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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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e79793  No.272689

Hello. I am the owner of the Anti Shill Threads.

Check latest version of my Anti Shill Awareness Post General:


I would like you to give me a feedback on my post and what I could add to it.

I know there are parts of my post who may reflect my personal experience with shills and or specific circumstance.

Let's just use that thread to converse.

Could you please provide me material on mind control and psychological operations?

It must be concise and direct to the matter, just as my post.

I do not want to watch long videos on youtube or read books to learn how shills operate unless they be really valuable.

Also, I saw a quote supposedly from Confuciys that said something like that symbols control the world.

What about that?

I do not catch the point artists like to use symbology.

For example, let's supposr it is for predictive programming, like, for example, let's suppose the one eye sign sumbolizes the Dajjal according islam, that is described as one eyed. Then what difference would an artist making an one eye sign make to accustom people with the Dajjal?


Send me material about shills on buckbreaking@rambler.ru.

You can contact me in that address.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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