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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8f39d29a530aade⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 592x1024, 37:64, 1635392374738m.jpg)

e44ece  No.273156

Junkie niggers. Queer whites, lazy Mexicans and loose women? All scum of the earth and only deserve a quick death. Fuck your petty subjective morality. There is no God.

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77b3df  No.273157

>no mention of parasitic fake Jews

fuck off kike

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e44ece  No.273158

File: 54d36bbec2287f6⋯.jpeg (13.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_3_.jpeg)


All religion needs to go. If I single out jews it means I've got to also include the rest of religion. When I say fuck your morality it's a shot at those that try to abide by a sense of guilt and feelings that can only be derived by something you have to have faith in because it only exist in your tiny insignificant fragile mind. Humans do not need God in their lives. They just need to understand what is constructive and whar is destructive to society. And it seems people are using a form of destruction for construct a society with an illusion of reality and yet totally fucking degenerate as all hell. Bring everyone down so we are all equal. Fuck that.

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77b3df  No.273159


>i cant single out the most perverse, mentally ill, corrupt, and toxic demographic because of reasons

fuck off kike.

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e44ece  No.273161

File: a3715d4df514cdb⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, pope_francis_1.jpg)

HA! perhaps because they don't belive in hell they don't have the same fear that christ cucks do, allowing degeneracy to flourish. And christ cucks are too impotent to stop it. but it's that fear that permeated through generations ultimately leading to the fucking feet kissing white christcuck and race traitor whore. They're to blame as much as the jews for this, even if jews are subversive the white man should've know better. He got lazy and complacent because of his bullshit religion.

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77b3df  No.273163

File: 1983b645ab2272a⋯.pdf (581.99 KB, Alta_Vendita.pdf)


There's a large growing movement against Francis and Vatican 2. Why are you kikes so dishonest? Holy shit..

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