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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 120f163e4180b02⋯.png (25.02 KB, 848x229, 848:229, _columbus_.PNG)

fbb826  No.270139

Vikings reached America by 1021 CE, Columbus by n 1492 CE. However, it was the kike Columbus who committed crimes against the "Native Americans." Fake Jews are more despicable than the so-called barbarians of Europe.


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4637c3  No.270181


Well that's just too bad. It's our land now, we can share it with Europeans but it's still our land and I'm not giving up my property to no one.

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fbb826  No.270408


who is "our"???

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b237b6  No.270409


>Vikings reached America by 1021

And promptly had their shit wrecked by the native people. There's a reason it took 1000 years to figure this shit out - it's because the Vikings were fucking dead and couldn't go back to tell anyone what they found.

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