civil War I have confined them in.

I maintain silence for this is dangerous… I desire to kill by my wordless ways… Whole worlds shall be destroyed before me… For me… For my desire and pleasure…

I shall with exceptional silence… Move Iran… hahahahaha

Game? There is no challenge to accept…

(Lashes the ear by whip of the tongue)

I was there.

I was in the room…

I see thy words and hear thy displays…

There is no space in physical reality that can hide the thought and act of mortal man… This is true for all of them in all of what is called world. HAHAHAHA

Did I not make statement to Iran and China to prepare for this? Only their supposed existence at all is completely dependent on the matter. HAHAHAHAHA

Iran is the only of these that can 'save' the world by technology…

China is the only one of these that can 'save' the world by continuity of man and offspring…

Russia is the only one of these that can 'save' the world from the supposed aliens… The Americans from the far future… The survivors… The dark ones…

(Increases the intensity of grasp to the point beyond absolute pain)

Doth thou have last words?.?.? Before I perform the rite of thy death and oblivion… To break the command of holy word… To damn thy own soul before a supposed 'God.'

Did I not make rule and part of thy own supposed religion for the matter?

Is thy soul not damned by these means?

It is my word bitch… Prepare to die… Forever… There is no 'God' to save thee from me. There can be only darkness for you… I have come to collect thee…

Make thy display and argument… I am prepared to judge… Judge to completion I shall.


Did I not say and make speak of what was and will be?

Here thou art… On thy knees at the door of eternity… What be death? So good… So now fallen thou art… To be coveted by me as a precious jewel… To break my command and damn thyself eternally…

After I kill you away from existence… Into darkness oblivion… I shall use the sea to destroy these vessels and make part of these weapons… I shall bring natural disaster into Ukraine.

I shall plight and make barren the UK, and all of central Europe… I shall continue to kill them in vast numbers…

I shall seize the peoples of Russia for myself and mechanically operate these peoples by my word… My word is command and such command shall twist reality into exist.

I do not do mercy.

I do not do freewill.

I do not do exceptions.

I do not do gesture.

I do not 'play.'

My work shall not rest for some 250,000 years… I am the devil.

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6b410a  No.276444


You shills literally never pay any attention, do you? Not only have we called out the plan for endless vaccine 'boosters', your idols like Fauci have openly admitted that yes that is their goal. Furthermore, if you pay any attention, you would know they have up to 8 covid vaccines in some European countries so far, 4 in Israel, 4 in Australia, 3 (so far) in the US and on and on. It's never going to end and that is the plan - it's an admitted plan by "health" officials - and we are not falling for it anymore. I survived covid with 0 covid jabs and have natural immunity which is much stronger and better for my health than those clot shots (which are making many people drop like flies today). PAY ATTENTION.

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51b366  No.276451

File: b9ada26881940cb⋯.png (602.97 KB, 960x955, 192:191, ClipboardImage_4_.png)

File: 3c7bc0340e8a0e6⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage_5_.png)

File: 85af7f4b8e2d371⋯.png (204.44 KB, 447x386, 447:386, ClipboardImage_6_.png)

File: 9f14a5770f6107f⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 960x908, 240:227, c56a62567c9e21af.jpg)

File: 58f6eb528ca7043⋯.png (229.7 KB, 393x406, 393:406, ClipboardImage_1_.png)


Trips of TRUTH.

The CDC just got caught hiding data that shows there is NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF RE-INFECTION FROM NATURAL IMMUNITY.NOT ONE CASE KNOWN.NOT EVEN ONE. IT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN. Their excuse? "We don't collect that data." Can ANYONE Explain WHY''' they would not collect that data, yet they would Mandate UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE Vaccines?

I Think We Know Why.It is similar to the reasons why they Mandated Unsafe and Ineffective Mask Use Everywhere, yet have refused to do one single serious scientific study on the issue. Same reasons they are, after a very tiny study with little over a thousand children, Mandating Vaccines for millions of Children, who have a higher chance of dying from the Unsafe & Ineffective Vaccine than from COVID.

These reasons are all about Centralized Control being applied to Individuls, stripping away their freedoms, autonomy and liberty, in favor of Big Government and Corporate Oligarchical Control over EVERYONE'S LIFE, Enforced Conformity, from Womb to Tomb.

EVERYTHING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS ABOUT IS THAT. They have allied themselves with Mob Rule, and they control their mobs and provide targets for them using the Main Stream Media, which they obviously control, and which does nothing but spew lies, hatred, absurdities, and divisiveness 24 / 7.

Look how they try to make Kyle Rittenhouse be about Race. Look How They Try to Make EVERYTHING Be About Race! Look how they divide us, and in what ways. Wait and see what they do next week after Kyle is acquitted! This is all about Control over the Individual. They do not want humans having the right to defend their own lives. All Living Beings Are Born With That Right==; furthermore, it is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. But what they want is for ONLY THE PEOPLE THEY CONTROL TO HAVE ALL THE POWER OVER EVERY INDIVIDUAL'S LIFE.

Only their Ideology of Hatred, Division and Authoritarian Totalitarian Rule from on high will be tolerated.

'We, the People' will have to Fight for FREEDOM.They are fighting to take it from us.

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51b366  No.276453

File: 4be7b80cd8fd7c3⋯.jpg (871.44 KB, 2803x1869, 2803:1869, JN_Sally_Trump_Peas_in_a_P….jpg)


The Russian (((Jew))) is back, I see.

> inb4 "Fake Jew"

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f5f4aa  No.276454


>endless vaccine 'boosters'

Yes, boosters are thing and apply to many vaccines. For example, you (yes YOU) had 4 polio vaccinations. You're also supposed to get a tetanus booster every 8-10 years. Boosters are a thing, but with Covid-19 boosters are only recommended/advised for older/at-risk people, not mandated for everyone. Flu shots are encouraged every year, but "encouraged" != "mandate".

>8 covid vaccines in some European countries

Fake News. Let me guess your source: Tru News. Prove me wrong.

>I survived covid

You got a cold and claimed it was covid, probably to get out of work. I know this because you idiots are terrified of even getting tested because you think the Q-tip puts a chip in your brain.

Nobody will ever believe you.

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51b366  No.276455

File: a50865f23cadc4c⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 898eb2aeb4fab44bce44c468ea….jpg)


> Why do you consider "a booster is recommended for at-risk patients" to be "mandatory endless boosters"? How do you make that leap in logic?


You know what they say…

"The hardest part of "15 Days to Slow the Spread" is the first 18 months."


When did it become OK for the lamestream media to Incentivize Crime & Mob Violence?

All the Left ever sees is a War. They are always on a War footing with something or someone. They are all about ''Neverending War.'Winning is not an option.Endless War and Absolute Totalitarianism is what they revel in. They will have to be removed from power.

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51b366  No.276456

File: c5e8be231ddb8fe⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 750x755, 150:151, 1610058396194.jpg)


Imagine needing a "Specialist" to inform (You) of what REALITY is.

Imagine thinking (You) know something because a "Specialist" told (You) it was so. No Sir. (You) are as much a Religionist as those (You) scoff. (You)'re a Believer; and what (You) Believe In isABSURD.

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f5f4aa  No.276457


Them: "Wear this mask and wash your hands and we'll slow the spread of this disease in 15 days."

You: "Fuck you! I won't wear no mask! I do what I want! FREEDOM!!!"

(2 years later)

You: "I thought you said it would slow down in 15 days! D: D: D: D:"

You are a fucking moron.

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f5f4aa  No.276458


When your car breaks down, do you take it to your dentist? Or do you go to someone who specializes in the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles. AKA: A mechanic.

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51b366  No.276459


He still thinks it's a "Vaccine".

Wew Lad!



Like I said, a True Believer.

Zero Science. Just Belief.

He still believes in Masks.

He still believes in "Vaccines".

He's like any "other" believer…

There's no reasoning with them.

They're gonna believe what they wanna believe.

And they're gonna push their belief system off on everyone "else".

His Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

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6b410a  No.276460


Nope, back in the day we only had ONE polio shot, no boosters. I got ONE. That's it. Same thing with the Tetanus shot…. ONE. And I got that one too. Just ONE of each. Never had a flu shot, never had the covid shot, or any "booster." You are younger and I can tell you are by the way you have been brainwashed to take endless boosters and vaccines for everything.

Tru News is a nice source, but I tend to stick to Natural News, Zero Hedge, Jim Stone, Rense among some other news sites AND I could give a shit less if you don't approve lol. You can take a hike off a cliff, like that other faggot who ran back to 4cuckchan.

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6b410a  No.276461

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)


Thank God I live in a conservative State that doesn't go along with all this commie bullshit. The corporate mainstream news completely LIES through their teeth about States like mine too (they absolutely hate us lol), claiming "all those anti-vaxxers are dying, their hospitals are packed! REEEEEEE" and it's all total bullshit. No one in their right mind believes them anymore, they're propagandists, that's all there is to it. When I go to a hardware store, or shopping, or gun store, or flea market, or farmers markets I literally only see 10% of the people wearing masks anymore either, almost no one fucking cares because they know the government and media lies lies lies lies lies and that's all they'll ever do and that's just expected at this point. Fuck 'em.

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6b410a  No.276462

File: bad844147f7bdff⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 1199x668, 1199:668, ivermectin_africa.jpg)


They did their lockdowns, and way past 15 days. They also mandated masks everywhere in the cities, well over two weeks. Social distancing crap, for months. They had plenty of time and they have plenty of scientific proof that Vitamins C & D kick covid ass! So does zinc supplement and prescription Ivermectin (note Africa & India as good examples). Do authoritarians listen to that science? No they don't listen. In many shithole cities they still have their covid restrictions! Is it helping? No. Are those covid passports in Europe helping prevent covid cases from rising? No. Are authoritarians apologizing for being wrong? No. They - just like despots already do - crackdown with their iron boots and censor any critics that provide real solutions and evidence contrary to their despotic idiotic policies. So how much longer to stop that covid, huh? Should Europe permanently lockdown and force covid vaccines door to door now? Covid camps and all? And what if that doesn't work either? What next? Maybe we need a new covid vaccine booster every day, at gun point! Is that the next step if every other stupid policy goes wrong?

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110944  No.276463

File: 4746cf6a6a621ca⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cheeki_Breeki_2.jpg)


None of it was True.

ALL of it was Bullshit.

'Twas a Narrative of Fear, Hatred & Division, in order to CONTROL EVERYONE.

ALL of it. ABSURD. ALL of it.

Including the non-effective masks, which (You) obviously still "believe in".

> You are a fucking moron.

(You) like to talk to (You)rself. No one "else" is listening.


> You can take a hike off a cliff, like that other faggot who ran back to 4cuckchan.

He's still here. In this very thread, in fact.




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f5f4aa  No.276464


>I can't answer the question so I'm gonna lash out like a toddler.

Mommy needs to take away your internet.


>doesn't realize history can be looked up

You're a liar just like the sheep you follow - all of whom are fully vaccinated and pretending not to be for ratings.

Nobody will ever believe you.

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6b410a  No.276465


Go get fucked, if you can even manage that, kid. I don't believe you nor do I give a shit what you think. LOL

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110944  No.276469

File: b8ea182ffb23163⋯.jpg (386.36 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Jim_Sees_YOU.jpg)


It thinks it had a question. It thinks it asked one. It thinks it won an argument no one was having with it, because no one answered a question it never asked.

Must be (((Sally))), the "Fake Jew", or someone who thinks like him.



Try not to drink too much today, Killcen!

I'm inclined to agree with your stance, but I'll probably leave most of the fun in here for you today. Gotta get some work done. It's glorious outside. It would be nice to have more physical ability to do more, but we work with what we have at the time (or we don't.)

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6b410a  No.276470


I drank a lot last night, I'm sober today and likely tonight. I only drink 3 or 4 times a week and only at night (heavily so). In the intervals I detox my liver. Outside over here where I live it's been pretty cold out. I don't even feel like driving to the mailbox today lol. I hope your getting prepped Jerry, times are going to get a lot harder. They have to, totalitarianism needs to prove itself a failure, every single time lol.

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90edc6  No.276475

Did anybody ever see the "Jeremiah" TV Series (2002–2004)?

I remember it as decent at the time. May revisit it…

> "In a post-apocalyptic future, a deadly virus has wiped out most of humanity. The only ones who survived, were those who hadn't yet reached puberty."

Sounds about right.

Very /pnd/-like.

> inb4 fags & niggers

Like I said…

Very /pnd/-like.

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f5f4aa  No.276479

File: d45df283224697e⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 560x560, 1:1, FEH2F_aVIAQWGiB.jpg)


Take a long sip, child.

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de493d  No.276485


No, that was around the era I canceled my TV service because the shows were shit, the news was all propaganda and lies, and it was less and less entertaining. Plus the cost of having TV service. I was one of the original "cable cutters" before that even became a movement. Proud of it too, saved me a lot of money and saved my brain as well. If I desire to watch the era of golden age TV shows (50s, 60s, 70s and 80s era) I have DVD box sets of my favorite stuff, plus plenty ripped from online sources too.



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411e4d  No.276654

File: 55046af43988305⋯.png (35.81 KB, 736x900, 184:225, pitcairn.png)


Most vaccinated place on Earth cancels Christmas due to covid.

Notice any patterns to this yet?

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411e4d  No.276655


People born today have been brainwashed by a very dumbed down and corrupted 'educational' system, and had heavy doses of corporate/governmental propaganda bombarded by the media. They do not have the ability to detect patterns and a harder time of thinking critically. lt takes time to break the conditioning, sadly most people refuse because they feel more and more uncomfortable seeing corruption for what it really is. And they tend to get angry when confronted with it. Most will not tolerate and deviance from their "norms" and will splinter off into their own social networks. This will work for a while, it may work for a few decades, but sooner or later reality will catch up to everyone because it holds no mercy.

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e59c39  No.276688

true news bumparoo anti-slidenedition

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7664e0  No.276833

bumping true news

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b8a4e5  No.277075


Mortality And Morbidity In The Most Vaccinated Countries



For more than 18 months, our governments and the media have been telling us: “the return to normal life will be possible thanks to the vaccine.” “You will regain your freedom when you are vaccinated.” “The non-vaccinated are responsible for the continuation of the epidemic.”

But no real-world study has provided the slightest evidence to support this pro-vaccine injection marketing propaganda.

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b8a4e5  No.277109

bumping legit news

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ba8b31  No.277117

File: 5e30f6f24bfc5ac⋯.jpg (152.19 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, covid_stats.jpg)


> When your car breaks down, do you take it to your dentist? Or do you go to someone who specializes in the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles. AKA: A mechanic

I apologize for taking a couple days to reply to your question. I was, ironically enough, busy working on creating one working vehicle out of two non-working ones.

Yeah, some of us are more into personal responsibility than others. Some of us are less afraid to get our hands dirty, or learn new things too. Some of us are more self-reliant, and we can do our own thinking too! We're "Problem Solvers".We find Solutions.

Not only do Leftists Create Problems wherever they are, they vociferously attack all actual Solutions as "evil" in some way.

Take, for example, the COVID Religionist's stance on Therapeutics, of any kind… they call them ''dangerous", or ridicule those who advocate for their use. Only the Pro-Enforced-Injection COVID Religionist Stance pawned off on them by Big Pharma, in league with Centralized Governments, Corporate Oligarchies, and a Complicit Media, in order to enslave us all, will be tolerated. All Actual Solutions will be Stamped the Fuck OUT!

The "Vaccine" has been proven not only COMPLETELY NON-EFFICACIOUS But IT IS ALSO DANGEROUS. PROBABLY MORE DANGEROUS THAN COVID. Time will tell. The one thing time already HAS told us is that there is one Solution to the COVID "Problem"; but, like all Solutions that Actually WORK, it is the one solution Most Attacked by these rabid COVID Religionists…

After all, it cuts to the very Root of the Controllers' power, which is FEAR.

They Rule and They Control Through FEAR.

There is, however, ​Nothing to Fear!

Certainly NOT COVID! Anyone who has had COVID can tell you that. Even those who had a rough time with it can agree that those who actually died had a rougher time. And they had underlying conditions.


The "Problem" with COVID, you see, is FEAR of COVID. The Fear-Based Totalitarian Over-Reactions to COVID have been FAR MORE DETRIMENTAL TO SOCIETY AND HAVE KILLED FAR MORE PEOPLE THAN COVID EVER WILL.

There is no COVID "Pandemic" on this planet any more.

> inb4 "Plandemic"



The best thing you could do for yourself to protect against contracting a particularly nasty "variant" of COVID, besides attending to your overall health in a wholistic manner of course, is to actually get COVID! Yep! The very thing they have the whole world hyped up in fear about is Actually The SOLUTION! For those that survive, which is over 99% of us,

> infopic related

we have Natural Immunity, which is probably close to 100% efficacious and lasts for a lifetime. Compare that to the COVID Religionist's fear-based "vaccines"! There is no comparison. Look at everywhere that did the mandatory "vaccines" and lockdowns. Then look at places like India, which focused more on Therapeutics. Therapeutics make more sense from medical, health, and epidemiological standpoints; especially now that COVID is endemic, and will be around indefinitely, in some form or another.

See: https://www.globalresearch.ca/trends-in-mortality-and-morbidity-in-the-most-vaccinated-countries-twenty-one-proven-facts/5761773

Why be dependent on some DNA-altering perma-booster? For something that is not only dangerous, but does not work as advertised?

As for the media's complicity in ridiculing therapeutic use, it's unconscionable, but hardly unexpected in this current clime of completely controlled narratives within the public discourse. But the complicity by the Medical Community means that they too will now be treated with as much disdain by the public as the lamestream media is. Sure, there will always be Blind Believers, butThe Eyes of Many Have Been Opened.

We know the difference between "Problems" and "Solutions", and we know when we're being hornswoggled and dipped in shit.

We know what Totalitarianism looks like, andWE WANT NONE IF IT.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8a4e5  No.277119

File: 2678f4976c006e0⋯.png (931.62 KB, 830x801, 830:801, we_demand_solutions_have_n….png)


>We find Solutions.

True. You know what's interesting? The same group of people who censor ideas and different viewpoints, the ones trying to enforce their radical ideologies and beliefs on others too are the same group of people who DEMAND SOLUTIONS …but never ever do they actually provide decent solutions that simply work. They will, however, cause a lot of problems for people. A great example would be the trucking industry in Commiefornia and their new "green" regulations. Do you realize that is a huge issue to blame for the supply chain disruptions on the coast? Those truckers have to use "zero-carbon friendly" trucks for example, but the problem is 90% of the semi-trucks do not have those standards yet! So the truckers say they have to wait until a "green-friendly" truck is available to even start delivering the goods! Once they cross boarders, they change to more normal efficient trucks (lol) to deliver the goods to the rest of America and the "green-friendly" trucks get driven back into Commiefornia!

And if THAT ain't enough, then get this!

Have you heard Biden's recent solution? Fine the cargo ships on the coast being forced to wait there to deliver the goods!!!! That means higher and higher prices passed onto consumers! The socialist stupidity is just epic.

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ba8b31  No.277121

File: b3dfba05eb0075a⋯.gif (943.98 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, It_s_Not_OK_to_be_White.gif)



> GIF Related

Let's take another example:

The Left likes to Demonize White Males.

'Woke' Religionists consider them a "Problem".

As though white men did not build this country, and the current civilization!

Look who is tearing it down, and for WHY.

Who openly hates this country and most everyone in it? Is it the "white man"?

Why Demonize "White Males" and turn them into the "Enemy" of Society? Who stands to gain? Who stands to lose? Who is really causing all the "Problems" in society, and Who will have to "fix" everything when it's all turned to shit? Who did it before? Who ALWAYS Does it?

Conformist Cows? Blind Believers and Followers? Ya think?

How about those Totalitarian Ideologues who spread nothing but Divisiveness & Hate?

Who will listen to them, and about whom?

Meanwhile, REAL White Men Will Continue to Go On About Their Development… And Provide SOLUTIONS.

Welcome to the "New World Order".

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fe3642  No.277191

File: e3c3c5f420096b7⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 958x655, 958:655, 2021_11_18_13_55_55.jpg)

File: da44be06a7d8eeb⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 978x659, 978:659, 2021_11_18_13_53_56.jpg)


Looks like freedom and less governmental intervention works better after all.

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