My silence shall become increasingly more dangerous…
All me to allay thy concerns.
-Vladimir Putin
Moscow shall be directly attacked.
Nord Stream 2 will be destroyed.
Germany and Turkey shall be annihilated.
NATO will defend Russia.
"'fabricate' 'fog' "
'They' play in the forrest and make speak of what 'life was like.'
Whatever shall I change? No…
The question is "what exactly did I change?" hehehehe
How many?
At what locations?
Is history contested? No…
It is predicate labeling… To prepare for the true target.
The true target is neither Russia or China…
The true target is the United States.
If such vacancy be made of historical labels… Who shall inherit them?
I am knowing in these ways… You are not.
Decisions… Decisions…
From within? From without? Decisions… Decisions…
Income? Outcome? Decisions… Decisions…
Historical review? Present in motion? Decisions… Decisions…
You have will, but my wheel is greater…
I shall tell to you what you shall do…
What can be simpler?
Turkey and Germany shall be utterly destroyed.
Moscow shall be directly attacked in military confrontation… The Kremlin shall be destroyed.
What more can be stated?
What words shall I command?
Is it want by my word?
Which came first the word or the will? Neither… HAHAHAHAHA
It is I who become first after being last.