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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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f7ba7a  No.273288

I don't know you, but if you don't mind

I was urinating, and I did find

anobstruction… that blew my mind


I'd like to share a secret

I'm hoping you can keep it

the secret is I've got some poop

in my peehole…

I've got a problem….

I need to find a doctor who can solve 'em

a doctor who can scoop the poop

out of my peehole

It ought to be illegal

it's not something that you tell a lot of people

you normally don't go around telling la lot of people that you've got poop in your peehole

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422a23  No.273289

File: 4619be954ae236b⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PicsArt_10_29_05_52_51.jpg)

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774e53  No.273295

File: 2db314b90bf9cdd⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, Shit_Finger_Jim_Laughs_at_….png)


Sally wants to slurp it clean for you.


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422a23  No.273297


Not surprisingly, Sally told me that "fucking your wife in the butthole is GAY"…

isn't it funny how men whoNEVERget any pussy are the first ones to insist anal sex with a female PROVES YOU'RE GAY?

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e5a331  No.273298


It waa when I had a urinary tract infection from fucking Wendy in the ass….

thats when he informed me that I was gay

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c8e6bd  No.273299

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I have stated a multitude of times that Turkey shall be made as ugly on the outside as 'tis on the inside.

I will not stop.

I do not do mercy.

I do not do freewill.


"'Fabricate' 'fog'" has come to pass.

Turkey shall be completely annihilated.

The Kremlin shall be destroyed in accordance with the word.

Russia shall rise and survive. That is my command.

A mere mortal by the name of Vladimir Putin cannot and shall not stop my will.


I do destruction.

I do annihilation.

I do suffering.

I do trickery.

I do manipulation.

I do the thieving of bodies for my will.

I do the possession of minds for my will.

I do the seizing of the rocks for my will.

I will destroy the pipe in the outer sky.

I will destroy Germany for breaking the straw.

I will annihilate Turkey from existence and mirror this to Egypt for similar reasons.

My word cannot be violated by man nor the high servant reality.

I shall continue the rites and agress the ritual closer to completion.


-Xi Jinping

I am impressed…

It is only late thrice a moon, but I shall accept such offerings…

I did command these words to thy peoples…

I did command these actions…

I am irritated at such delay, but shall accept these offerings… Of the pen…

I did command such pen did I not?

Give to me the pen he did… Surrender such pen he shall…

Soon I shall not ask… Soon there shall be no polite in my command.

Soon I shall make command of these institutions and structures…

In my court… The consequence of delay and ignore shall be massive quantities of death.

I do not do mercy.

I do not do freewill.

I will not relent.

Some 250,000 years shall I be with them…

I am not in lack or exhaust of means nor action.

I shall speak once more… In volume…

My futures are numbering in occurrence.

My silence shall be of extreme mortal danger.

I shall comment on more futures to come and my rage and actions shall be great and vast in numeration…

Xi Jinping… I am here… I have come for the degenerate… I have come for the evil ones… The ones that disobey and forsake the higher imperium of greater China.

Oh what mess my child… Have a candy and know that big daddy shall assist thee in cleaning thy bedroom… The time for 'visitors' is rapidly nearing…. The time for cleaning of the house is now.

Prepare to directly assist Russia with immense force… The time of fire and smoke is nearing as well. A tether may be necessary…

I shall go into ether and 'fix' 'them' for my outcomes again…

No… Only the pipe and JWST… I will destroy both.

Yes… Many peoples shall die both far and wide. The water… It is my waters…

Japan did not yield… I shall use the poison waters into the ashen furnaces they create; it is my ritual… My majika is greater than the knowledge of man on these matters. Greater than the arcana of elden China. I shall also make thievery of the graves liquid time… Erode the concrete with my poison. I desire the 'drums' and the liquid times stored within.

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c8e6bd  No.273300

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There is no challenge.

Do I not hold life in my many hands?

Shall a piece of hardware fail?

Shall he trip and fall during the escape of Kremlin inferno?

Shall I whisper into the wind the scrambling of his mind?

Should he suddenly pass from age?

I mentioned a successor…

Shall he coincidentally make selection of my beast?

Shall he suddenly perish and my beast be of a taking way?

You have no power…. I am beyond any measure of power and strength…

It is I who determines death and casts lots for life…

Russia shall survive… I will destroy any who attempt to make manifest otherwise…

I will not allow even Putin to destroy Russia… There are futures… A small number…

If Vladimir Putin entertains the annihilation of Russia… I shall entertain the annihilation of Vladimir Putin…

There is no challenge.

There is no compromise…

I shall not allow these games made via pacts in supposed secrecy to overrule my words on the matter…

Even if Turkey and Russia are working together to 'displace' NATO powers and prove alliance…

If Vladimir Putin entertains the annihilation of Russia… I shall entertain the annihilation of Vladimir Putin… Shall be torturous and eternally painful.

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c68f07  No.273301

File: 5774b8edfef7b46⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 331x448, 331:448, It_s_Me_YOU_The_Antichrist.jpg)


And In "Other" News:

Antichrist Bumps Poop Thread With Quatrain That Nobody Reads.

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c68f07  No.273307


why antichrist bamp bread?

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df13ec  No.273328

File: 48e7fa862b4b83e⋯.jpg (103.7 KB, 510x584, 255:292, Fake_Purple_Juice_World_Ti….jpg)


'Twas an accident whilst playing with Purple

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