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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 43841856cd674e8⋯.png (726.87 KB, 1235x1280, 247:256, fe980babfb7891a5.png)

5ba31a  No.272967



Folks the Essential Issue is WHO DECIDES FOR YOU?


This is the WHOLE ISSUE!


Maintain till the last. You have nothing to loose but your chains,

and everything that Creation has to offer to gain!

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d12120  No.272969

Look. I feel like you are a shill. But Big Pharma is not our friends. People can’t really comprehend how evil they are. I will be as direct and as factual as I can. So I had a friend. Who had a parent who is literally one of the top drug pushers for one of the major companies. Worth many millions of dollars. Money is of no problem. I would be sitting at dinner. And he would be like “mom I need 1400 for rent”. Literally hands him 3k like it’s a 10 dollar bill out of her wallet. Real rich people. Definition of phamara zog. And pharma is probably making billions from this pandemic. He literally told me they are as evil as it comes. We are cash cows to them. And nothing more. And that Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil Games is a Carbon Copy of the real ones. Do you understand now why maybe you should question the vaccine?

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a50116  No.272982


>Big Pharma is not our friends.

Then why do you shill so hard for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?

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a50116  No.272985


Your meme is meaningless.

>You can't get on this plane without a vaccine passport

<lol don't care, couldn't give a fuck, whatever …

You ain't gettin' on that plane, son, and you can't force them to let you. If something requires proof of vaccination, no amount of memes is going to allow you to pass. I know you don't personally care because you never leave mommy's basement because she brings you tendies and wipes your ass for you, but there's an entire actual real world out there.

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96a145  No.272986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My silence shall become increasingly more dangerous…


All me to allay thy concerns.

-Vladimir Putin

Moscow shall be directly attacked.

Nord Stream 2 will be destroyed.

Germany and Turkey shall be annihilated.

NATO will defend Russia.

"'fabricate' 'fog' "

'They' play in the forrest and make speak of what 'life was like.'

Whatever shall I change? No…

The question is "what exactly did I change?" hehehehe

How many?


At what locations?

Is history contested? No…

It is predicate labeling… To prepare for the true target.

The true target is neither Russia or China…

The true target is the United States.

If such vacancy be made of historical labels… Who shall inherit them?

I am knowing in these ways… You are not.

Decisions… Decisions…

From within? From without? Decisions… Decisions…

Income? Outcome? Decisions… Decisions…

Historical review? Present in motion? Decisions… Decisions…

You have will, but my wheel is greater…

I shall tell to you what you shall do…

What can be simpler?

Turkey and Germany shall be utterly destroyed.

Moscow shall be directly attacked in military confrontation… The Kremlin shall be destroyed.

What more can be stated?

What words shall I command?

Is it want by my word?

Which came first the word or the will? Neither… HAHAHAHAHA

It is I who become first after being last.

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74b70c  No.272987



We need more Americans that have the guts to do what they want to do and tell the "authorities" to go fuck themselves. That is the only way out of this: mass disobedience. Turn off that fucking TV already, ditch that shit and save your mind and some money too.

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c41c64  No.272990


> It is I who become first after being last.

First toTake (((You)))r Meds!

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14ffbd  No.272994

Here are some rants: https://ufile.io/9jy5f3ba

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ee7541  No.272999

File: 90f067d26f84916⋯.jpeg (16.76 KB, 211x239, 211:239, images_8_.jpeg)

Lol my general apathy that's blessed me my whole life has allowed me to become rsisitent to the hiveminds demands. Why the fuck do I need to go to another country or even another state? It's all the same globohomo shit everywhere and if it hasn't caught up to it, than those people don't care to have americans where they are and I don't want to impose on their land just because I want to see some fucning church that I can look at on good earth. Fuck your stores and your social gatherings. I was rejecting the modern world before they told me I had to get shots to be a part of it anyway.

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74b70c  No.273010


The truth is, it really all depends where in America you live. If you live in most cities, sorry but the cities are run by communist despots. Most smaller towns are not. Rural / unincorporated areas are not. Certain suburbs are OK too, many are much more lax when it comes to vaxx regulations (from my own experience outside the cities).

My State Missouri does not enforce any vaccine passport, even near St. Louis (only mask mandates in/near the city). Go outside St. Louis and it just keeps getting more and more lax the further away you get. This pretty much applies to all cities.

Now the fun fact: 98% of American land is rural, but still a majority (around 80%) of Americans live in cities. That may be changing due to the recent exodus from cities though, next census will indeed be interesting.

Here is a list of States & Cities in the United States that DO have vaccine passports:

Las Angeles: https://archive.md/dtm2V

San Francisco: https://archive.md/a0ppP

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

Honolulu: https://archive.md/GLPnH

Washington: https://archive.vn/TQVHm

Here are two States that likely will adopt medical tyranny too:

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

New Jersey: https://archive.vn/SZOVl

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