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File: df1302eab2ecdbe⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Goodbye_and_Stay_Defeated.gif)

6abc8d  No.269371[Last 50 Posts]

No new post in any thread for the last hour. Neptroon, Purplekike, Ashes and Echoes, and Homestead shill are part of the same propaganda team. They're here as a team and they leave as a team. Imagine needing 3 other people to back you up on an imageboard and still lose.

Stay defeated.

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e93fb4  No.269380


>They're here as a team and they leave as a team.

>3 other people to back you up

I wish I had that many "bros". lol

I believe it's actually Johnny Neptune, Giraffe Anon, Anti-christ anon, and killcen, which are all the same-fag.

i have nothing to do with him or them.

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6abc8d  No.269381

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e93fb4  No.269383



that's mature. you're real shining example for th youth there anon. let me tell you.

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318b6b  No.269386


LOL, I was outside! It's a pretty nice day today.


Killcen here, no you are wrong. Everyone here is often wrong about one another. No one knows anything about any of us, it's a bunch of guessing, speculation and grandeur with no facts to back any accusations up. I met Johnny when he used to troll 8chan /n/, and Jerry (believe or not) used to HATE MY GUTS lol. A lot has changed there, I like Jerry now and he respects me, he has come to his senses and realized the world is headed towards very dangerous times…. to think I convinced an old leftist hippy acid-dropper to becoming a prepper… that wasn't anything I would have ever expected. But it happened. Johnny is next, you just wait and see, I'll get to him eventually… and maybe you too, in due time. I don't think Sally will ever become a prepper, I think I'd have to convince his mother first.

Anyway, it's sad how everyone has so much hate here. They don't like the news. They don't like talking about politics. They don't like different viewpoints. What's the purpose of this board again? Should it be renamed to /wannabesafespace/?

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e93fb4  No.269387


killcen. do you wanna do a beer hall bros livestream with me one day? you can do audio only, or video with a mask if you need to hide your identity. you seem pretty reasonable. we can set aside a list of topics to cover, prepping stuff can be in there.

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302041  No.269401

File: 3835f1f8fc6ee18⋯.jpg (216.98 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Need_More_Links_Killcen.jpg)

File: 0a0bb5733659c35⋯.png (106.74 KB, 349x413, 349:413, trans_Neptunian_Eris.png)

File: a74ad62898496f3⋯.png (312.5 KB, 857x540, 857:540, REAL_Blackpilled.png)

File: 7775e43545d7597⋯.jpg (636.95 KB, 1080x1352, 135:169, PicsArt_01_28_11_59_47.jpg)

File: a3cab4b06e3f9dd⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 883x1024, 883:1024, image_2019_11_28_23_28_56.jpg)


> an old leftist hippy acid-dropper

Well, (You) were right about one thing…

> No one knows anything about any of us, it's a bunch of guessing, speculation and grandeur with no facts to back any accusations up.

No one has ever accused me of being a "leftist" though!

As for the "hippy" thing, yeah, that goes with the long hair. When it is long I am called a "hippy" (and treated like one). When my head is shaved I am called a "Nazi" (and treated like one). I don't have any in-between looks, as I am a man of "extremes". But the outer appearances, and the "other" bullshit we toss around and play dress-up on everything with, are not as important as what isWITHIN.

As for "prepping", I was preaching much louder than (You), Killcen, a long long time ago! I gave up on ever thinking anyone would ever "listen", and have found many ways to be somewhat "effective" in-the-mix at orchestration & initiation.

And everybody knows ya can't believe a word out of Neptune 's mouth; especially when it comes to drug use!

Killcen? You do tend to take everything a bit more literally than a lot of "Others"! It's both refreshing and amusing at the same time; and yes, I do have a fondness for you. I never hated you. I hated your need to bump your fucking threads and babysit them all day, and ILOVEDCrabposting, and playing the Bump & Slide with you, and joining in the Neptunic festivities on >>>/n/ and >>>/newsplus/

Good Times!

Sure has changed quick! But no, I did not come to some kind of "Repentance" moment! I'm just trying to stop being lazy, and I'm trying to listen to my own warnings!

As for the judgments of "Others", you're one of the few here who is aware where I really stand in the political spectrum, as you share some of my views… Views that do not allow us to "fit in" with "Haters", of any persuasion!


Killcen drinks whiskey, not beer.

LOOK WITHINand you will find the Unity of Purpose that you seek.

The "Brotherhood" is a state of mind, that may be foundWITHIN.

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6abc8d  No.269402

File: 0a96114b323d2c5⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 691x606, 691:606, eris_omniqueery.jpg)


>muh eris!

fuck off tranny. Principia Discordia is the dumbest shit I've ever read. It's full of dad jokes. Which is no wonder you like it so much, seeing as you have daddy issues, and it's the only source of "father" in your sad life.

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8ec400  No.269403


>killcen. do you wanna do a beer hall bros livestream with me one day?


>Killcen drinks whiskey, not beer

whiskey is allowed in the beer hall…

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302041  No.269404

File: e47d6d50e5eec29⋯.jpg (139.08 KB, 1009x650, 1009:650, too_easy_.jpg)

File: 954c2d0fe8b16db⋯.png (76.24 KB, 300x100, 3:1, n_mod_banner_contest.png)

File: c27978a713c2452⋯.jpg (466.23 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, YUDoMETHJohnny_at_your_age.jpg)

File: d70c362fa4b64c9⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, YOU_are_effeminate.jpg)

File: c4efc51e9bde4cd⋯.png (929.86 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, purple_panzy_says_stahp.png)


> seeing as you have daddy issues, and it's the only source of "father" in your sad life.

Project much?

If you only knew…

Not only is my dad still alive and with my mother… I also am a father!

It is only too obvious you barely know yours and have a fairly antagonistic relationship with your mother, especially considering you hate everything about your "feminine" side, which is your dominant side, btw. So obvious.


What happened to the Ayahuasca Hall?

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6abc8d  No.269405


You have daddy issues. Resentment, shame, anger, or perhaps you didn't really get to know him. That's why your drawn to a book full of dad jokes and why you have no problem saluting a female deity but the idea of a male God repulses you. I know your type. You're an effeminate little girl with daddy issues. Fucking faggot.

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6b184c  No.269406

File: 9ba35b2e2307e54⋯.jpg (114.31 KB, 951x942, 317:314, Eris.jpg)


The "Fake Jew" brings up Principia Discordia in relation to his own rabbit-hole mind.

>>269401 merely referred to the planet Eris.

(((You)))r inability to see anything but "Fake Jews" everywhere is not only clouding your vision and causing you to misread everything, it is also robbing (((You))) of the joy and overflowing abundance that is your rightful heritage. Not (((You))), though.

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6abc8d  No.269407


You and I are right here >>269405

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6abc8d  No.269408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tell me with all honesty you don't have daddy issues and I'll drop it. I'll assume your faggot Eris tranny bullshit is because that's just who you are as an individual and I won't mock you for it.

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8ec400  No.269409

File: 1013016045d428a⋯.png (292.54 KB, 610x403, 610:403, ron_paul_its_not_happening.png)


>killcen. do you wanna do a beer hall bros livestream with me one day?


>Killcen drinks whiskey, not beer


>whiskey is allowed in the beer hall…


>What happened to the Ayahuasca Hall?

ayahuasca, beer, whiskey, tea… anything you -want bring it to the beer hall.

I just want to have a group of bros already to show my mom I'm able make friends now.

let's pick a day and do this.



stop arguing you two. how about both of you come on beer hall bros and you can have it out in real audio conversation? it'll be fun.

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6abc8d  No.269410

File: b5dca2c779c3d03⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 673x964, 673:964, mfw_not_for_you.jpg)


>give us a voice sample, anon

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6b184c  No.269411

File: 1331783a4d04164⋯.png (167.51 KB, 1274x682, 637:341, 2021_09_14_Marshmallow_Sal….png)

File: 2e9015b8c0fc7dd⋯.png (510.58 KB, 1165x629, 1165:629, 2021_08_18_Give_Me_Your_Pe….png)

File: 072063f2fd8c071⋯.png (169.67 KB, 887x551, 887:551, 2021_09_02_07_00_Antichris….png)

File: 89e1a2c66d60c36⋯.png (718.97 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, eris_goddess_of_discord_an….png)


Cute. He thinks I believe in "Outside" entities or would Propitiate "Agency".

Acts of Worship, and Acts of Devotion do not need to be directed at "Outside" Entities, btw.

We've been through this before. (((You))) always confuse the Non-Dualist stance with that of the Solipsist.

(((You))) mistake Reverence for weakness at (((You)))r peril.

(((You))) could also Open Up (((You)))r stance a little.

(((You))) might Learn Something.


> Tell me with all honesty you don't have daddy issues and I'll drop it.

I don't have daddy issues.

With all honesty, I still have some "Mommy Issues"; which is how I recognize them in (((You))).

As for "Eris", (((You))) just continue to fail to recognize an "Operation Mindfuck" when (((You))) see one.

But we both share one thing!

We both waste inordinate amounts of time here!

I think I will focus my attentions on my gf for the rest of this evening!

Sorry (((You))) are continuing to choose "Other" Options…

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6abc8d  No.269412

File: 02744b02ba664e4⋯.png (58.41 KB, 850x490, 85:49, weev_eris.PNG)

File: bc87a5faea1fb73⋯.png (32.03 KB, 512x512, 1:1, romanian_poster_13.PNG)


Alright. I won't hound you about your daddy issues, which don't exist. But is "she" really a girl?

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6abc8d  No.269413


Don't answer that. Just be happy :)

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8ec400  No.269414


>you're trying to sample my voice!

what the heck man. you think you have a shred of true anonymity posting here? you don't think your voice is already sampled? going on voice is not going to hurt you.

this board is such a disappointment. i used to think of 8ch.net/pol like family (comedic exaggeration) but now im stuck with not even enough energy here even to get some beer hall bros (comedic youthful tone)

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6abc8d  No.269415

File: dc886154c2239fe⋯.gif (563.63 KB, 500x278, 250:139, bored_taytay.gif)


no thanks

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8ec400  No.269416


if tay tay was there. you'd come in a second.

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6abc8d  No.269417

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8ec400  No.269418


bros before hos; obviously means nothing to you youthful comedic tone not as funny when I point it out, but otherwise people think im actually being 100% serious

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6abc8d  No.269419


what's your angle? what are you hoping to achieve by this new calm, friendly demeanor? If you ask outright I may tell or give what you want.

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8ec400  No.269424


what? I've always been calm and friendly

you ever get the feeling that you've been mind controlled to love tay tay? i think about her every day, honestly.

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6abc8d  No.269425


mind controlled by chemical responses to feminine beauty? yeah prbly. troons and other men just dont do it for me.

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8ec400  No.269426

File: 745222ad92bf033⋯.png (675.09 KB, 645x697, 645:697, ClipboardImage.png)


no i mean, literally purposeful subconscious subliminal messaging. AI focused mind control on you individually to twist your mind to being severely hung up on her.–

all that on top of natural attraction to beauty.

maybe it's just me. she did a whole interview on a late night show once talking about how she got interviewed by this guy who had the same first name as me, and how he was so cool and made her so nervous and she was so happy to be interviewed by him and embarrassed hoping she didnt make a fool out of herself in front of him.

it threw me for a loop way back, but im better now.

but i still think she is actively programmed into to western males for whatever social experimental purposes by the mind controllers

imaging being in the same room as Tay Tay; or actually having her on beer hall bros. i honestly don't know if i'd be able to keep my cool. haha

but i will definitely never be 100% certain she is a woman unless i see her pussy IRL. too much weird experimental crap going on with all the celebrities.

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6abc8d  No.269429

File: 56d5c485b2c045b⋯.png (39.02 KB, 949x408, 949:408, taytay_fans.PNG)

File: c2d2a3a248eb123⋯.png (601.22 KB, 1168x970, 584:485, Divine_Madness.PNG)


> AI focused mind control on you individually to twist your mind to being severely hung up on her.

No. Of course not. She has many fans. Pic 1 related.

I oftentimes however engage purposeful psychosis. My mind isn't allowed to be twisted unless it serves some esoteric purpose. Control over the serpent, rather than taking a subservient role, permits for this.

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6b184c  No.269431

File: 01f00300482bcf8⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 375x134, 375:134, But_They_DO.jpg)











(((You))) BOTH Have to Go Back.

4chan is where (((You))) BOTH Belong.

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6abc8d  No.269432

File: 494dc0831836f0c⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_kvetching.jpg)

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6b184c  No.269434

File: e302908350aeb7a⋯.png (41.94 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 4chan_clover.png)


> leave us alone to talk about "feminine penis" in peace!

< stay defeated.

I always know (((You))) have defeated (((You)))rself when (((You))) break out the "kvetching" memes; especially that one.

> "stay defeated."

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b764e6  No.269435


do you think you'd be able to keep your cool if tay tay came on beer hall bros and you had to talk to her there?

in my wildest dreams, tay tay lurks here; and we've actually had a bunch of exchanges already.

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b764e6  No.269436

File: ecdb333185b08ae⋯.png (436.75 KB, 415x928, 415:928, purple_mein_kampf.png)


anyone who says "stay defeated" more than once, is an automatic fag.

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6abc8d  No.269437

File: 02646b30a3de01e⋯.gif (835.56 KB, 245x250, 49:50, taytay_sees_through_your_b….gif)


>leave us alone to talk about "feminine penis" in peace!

wtf r u talking about troon?


Taytay is a symbol for whatever anon desires most in life. She's a meme used for coercive and bargaining purposes, also to deflate and discourage. It doesn't need to be Tay, mind you, but she is the most popular and adored within chan culture. The trick is discovering what anon desires and over time tying that desire to Tay on an unconscious level through the use of subtle rhetoric.

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8ec400  No.269438


>The trick is discovering what anon desires and over time tying that desire to Tay on an unconscious level through the use of subtle rhetoric.

what the flip. are you a tay tay scientist? translate down a level for us simpletons that haven't earned a degree in taytaycology yet.

maybe tay tay is on this thread right now…

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8ec400  No.269439

File: acc0535f1856d35⋯.jpg (90.16 KB, 685x567, 685:567, interesting_retard.jpg)


wait… are YOU tay tay?

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6abc8d  No.269440

File: dc8fe3de8001e14⋯.png (54.87 KB, 1209x417, 403:139, taytay_psyop.PNG)



There was a Communist means of psywar, I forget what it was called, that intended to convince a person either that their dead loved ones were meaning to communicate with them or celebrities. The goal was to induce a psychotic state. But in my opinion this misses the mark. It's much better creating a generic association and then controlling the emotional state like a carrot on a stick.

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8ec400  No.269441


imaGine if Tay tay really talked like that in her personal life. like she intellectually engineered her celebrity with that kind of thinking.

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6abc8d  No.269442

File: e86d1c9cb8fc5ca⋯.png (239.5 KB, 335x472, 335:472, taytay_offspring.PNG)


Or Communist psyopers purposely engineered the psyop around TayTay and it could be used with literally any celebrity.

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6abc8d  No.269443

File: beb51e21d945399⋯.jpg (146.56 KB, 1000x522, 500:261, yfw_the_magic_is_really_re….jpg)

PSYOP is less than PSIWAR.

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6abc8d  No.269444

File: 39183ea874ef73f⋯.jpg (243.17 KB, 590x775, 118:155, impotent.jpg)

PSIWAR is less than SPIRWAR.


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6abc8d  No.269445

File: 5a35a9e957b7ae2⋯.png (363.04 KB, 733x866, 733:866, taytay_israel_3.PNG)

So…what nao?

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ffa56a  No.269446

File: 782a4c4d6fbfbc5⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2074x1326, 61:39, islam_world_order.png)


>taylor swift supports muslims

It would fall in line with the rest of her globo homo garbage, which helped to snap me out of my taylor swift trance long ago.

Even National Socialists, such as myself; should support Israel because they are literally our weapon against global islam world sharia order. pic related.

The most optimistic view of this, for taylor, would be that her team has calculated she needs to veer left in order to avoid being destroyed by a currently dominant leftist media. remember how she made the lover music video with a black guy; probably just in the nick of time before they started hitting her for always having white love interests in her music videos.


>PSYOP is less than PSIWAR.

Psiwar is unendingly complex


>PSIWAR is less than SPIRWAR

Spirwar is religion. Jesus is God come to earth… imho.

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6abc8d  No.269448


Everyone prefers Muslims over Jews, especially Israelis. Even when Muslims are raping Europeans and replacing them… everyone still dislikes Jews more.

>Jesus is God come to earth


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ffa56a  No.269449

File: 6d372e97a9b3fe1⋯.png (319.18 KB, 1158x1224, 193:204, purple_truth_2.png)


>Everyone prefers Muslims over Jews

not when muslims control 95% of middle east/central-asia/north-africa.

this is my biggest problem with jew-derangement syndrome retards.

how the FLIP can you be against Israel, at this point in time; with pic related in the map here: >>269446

I CAN NOT STAND IT THAT TURK-ARAB MUSLIMS are in Constantinople. Of all places. I'm not jew-lover by any rate, especially not the anti-nazi leftist jew-types; but still I have enough common sense to know that islam is a bigger enemy.

>Jesus is God come to earth


which sect you hail from?

im an independent.

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6abc8d  No.269451

File: fa2b1d4873ebe94⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2255x1488, 2255:1488, hitler_zionism_3.png)


>how the FLIP can you be against Israel

I'll give you three reasons:

>Pedophile blackmail ring targeting the entire Western world

>Siphoning money from America while attacking us with propaganda, lobbies, and aforementioned pedophile blackmail ring

>Encouraging Muslim "refugees" into Europe and America

No one, I don't think, would have a problem with Jews having their own State and containing themselves therein. But that's simply not what they've done with their State. And while I don't agree with Hitler on a number of issues, pic related turned out to be true.

>which sect you hail from?

Roman Catholic on the outskirts of his tradition.

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ffa56a  No.269452

File: 6553e5df5a4669e⋯.png (731.47 KB, 821x984, 821:984, normy_subverted_neo_nazi.png)


From a quick internet search, that quote in your pic is sourced to Mein Kampf. Do you know where exactly?

At any rate, Mein Kampf is the most highly tampered with book ever. see pic related.

I do not believe Uncle Adolf took any stand against jews more than to identify a statistical significance of their racial traits to make them more likely to be criminals. Truely good jews exist who have overcome their nature to be criminals, just like blacks exist who have overcome their nature to be stupid. this is the whoe lie based on a grain of truth that was spun to make nazism out as it is today in leftist media.

but aside from that. there exists a lot of theories an evidence that Adolf supported a hebrew state in Cannan. Like the Transfer Agreemen:


The opinions of Adolf Hitler are highly valuable; but imo we've reached a point in time where it's very difficult to separate fact from reputation slandering.

with all that said; it would seem to me like you have a slight case of jew-derangement syndrome. blinding you to the fact the muslims are performing force feed islam on all the light green area in pic related: >>269446

No doubt jewish organized crime is performing all kinds of bad deeds; maybe even at greater degree than other races; but that doesn't mean we group all the bad jews with the good jews together

The best thing we can hope for is the continued resitance of teh state of israel against the 500 year occupation of non-arab lands by the arab-muslim caliphates and conglomerates.


>Roman Catholic on the outskirts of his tradition.

have you heard of 8pol Christianity before, by any chance?

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6abc8d  No.269453

File: 117952a04d36f64⋯.png (95.84 KB, 1360x659, 1360:659, hitler_zionism.png)


The Haavara Agreement wasn't about Zionism. Jews were supposed to live in an SS police state, without their own military, but with a police force. Zionism, or the building a political State, has allowed the Political Zionists to acquire power at the expense of the "every-day Jew."

>have you heard of 8pol Christianity before


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ffa56a  No.269454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm going to have to continue this conversation tomorrow; and i look forward to it because you seem to be full of information. and i have to look at the haavara agreement again in order to rebut you approriately, which i donty have time for at the moment.

ahhhhh. in my head I imagine maybe this is Tay Tay I'm talking to . How cute would it be if Tay Tay was trying to convince me back into jew-derangement syndrom.

The most amazing creation of God, woman, is it not? These women, when they do something that would be a minor thing for a man, but for her it would make your heart melt like watching a bunny eating a rasberry in embed related.

truly; nothing would be cuter than tay tay trying to preach jew-derangement-syndrome to me. It must happen.

Tay Tay is too cute to have jew-derangement-syndrome for long; but still it would be a cute process to talk her out of it.

heil hitler

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ae3078  No.269456

File: 24c6ad386fe3d9a⋯.png (1.71 MB, 750x1044, 125:174, ClipboardImage.png)


okay. im gonna say it. and even good jews will agree with me.


This needs to be a cartoon animation. Johnny Neptune, where you at?

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318b6b  No.269457


I only have two computers that go online, one of them only for 'business' (financial) related activities which is kept completely isolated and separate from the computer I am using now (this one for shitposting). Neither of these two computers have cameras or microphones for a good reason (OPSEC). I even have two different VPN services, a different one for each system. The other issue is the operating system I use to shitpost on image boards is reverse engineered, so even if I were to try connecting to something like Zoom or Skype or another VoIP protocol my system likely would not even recognize it, or at the very least those servers would consider my system to be a 'bot' and firewall the connection if attempted. Much like Google and a host of other mainstream websites do if I try connecting to them over this computer. The purpose of this computer I'm using now is to shitpost on image boards, read news, pirate media and share media over P2P and bit torrent. As well ripping videos from sites like Youtube & Bitchute lol.

Due to my level of OPSEC the best I can do is likely what I did on your first Dlive stream, which was to crash the image board you linked, promoting prepping and "End Times" news. Even then I was surprised I could view you on Dlive that night, I had to mess around with browser cache directories to get that site to load for me or else my browser would pull a 503 on me.

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318b6b  No.269458


>remember how she made the lover music video with a black guy; probably just in the nick of time before they started hitting her for always having white love interests in her music videos.

See, regardless how cute a celebrity may be this is the reason I don't follow any of it anymore. Hollywood is utter trash commie today! If I want a laugh for comical relief I'll stick to the golden age of TV (50s, 60s, 70s & 80s era) with DVDs. I was one of the first 'cable cutters' before the 'cable cutting' movement was even a thing. It's been over 20 years since I've paid for TV service. I've saved myself a lot of subversive misery from not bothering with modern 'entertainment' lol!

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6b184c  No.269459

File: 061f551ee03e6d2⋯.jpg (464.83 KB, 936x860, 234:215, 26_29.jpg)


> Johnny Neptune, where you at?

He's probably busy puking after perusing this thread.

I'm still glad I drove you and Sally into each other's arms yesterday. It was my great pleasure. You will both be very happy together, and I knew it instantly. So does Johnny. Don't worry. He'll let you know all about your jizzguzzling faggotry and the whole TayTay on a Pedastal thang you've got going on here soon enough.

Your stance toward ALL Women (both you & Sally) makes it unlikely you will ever be intimate with anyone more than you and Sally are intimate right now.


Constantly missing the bigger picture in favor of becoming fascinated by some unimportant flashy tidbit of anything, including ideas… It's a very popular stance nowadays. It has always been popular among those who can't see past the pile of midden they have built up and drag around with them, their ideologies of hatred and division based on Fear of "Other" (Death is the ultimate "Other" for living beings, so Fear of Pain and Fear of Death will always be popular among the living.) But living one's life based on Fear makes it easy for you to be controlled by "Others"! That's what religions have been doing for at least tens of thousands of years. I get it. You have a framework upon which to hang meaning. Jesus is a big part of that for y'all; whereas those who have witnessed rapes, murder and torture, all in the name of your "Lord" Jesus, may not feel the same way, or exhibit the same emotions when presented with the ideologies that make you and your kind feel all gooey and good inside. It may take what it takes for everybody. There is no one right path for everybody, any more than there is one correct viewpoint from which to see the Universal TRUTH. All "Else" is not wrong.It is "Other".As such, it is not to be feared or hated (unless you are dangerously superstitious, and therefore cannot even be trusted in the presence of "Other". (Which is why Killcen & I are packing heat most of the time in public now.)

Judgement of "Other", to the point of Hatred & Division, belies Fear, and broadcasts one's danger to "Others".

Let that be a lesson to you.

Some few have traveled much further down these paths than you have. Fewer yet have ever returned with news of the road ahead. Casting stones at those few while they try to get their message across, by any means necessary, in every possible language, well… Keep casting stones and see where that gets you…

> Begone! ye mockers; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I have forsaken you.

> He that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is filthy shall be filthy still.

> Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.

> Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him.

> Therefore strike hard & low, and to hell with them, master!

Liber AL vel Legis

sub figura CCXX (Verses 56-60)

as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI

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6b184c  No.269463

File: c207d462311c34d⋯.jpg (93.41 KB, 730x430, 73:43, Firejail_apps_locked_730x4….jpg)



JKI here.

I won't use Zoom personally, but my gf's mom is being required to use it by her doctor now (because she had COVID in March), and she needs her doctor because she has dementia, blah blah…

The reason I bring it up is because I recommend, if you HAVE to use Zoom, that you do it in a browser, not the app, and that you do it in a completely sandboxed browser that you only use for that purpose. To sandbox a browser (and you can set it up with ghacks and all the about:config shit you want!) I use `firejail` and `apparmor` like so:

First I make a folder in /home (say my username was jki) and call the folder something like `fire-sand`, then I run the following code in a terminal (or make an Application Desktop file for it in the Application Manager)

firejail --apparmor --seccomp --private=/home/jki/fire-sand firefox

Now I will have a fully sandboxed version of Firefox I can set up any way I want. No, you can't run a sandboxed version alongside your regular version at the same time, but it will have it's own profile and even it's own Downloads folder, and nothing can ever get outside that `fire-sand` folder (or whatever you name it)

`firejail` is easy to use and cross-platform. There's even a GUI for it… `firetools`, for those who are afraid of the terminal. As for `apparmor` you may have to enable it and awaken the functionality within your kernel (I just used boot parameters in GRUB.cfg)

Fucking Zoom!

Still, knowing how to sandbox a browser (and you can do it with ANY application!) is going to become more essential knowledge for those who do not enjoy the constant anal probing by the surveillance oligarchy.

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fd1619  No.269464


Dear Noob,

OPISthe Antichrist Fantasy Roleplay Faggot

That's Marshmallow Sally

and he is NOT your friend or ally

he's a faggot who still lives with his mother at age 34, and collects SSI welfare disability benefits

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318b6b  No.269465


I don't "sandbox" any of my browsers, although I do have multiple browsers I use for specific designated activities. I do however know all their .profile directories! I know where all that sqlite cache is stored, and I have an .ini script that works with the old CCleaner to bleach ALL of it 35x Gutmann off the harddrive, routinely after the use of any web browser. AKA that is my own form of "sandboxing" as it renders all that browser session data obsolete (data which normally would not be temporary, data which would normally be used to trace previous browser session activities / caches logs cookies etc). Each time I start up a browser it's completely clean, much like it was freshly installed for first time use.

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fd1619  No.269466

File: 27084cc73871e9b⋯.mp4 (832.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, km_20211017_4_720p_1_.mp4)


I haven't been in here for a few days…. .

Lol @ Sally thinking "normal" equals having nothing in your life but 4chat & 8kun

and he thinks if somebody else HAS A LIFE AND A WIFE AND A FAMILY, their absence from here indicates "fear of him"….

as if he's DEFEATED me or you, just because WE ACTUALLY GET OUR DICKS SUCKED

andYESI've been fucking my wife in the ass and mouth for the entire weekend


enjoy this video of Jon Fox

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6b184c  No.269467

File: bef575934bdd381⋯.gif (151.95 KB, 300x275, 12:11, JKI_Leads_Sheep.gif)


Thank you for your support here today. I realized you were busy yesterday, so I took up the slack in several threads.

I worked hard to drive Purple and Sally into each "Other"'s arms!

Pleeze don't drive a wedge between them this early!

I will be busy most of this week, and particularly today, so expect you will take care of business around here.

Jim swears he's sending the XMR later today. He evidently had trouble getting ahold of some in the commie leftist shitholes he's been hanging out in…

Like I said…

Gotta get busy today… (Home Schooling, Simplifying, Buying, Selling, PREPARING…)



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6abc8d  No.269493

File: c29a2deb271dd12⋯.jpg (374.73 KB, 1698x802, 849:401, haavara_1.JPG)

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c43b11  No.269684

File: 47f1441d770db84⋯.jpg (119.45 KB, 1002x1024, 501:512, frens.jpg)


>Due to my level of OPSEC the best I can do is likely what I did on your first Dlive stream,

Maybe you could just have a diplay picture, and then you can type what you want to say with a text reader… kinda like steven Hawking.

What you think?

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318b6b  No.269703


That would sound like fun, but I would need an operating system that can connect via a VoIP protocol. My current system is not only outdated from a different era but is also reverse engineered in such a way it can only access (or be accessed) by certain basic internet protocols & ports.

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e9882e  No.269732

File: 357fd93eb5b7926⋯.png (136.23 KB, 500x392, 125:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c95e7d7f3e9ebd4⋯.png (1.85 MB, 736x936, 92:117, ClipboardImage.png)


damn, what the heck do you do that you're trying to hide so bad?

And also, are you that confident in your OPSEC that you don't think you draw more attention to yourself by hiding so hard? and that they've destroyed your OPSEC already but are happy to let you continue thinking you're secure.

I think unless you're one of the elite of the elites, at this point in time, everyone is under full 1984 surveillance. just come to terms with it; your OPSEC is most likely not really protecting you; but rather your OPSEC simply gives them cause to raise you to the VERY TOP of their watch lists.

the best OPSEC you can hope for is to blend in with the crowd of people who don't do any OPSEC…. IMO, you should just come on beer hall bros and say hello to all your watchers who have already probably fully sequenced your DNA andrun your psychological profile through some expensive think tanks to arrive at the focal points of your psychology in case they ever need to make use of your OPSEC appearences.

you remind me someone who watched the movie hackers in 1995, and thought that's what real hacking was like. lol. dont get offended if i poke some light fun at you. real OPSEC is the equvilent of the movie the Matrix where you would need to be unplugged in a special way and be ferried away from society permanently in a very dark dungeoun like corner where the last remnants of free unsurveilled humanity exist like homeless dogs that barely get by each day.

that must be a lot to take in all at once. it would be mighty impressive if you could accept it point blank. but alas, the mind needs time to change, even when logic prevails, saving face occurs by involuntary rejection of an obvious truth in order for the mind to gradually adjust to it. overcome that urge killcen! get on a regular windows computer and come on Beer Halls Bros #3! Wear a mask thos; its the common rabble you need to protect you need your OPSEC to protect you from. Thus, the mask is the most valuable opsec.


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6abc8d  No.269734

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e9882e  No.269742

File: df252bcb7c7dda1⋯.png (436.9 KB, 415x928, 415:928, purple_book.png)


oh whats up anti-jew bro. i havent forgotten about our conversation and the bond we share over our mind controlled love fort tay tay.

im just wrapped up with finishing my book for the deadline this friday. looking at the transfer agreement again is a little tedious for me at the moment; but in the end i imagine even if you are right about it; still i'll contend that hitler and the natsocs weren't a lot nicer to jews than people think, to the point of it being very reasonable to support israel in their fight against the enormous beast of a 500 year long victor of islam in the middle east. the common man who thinks he's a jew deserves to follow their personal truth. not all jews are bad and the first step to defeating bad jews is to divide them by supporting good jews against them that also hate bad jews. otherwise you're commiting the novice error of uniting your enemy into a difficult to defeat whole. and i really don't believe average joe blow good jew is an enemy. natsocs are truly accepting of the diversity of all different racial groups. what a shame that their reputation gets slandered to say otherwise. WW2 history is on the level of greek legend mythology at this point; to talk with absolute certainty about any event is a child's error.

…IMO of course. and i would definitely like to hear your obviously educated opinion, sir.


DAMN. im still thinking about tay tay.

have you seen her new tiktok channel?

her boob bumps under her shirt NEVER fail to get my attention like a dog to a squirrel.


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e9882e  No.269744


> still i'll contend that hitler and the natsocs weren't a lot nicer to jews than people think,

WERE a log nicer


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6abc8d  No.269750


Remind me which Jews are good again. The religious ones who suck baby penis, the non-religious ones who suck pretend transgender boy penis, the ones stealing other people's land, or the ones blackmailing the world?

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6abc8d  No.269751


pretend = preteen

sorry its getting late

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6abc8d  No.269755

just let me know which group of jews are the "good jews." ill check the thread tomorrow.

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6abc8d  No.269802

bumping to learn who these good jews are

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6abc8d  No.269828

See, I'm confused.

One group of Jews are Zionist and they run blackmail rings against everyone else. Another group are anti-Zionist but they're pedophiles blackmailed by the Zionists. Then there's the Bolsheviks who who take advantage of the Zionist blackmailers and the anti-Zionist blackmailed for their own agenda, like parasites, instead of ending the blackmail altogether. Of course, there's also the hyper liberal Jews who promote child drag queens. So which group am I forgetting? Who are the "good Jews?"

Someone let me know so that I may champion these good Jews.

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2e15c9  No.269835


No one is "defeated", there is hardly any debate here and those of us you don't agree with are still here not giving a fuck.


>damn, what the heck do you do that you're trying to hide so bad?

It's not so much what I do but why I hide my identity. Future social credit scores. Personal association. Plausible deniability if accused of something. I also refuse to allow Big Tech companies to profit from my online activities (data). I leave as little amount of useful data as possible, most metadata being spoofed on my end. If there are powerful entities who desire stalking me so be it, I'm going to make them work to keep track of what I do which is harder than one might think when factoring decompartmentalization (my use of multiple computers, operating systems and VPNs & Tor too), my knowledge of sqlite (browser session data) and the ability to disrupt tracing of previous browser sessions. I was not meme'd on image boards as a tin foil ball for nothing. There are a lot of anons in the past who wanted to know who I am and not one could find anything about me because I simply do not exist as a human online. Computers are a double edged sword (both friend and enemy): they can be used to inform you and can be used to exploit you. How you use a computer makes all the difference in the world of mass surveillance.

PS: I am not a hacker. I am one who hides from the hackers.

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6abc8d  No.269837


Maybe you can help me with >>269828

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2e15c9  No.269840


If all you focus on is Jews, rather than the crisis they are creating by their corruption/subversion and the effects it will have on your lifestyle, you'll be lost running in circles blaming everything that happens on Jews… rather than outsmarting them and mitigating all the threats they consistently create.

Look at Johnny for example: >>269816

And look how I responded: >>269838

Get it? Prepare.

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6abc8d  No.269846


I just want to know which are the good Jews so I can avoid disliking them.

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2e15c9  No.269855


The truth may be hard for some to cope with but it's not just Jews that are corrupt. There are many different people from many different cultures and religions that are also deeply corrupt. You can point fingers at this tribe, or that tribe, Jews or Fake Jews. It's really human nature to become corrupted and abuse your leverage of authority and influence. It can happen to Jews as much as it can happen to me or you. And it does, it happens all over the world. Look at how the Australian government is treating their own people, it's horrible. But the bigger question is what are you going to do about it? Are you doing what you can to resist their abusive behavior? Are you telling them to go fuck themselves by not complying or feeding the institutions they have corrupted? Are you arming yourself? Are you boycotting? Are you prepping? Are you protesting or striking? Are you doing anything to stay away from them or move away from areas they have stranglehold over (like those major cities)? Are you warning others of what they have planned and what they are doing to us? Are you homeschooling your children? Are you cancelling TV service and boycotting their subversive entertainment? What exactly are you doing to the best of your ability to counter their craziness? What do you intend to do when they come for you? You better think about all of that. You better think about it, and get ready for it in advance.

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6abc8d  No.269860


Evil exists in everyone but no one more so than the fake Jew who has made an entire religion out of corruption. Their entire history is nothing but wrongdoing. But I keep hearing about

>good Jews

and I'm just asking who they are exactly. That's all.

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d1ba24  No.269866

File: 577b6a77177569f⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 588x744, 49:62, hitler_jews_you_say.jpg)


sorry for the delayed reply. i can't respond during the day on weekdays.

>just let me know which group of jews are the "good jews."

I CAN NOT BELIEVE how I am a proponent of the idea that jews may be more likely to exhibit immoral behavior more than any other race, statistically as a racial characteristic; and yet because I am firm that good jews exist, I am constantly boxed into the corner of endlessly DEFENDING jews.

I feel like a darn lawyer for the jews; but I guess it's necessary when I'm obligated to defend my people from being weakened through jew-derangement syndrome causing strategic miscalculation in regards to bad Muslim expansion.

Here goes…

>just let me know which group of jews are the "good jews."

Well, this involves a deep dive into the JQ; but let's do it.

Let's work our way up from the easiest case. A man with a single distant jewish ancestor, but not on his patrilineal line of fathers. Are you.

An example of this would be Hitler's driver: Emil Maurice.


Assuming a person such as this lives a moral lifestyle both inwardly and outwardly; is this a good jew?

What about if your brother had a son with a jewish woman? Does your patrilineal nephew inherit the inability to be good?

If it is the case that both these partial jew types can be good; then let's move on to the full jew; both mother and father.



>Remind me which Jews are good again.

>The religious ones who suck baby penis?

The religion/ethnicity is not fully unified. There are religious jews, who have different customs which do not involve that procedure when performing their ritual mutilation. But on a serious note, I think the penis sucking circumcision technique is an extreme fringe element situation most assuredly not practiced by the majority of circumcisers; but if you come at me with some kind of evidence that it is a majority; then I'll simply refer to the minority that could be good jews.

>the non-religious ones who suck preteen transgender boy penis

you're being facetious but i'll bite. I've met many jews who not practice homsexuality. are you saying that every jew i've met like this is secretly doing so?

>there are, the ones stealing other people's land

What, Palestine? Are you serious? They are an invasion force against arab muslims who've stole and controlled it for 500 years and used it as a religous base of operations expand force feed type bad islam upon the world. When the islamist horde to finally cut down to size, thhen we can rightly talk about who that land belongs to… in my opinion it is native to the egyptians; but that's another story.

>or the jews blackmailing the world?

Again. Every day average joe jew; i've met many who are not taking part in jewish organized crime. How about the example of Isaac Kappy who got suicided after he released a video exposing elite pedofiles circles. and before you say "but muh controlled opposition psyop", okay maybe, but im sure there are a lot of examples like that of jews doing something good; is every single good deed a jew has ever done been a psyop?

I believe the furthest right you can go on the JQ, without having jew derangement syndrome, is to recognize a racial characteristic tendency of of jews similar to a pit bull to savage bite; there are pitbulls born who are very gentle as a rule of the source of mutational genetic variation, and would be possible to breed out that characteristic specifically to create a gentle pitbull breed in the same way that pitbulls were original selectively bred to create their statistically savage nature. do you deny even the possibility for a jew to have received a genetic variation which causes them to be extremely good? and this is the extreme case, surely AT WORST the percentage of good to bad jews is 25-75; which if you take an assumed 15 million world jewish population, that means there are over 3 million good jews. but honestly, i would guess that the statistical stereotype results in difference much more minor; for example whites might be 10% bad, while jews 25%. whites 10% dumb while blacks 25% dumb. 75% is a gross exageration IMO, but I mention it as a worst case assumption for the sake of debating with you.

what am i doing wrong here?

if you want to bring religion into; i can definitely go there is necessary; i was the creator of 8pol Christianity. to label me as some kind of hyper jew supporter just because i defend jews against jew-derangement syndrome is a gross exaggeration

im truly in the middle of the spectrum here; but my constant defending of jews makes me falsely appear like im on the far left.


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6abc8d  No.269870

File: f45edc6e49c335d⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 640x427, 640:427, palestine_based_2.jpg)


Why do you use Hitler when he supported Palestine?

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d1ba24  No.269873

btw, this thread is highly likely to be jews data mining to keep track of exactly how anti-jewish we all are.


>Why do you use Hitler when he supported Palestine?



>WW2 history is on the level of greek legend mythology at this point; to talk with absolute certainty about any event is a child's error.

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d1ba24  No.269875


imo, palestinian / arab / islamic center of power is most responsible for co-opting nazism post ww2 to push the jew derangement syndrome psyop on average joe nazi, for obvious reasons… Israel is a thorn in their side directly preventing islamic force feed expansion and their desire for global sharia law

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d1ba24  No.269936

File: 4e65d07701da870⋯.png (905.63 KB, 750x746, 375:373, natsoc_tough_SS_they_ve_ta….png)


>If there are powerful entities who desire stalking me so be it, I'm going to make them work to keep track of what I do which is harder than one might think

If your goal is hide from lowly hackers and lesser government agents; then this is reasonable; so long you accept that you are in no way whatsoever hiding from those "powerful entities", who, like I said, probably focus in on you more than anybody else precisely because how much you attempt to hide.

I use a VPN for the same reason; to hide from the lowest tiers of the surveillance matrix while I don't pretend to think that my VPN hides me from any "powerful entities"

Oh well; if you ever figure out how to get on a zoom call with all your gagdets, then let me know and we'll do a proper Beer Hall Bros livestream


What about you anti-jew anon?

Do you want to come on Beer Halls Bros livestream with me, at least on audio; and have a public discussion about the JQ which we can post on here afterward to spark the intellectualism we all love to take part in? think about it.



I think I'll start posting neat Tay Tay science thread here maybe tomorrow.

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6abc8d  No.269941




how much does israel pay you to sit here and poorly defend the fake jewish state?

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75dcb0  No.269943

File: 4673448436eadff⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 480x270, 16:9, triggered.gif)

File: e7fda6dd87dc4c1⋯.gif (911.71 KB, 357x200, 357:200, mean.gif)


>how much does israel pay you to sit here and poorly defend the fake jewish state?

How much does palestine pay you to sit here and defend the invader muslim states?

You neglect to respond with reasoning or logic and resort to insults. This is a sign to anyone reading our dialogue that you are wrong. Come on Beer Halls Bros and have a conversation if you have a truth to tell.

stay triggered. i have no need to insult you. my reasoning stands alone to insult you in the worst way possible; you being defeated in debate.

you sound like a woman that goes on a tirade of insulting a man because she can't reason with him, and has no other outlet but to throw nasty words which do nothing but to reflect the nasty nature of the person throwing them. learn from me. aubduing someone calmly, intellectually, is much more hurtful than simple mean words.

As tay tay says… "Why ya gotta be so mean?"


on a serious note. seriously this constant turn to anger, instead of just calmly telling me how im wrong; is extremely childlike. I've been wrong many times when debating people, or have been at a loss with how to respond; and i just respectfully congratulate them on winning the debate whilst i steal away with the greater treasure of a higher truth; or if nothing else i end with "let's agree to disagree".

don't reject correction out of pride. you know im right. being mean and vulgar is extremely degenerate.

i'll agree to disagree with you; though i wish you would finish describing to me your ideas; im sure there's more i can learn from you. cheers.


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6abc8d  No.269944

File: 3d35f6a49533887⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 1141x320, 1141:320, palestine.JPG)


Modern fake Jew can't trace their lineage to Palestine, but Palestinians of course can. You're left then with a religious claim. Do you really want to die on that hill?

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75dcb0  No.269949

File: 8d0a68391514587⋯.png (737.4 KB, 674x420, 337:210, ClipboardImage.png)


great observation.

The name Palestine for the region comes from the term Philistine; the arch rival of Israel. and the Philistines inhabited the land of modern day Gaza.

Before the patriarch of Israel, Abraham, moved to Cannan from Babylon (the true native origin of jews) that land was always controlled by Egypt; who I say have the most right to Canan "tracing their lineage" there.

Around year 100 or so, Emperor Hadrian subdued a jewish revolt, and his anger with the jews was so much that he banished them, put a statue of Jupiter and himself in the most holy place of their temple, such that jews would never again return to the area until modern times.–

And on top of all that he renamed the province from Judea to Palestina; which was an insult to the jews because he chose that name for the exact reason that it was the contemporary name of the greatest jewish enemy in their history, their arch rival "The Philistines".

That is the origin of the name Palestine. I actually went through a lot of painful study before I came upon that whole sequence of connections.

im not taking the side of israel or palestine. im just recognizing that israel is a strategic positive against the currently greater enemy of islamic states in the middle east

once the evil form of islam is contained to the arabian peninsula where it belongs; i'll then proceed to admonish the jews in israel that their true homeland is in babylon, the birthplace of abraham. jews are mesopotamian. there's a reason why cyrus deported them all to babylon.

can i really be declared anything more than a temporary supporter of israel?

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6abc8d  No.269953


What Islamic groups are you referring to? ISIS and others are created and controlled by the Jewish State. Before the modern Jewish State where were the radical Islamic attacks?

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0df841  No.269964

File: 1d56955ec9cac51⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 236x224, 59:56, lol_what_frustrated.gif)


>What Islamic groups are you referring to

pic related: >>269446

Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Gaza, Libya, Algeria, Albania, Azerbajan, Kosovo

all those places are either either literal Islamic governed states, or else indirectly islamic governments with 90% muslim due to force fed muslim policies.

and that's only mentioning the MOST islamized ones. others in the light green are also highly islamic in a simlar way.

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0df841  No.269965

File: 942fa2e7abfb179⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1084x794, 542:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f62b8505d517640⋯.gif (531.33 KB, 1057x708, 1057:708, Territorial_Evolution_of_t….gif)


>Before the modern Jewish State where were the radical Islamic attacks?

oh my…. pics related!!



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0df841  No.269966


>and that's only mentioning the MOST islamized ones. others in the light green are also highly islamic in a simlar way.

and i also didn't mention the islamic government statets in the arabian peninsula, only because I know there are good muslims too; and arabia is rightfully theirs to run however they want with their arab mythology; i have no problem with them there.

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6abc8d  No.269967


lol the hagia sofia was conquered in the 1400s. You know what I meant. But let me be more direct then:

Before the creation of the Jewish State where were the Islamic terrorist attacks in America and Europe?

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0df841  No.269968

File: 8a05c4b58e5f7e8⋯.png (387.24 KB, 600x376, 75:47, anger.png)


>Before the creation of the Jewish State where were the Islamic terrorist attacks in America and Europe?

Do you not consider every attack ever from the Ottoman empire to be an Islamic attack? all the way up to world war 1 which was the first step in getting Islam domination off Europe's doorstep. shoving a jewish stake straight through the center of their territory. then isolate Iran and Pakistan by plowing up Iraq and Afghanistan; and now the Islam world order is crumbling. Pakistan is up next. How you gonna turn a bunch of Hindu Indians into a bunch of islamic freaks. Then Iran will be the last pillar standing, and the trasitional Persian mesopotamian cultures can finally return to their rightful place. it's all a big ol' REMOVE KEBAB kinda party; and you want to talk about removing the Israeli sword from their heart, at this moment… when we've come so far?

make no mistake; war and historical framing for the common people is a war game just as much as any other. the arabized islamic turks had their hands deep into Germany and so I'm certain Germany was calculated as a necessary controlled opposition during world war 1, whilst they were TECHNICALLY allied with the ottomans.

>lol the hagia sofia was conquered in the 1400s

what's your time frame? every day the hagia sophia is a mosque is the equivalent of a daily terrorist attack on the white racial legacy.

just because it's beenover 500 years, doesn't make it any more correct.

Think about it. The ottomans and their heir of Turkey, is like the equivalent of Whites going into Japan and establishing a religious Christian state called "White-Land". Is this not one of the biggest insults ever to the white race? The bosporus straight is the UNDISPUTED HEART OF THE WHITE RACE since pre-ancient times. And if you go there all you say is arab lookin or mongol lookin people spreading their islam out like butter on bread… and you're more worried about Israel which spends all their waking energy keeping their sword stuck deep in expansionist islam's LITERAL EXACT CENTER of the entire muslim sphere of influence.?

I'll give it to you. After Islam falls back into the arabian peninsula where it belongs; we might have a problem with expansionist israel based jews; but that's a problem for another day.

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6abc8d  No.269969


>Before the creation of the Jewish State where were the Islamic terrorist attacks in America and Europe?

Stop trying to be slippery. I'm not referring to the age of crusades lol. How about in the entire history of the United States… where were the Islamic terrorist attacks before the creation of the Jewish State?

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0df841  No.269970

File: d06f5f97e018476⋯.gif (130.99 KB, 269x200, 269:200, frustrated_wtf_is_this_shi….gif)


>where were the Islamic terrorist attacks before the creation of the Jewish State?

What, you want me to name the occurence of a modernized type of terrorist attack incident during an era of a different type of warfare? There was no suicide bombers in the 1800's, sure. Modern terrorist attacks are effective now in a different way because of how information technology spreads news in a less controllable way. islamic terrorist attacks in the 1800's was more just like conventional warfare.

how about the greek war of independence in 1820's? 150,000 casualties during a time when there was only a billion people on the planet. does that count as an islamic attack because whites tried to TAKE BACK FLIPPIN GREECE THE DARN WHITEST TOGA GEEKED OUT PLACE IN HISTORY. but that doesn't count as an islamic attack because we attacked them? no they didn't belong there in the first place.

how about the serbian revolution in the 1820's against the ottomans?

the western white world has been at war with expansionist islamic arab mongol turkic khazarian shove it down your throat islamic proxy states ever since muhammad peaced out and some twisted arabs seized on his legacy to imitate all the worst parts of subverted christianity, and successfully did do. whites sacrficed much in the short term in europe and anatolia for the sake of building up the west and the americas; and now the time has come for those short term sacrifices to result in the long term advantages that we now have.

but you want to take our israel claws off their islamic throat NOWWWWW??? 300 years of hard work to beat back this plague of subverted islam that can turn peaceful budhist hindu uppity relaxed people like INDIANS into absolute atrocities against humanity in the forms of islamic extremism that take place in pakistan… you want to remove israeli axe gushing blood out of their islamic chest to give them respite at this time? when we're soo soo sooo closeee, just because an army of crypto muslim palestinian islamic supremicist have been dedicating all their energy toward turning white man against this most painful israel wound through endlessly supporting jew derangement syndrome. it is so so so obvious that palestinians have EVERY reason to support jew derangement sydrom whereever they can. but like i said, im in the middle im not moishe here with my israeli flag, not even close, but dammit go Israel GO GET EM! DON'T STOP UNTIL KEBAB BE GO BYE BYE BACK TO ARABIAAAAA. I freakin love seein palestians whine about "muh jewish settlements" YOU DONT BELONG THERE TO BEGIN; they label every damn thing here and there as the "3rd, 5th, , 8th, 15th most holiest place in islame; CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, mecca and medina are your holy places THAT'S FREAKIN IT. MAN i wish right now i still was a vulgar cursing type i would have so many f words to add here, but i wont do it.-

hahaha. that was fun to type.

i hope no super muslim palestinians read this and want to kill. honestly i want islam and arabs to live peacefully and independent in arabis; ya'll are just confused about the history of your people, most of them.

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6abc8d  No.269971

File: b6b5c3ac4b3f4a0⋯.jpg (121.63 KB, 1217x861, 1217:861, israel_isis.JPG)


Wars aren't "terrorist attacks." Fact is there wasn't a single truck-of-peace or mass shooting carried out by a Muslim in either Europe or the USA before the creation of the Jewish State. War has always existed but terrorism is a creation of Israel.

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0df841  No.269972


Can you name ANY terrorist attack by any group in the 1800's? give an example of what you're looking for. what does it matter if it's a general war, or what are you getting at? some dude name ahmed who knife attack in lond in 1831? lol. a terrorist attack like that wouldn't even do any good during that time because they could just take their time and spend all night making a nice newpaper story which would take a couple months to circulate before the common people sufficiently heard of it. like what are you getting at?

israel was the most devastating attack on the islamic world order ever since its inception; never has canann ever been out of their control. of course they gonna be mad and fight back. what are you trying to say?

>referring to your image

im not a super expert on all the different play by plays with the recent events with ISIS and all the other al-XYZ groups. but i know the general trends and bigger picture of history. if you zoom in too much on specific events all that war fog proxy / controlled oppositions / public opinion tango / tit for tat / shuffling / pump fake / diversions …etc etc, i mean you need to be plugged into high level classified military intelligence to even have a chance of knowing exactly whats what with all the details; its the bigger picture and larger trends that average joe message board anons like us have any chance of accurately pinning down. but im sure if we knew all the dirty detail of every single secret mission, it would fall in line with the bigger picture im trying to paint here.

there are a million and one reasons to explain away any microcosm specific headline or event to one interpretation or the other. so some israeli offical said they supplied some muslim terrorist groups? okay, here's a quick possibility; maybe that headline was calculated to help deal a blow to the credibility of those organizations amongst their islam supremacist bretheren? and i wasn't even trying that hard, it could get so much more complex than that; dont waste your time on microcosms; that's a black hole. focus on the bigger picture.

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6abc8d  No.269973


>Can you name ANY terrorist attack by any group in the 1800's?

In USA or Europe? No. Terrorism only became a thing within the West after the creation of the Jewish State. What a cohencidence..

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0df841  No.269974


>Islam only got mad and attacked us after we attacked them first.

What point are you making?

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6abc8d  No.269975


Fake Jews attacked them first, then they attacked us. Yes. You steal people's land, treat their people like garbage, and they attack.

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0df841  No.269976


>Yes. You steal people's land, treat their people like garbage, and they attack.

–look at these maps again! >>269965

who stole who's land first? the world was a reasonably stable place until post muhammad islam stole everyone's land. so you're right, and people are fighting back.

so i guess i should have said "islam got mad and attacked us after we attacked them after they attacked us first. lol

>Fake Jews

I honestley wouldn't be surprised a a giant mass of secret agents were created (fake jews) in order to bolster that pretense of an excuse for a militarized invasion of canann. you need a good propaganda excuse for any military thing nowadays or else the islamic world order could just relentlessly hit "muh poor arab" in the propaganda war to turn common whites against the war. with the israel homeland thing, they can run that game so easily.

how crazy would it be if the secret agent war was that deep so that half the israel population a generationally committed CIA or jesuit secret agents trust pretending to be jews for literally generations! hah! i heard the jesuits were known to get dirty like that.

i wonder…

im definitely with you tho; i think any real genetic connection to true ethnic jews is long gone; but hey, who am i to tell someone that they aren't who their heart tells them they are? the beauty of national socialism is that everybody goes to where the believe their native land is, and then everybody works it out for themselves separately. im bout to battle it up in Germany is I ever get; that's my right; nobody gonna tell me i ain't german or sum crud. i try to put myself in other people's shoes like that.

but there's definitely a sub-race of something that seems to have descended from th Lhazarians, that intermixed with whites to eventuall become the ashkenazi genetic collective in eastern europe which likes to believe they are someone how the tribe of judah, a patrilineal tribe, even whilst they are a matrilineal group. kinda of confusing that they don't see it clearly like that. there a definitely a lot of fake jews in the mix for surrre.

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6abc8d  No.269977


Palestine has always belonged to the Palestinians.

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2e15c9  No.270118

America needs to go back to Constitutional law, reform the Justice system, crackdown on corruption and STOP intervening in foreign lands and affairs. Let the Jews and Palestinians war with one another.

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6abc8d  No.270153


>Let the Jews and Palestinians war with one another.

Nah. America has given far too much money to the Jewish State resulting in a one-sided war. Israel has nukes, Palestinians have rocks. We will ensure the Jewish State falls first and then the Diaspora.

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2e15c9  No.270177


Who's this we exactly? Do you work for government or some other terror cell?

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6abc8d  No.270187

File: 3deb23ff7abc388⋯.png (25.3 KB, 909x240, 303:80, foreign_aid_to_israel.PNG)


We is the American taxpayer fitting the bill.

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6abc8d  No.270189


>Do you work for government

I rekt every single Israeli/Russian propaganda scam in few years. Do you think my government would hire me to hold down 4/8chan? I do it for free. Like a fucking janny. When I become dictator this falling through the cracks won't happen. Maybe we'll create our own Internet Defense Force and fill it with shitposters.

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2e15c9  No.270190


I don't think society will be the same in the coming year or two, we are seeing huge supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, balkanization is happening due to divisive usury and politics, then add the covid + covid vaccine deaths going on, so more and more depopulation in the West as the economy falters, I just don't see society being the same at all. In fact I think rolling power blackouts and mass shortages of everything is in our distant future and people will forget about the internet entirely, it will be about survival from there on.

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2e15c9  No.270191


Plus, the collapse of fiat currency, not just the US Dollar but all fiat currency including in China. That's why Russia, India and China are hoarding gold & silver.

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6abc8d  No.270192



Good. The more people suffer the easier it is to turn them against the fake Jew.

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2e15c9  No.270193


The way the modern global economy has worked is the reason so many people have lived.

Take for example everything you use on a day to day basis, to live a decent life. From food, to soap, to running water, to the sewage system, gas for your vehicle to commute, energy resources which produce our electricity over the grid (power plants), everything, even the 24/7 routine maintenance of roads and infrastructure, healthcare services and medical supplies, everything…. everything depends on what? The supply chain, human labor and currency. It's an equilibrium that keeps society civilized and working functionally…. without the supply chain, or human labor, none of these modern luxuries exist….. meaning, mass die off. Simple. Mass depopulation of the planet. Grid down, internet down, everything pillaged, used up and gone.

Now imagine what the world would be like. Almost every house around each neighborhood for example, piled with stuff with dead people in them. No one to sell the homes, no State to help liquidate those assets in those homes. No businesses open. No banks. No grocery stores. Notta. You may be able - if you were to survive this crisis - try to find people…. but it would be dangerous. You know why? First off, no rule of law would exist because no one to enforce those laws. If someone were to see you on their property after an event like this, you could be considered a threat and shot on spot. No law exists at that point in time. Marauders could find you and take everything you own away, maybe kill you instead and burn down your shelter. No law exists at that point in time. When you view a collapse you must also consider all implications this has, on everyone including you.

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6abc8d  No.270194


The effect on any individual is irrelevant. What matters is how the anger and turmoil of groups are directed. Of course, this logic doesn't apply in normal social settings in which the single citizen is valued as part of the larger nation; if half of the world must die so that a mere 20 million +/- fake Jews die also then so be. The blood is on the hands of the global Intelligence Community, Law Enforcement, Politicians, Judges, and their various cohorts.

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2e15c9  No.270196



Simply consider a total collapse scenario: the lack of people alive, the lack of essential services, the lack of electricity, the lack of a clean water supply, the lack of human sewage waste system management, the lack of food, a mass die off….. even if you were to survive this (and by the way you need to hardcore prepare to survive something like this), there would be no one to trust, because the State is gone, the rule of law cannot be enforced in traditional manner, no court system, no prisons operating, no centralized government (the military and civil militias would be working under emergency contingencies on off-grid backup systems), the world as you and I know it will be a very different and dangerous place.

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6abc8d  No.270197

File: 236e54efae59516⋯.jpg (319.9 KB, 800x1296, 50:81, good_things.jpg)

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6abc8d  No.270198



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2e15c9  No.270208


What I am pondering is, if I were to survive (and believe me I've prepared for some hardcore scenarios in my time), how exactly and when exactly would civilization be restored? There will need to be a bond of trust between localities first. Life won't exist like it once did. Talking about Amish 1800s living btw. It will take us back a century of progress (if you consider it progress, some don't lol), how will we restore communities and network, the timing must be strategic too, as it would be hard to do during a mad max event. So that's the only uncertainty I have, and I'll have to make a plan for (that is, if I am lucky enough to survive).

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6abc8d  No.270209


The U.S. isn't likely to fall that hard. At the first real sign of weakness we'd experience (((foreign intervention))). Pro-American sleepers would activate, militias would activate, and we'd have World War 4. The Jewish Problem would no longer be something taboo, cognitive dissonance couldn't bear the weight of then current events, we'd destroy the Jewish State, and finally the Diaspora.

No matter how well or poorly the future unfolds destruction of the fake Jews is now inevitable.

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2e15c9  No.270215


Hopefully we can overcome the chaos and restore Constitutional law at that point. The fact we allowed a central bank to hijack our monetary policy was more than absurd and our Founders warned us about that.

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6abc8d  No.270216


yeah. considering the jewish problem is a global problem we'll likely form a new world order.

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300dab  No.270369

File: f8341200acd8796⋯.png (427.09 KB, 697x762, 697:762, you_cannot_understand.png)


>Palestine has always belonged to the Palestinians.

Wow. After all the different threads of though we were discussing; I thought we were getting somewhere.










And with all this energy spent addressing our differences; you suddenly drop every point we were discussing and blandly make some bland comment that addresses nothing?

>Palestine has always belonged to the Palestinians.

We already covered that part, the source of Palestinians and their name; why are you moving backwards?

It seems if you were a sincere actor, then you would at least state your disagreement with me.

But it seems like you can't because you don't know how to describe how you disagree with me, or you actually are a insincere actor cypto muslim whose only purpose here to to attach the jew-derangement-syndrome angle to any conversation here that supports Israel or the existence of good jew.

don't just drop the conversation until you at least state your disagreement,

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2e15c9  No.270383


That's what corrupt Jews want, a global empire. I'd rather see a restoration of the US Constitution and rule of law based on our great Constitution. of-course we would have reforms made, like banning dual-citizenship, term limits for all politicians, abolishing the US Federal Reserve (and ban all central banking), a complete blockade from government and the free market (with the only exception being the government's duty to enforce Constitutional law when broken), and honestly, I would like to see some more reforms when it comes to the executive branch too, such as no more "rule by fiat" (executive orders and memorandums are unconstitutional because they are not laws passed by our representatives). We don't need a global empire, all we need to do is restore Constitutional rule of law, and add some protections to keep officials from abusing it ever again. Strict limited government.

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6abc8d  No.270385

File: 59343f27d1eb685⋯.png (62.12 KB, 1365x669, 455:223, terrorism_1.PNG)

File: fd65b32edfd65bd⋯.png (102.76 KB, 1365x681, 455:227, terrorism_2.PNG)


>Palestine has always been Palestinian land and modern "Jews" have no legitimate claim to it – thus their State is illegal and illegitimate

>Hitler, whom you constantly post about, opposed a Zionist State claiming that fake Jews would use such a State to further their international criminal enterprise, which they have

>You say that the Jewish occupation of Palestine prevents radical Islamic militants from attacking the West, however, there were no such attacks until after the formation of the Jewish State in Palestine and all major radical terrorist groups were either created by the Jewish State or funded after the fact

Those are my arguments and they haven't changed.


NWO doesn't need to mean a loss of individual sovereignty.

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2e15c9  No.270387


>NWO doesn't need to mean a loss of individual sovereignty.

I would be fine with that, however centralized power is dangerous and corruptible so Constitutional law would have to be protected by checks and balances and strict limitations for officials and representatives in the NWO. The power needs to be with we the people, as individuals. (That means no more gun control, mandatory vaccines, 'show your papers' militarized police state, mass surveillance of citizens, endless wars, fiat currency, bailouts, rigged markets, taxation without representation, media censorship of debate or facts, etc).

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6abc8d  No.270389


Sure. That's how decent people should live in society - nationalist patriots who are sovereign themselves. Fake Jews, however, will live according to a different standard.

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2e15c9  No.270401


If we go back to Constitutional law criminals would be living by different standards: in prison where they belong. Not just petty common criminals but powerful, influential and wealthy criminals too.

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6abc8d  No.270406


Yes, but the problem is global. America can have her Constitutional law, and North Korea can have their Juche, but everyone will surrender their Jews.

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ac176b  No.270513

File: 26a289f4e3fbe5e⋯.gif (562.79 KB, 500x275, 20:11, come_at_me_bro.gif)


>Palestine has always been Palestinian land

I answered that already HERE: >>269949

>and modern "Jews" have no legitimate claim to it – thus their State is illegal and illegitimate

I answered that already HERE: >>269976

>Hitler, whom you constantly post about, opposed a Zionist State claiming that fake Jews would use such a State to further their international criminal enterprise, which they have

I answered that already HERE: >>269452

and HERE: >>269742

>You say that the Jewish occupation of Palestine prevents radical Islamic militants from attacking the West, however, there were no such attacks until after the formation of the Jewish State in Palestine and all major radical terrorist groups were either created by the Jewish State or funded after the fact

I answered that already HERE: >>269965

and HERE:>>269968

and HERE:>>269970

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ac176b  No.270515

File: 283ea36eb46f8da⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 200x150, 4:3, oh_boy_this_guy_rolls_eyes.gif)


>Palestine has always been Palestinian land

I answered that already HERE: >>269949

>and modern "Jews" have no legitimate claim to it – thus their State is illegal and illegitimate

I answered that already HERE: >>269976

>Hitler, whom you constantly post about, opposed a Zionist State claiming that fake Jews would use such a State to further their international criminal enterprise, which they have

I answered that already HERE: >>269452

and HERE: >>269742

>You say that the Jewish occupation of Palestine prevents radical Islamic militants from attacking the West, however, there were no such attacks until after the formation of the Jewish State in Palestine and all major radical terrorist groups were either created by the Jewish State or funded after the fact

I answered that already HERE: >>269965

and HERE: >>269968

and HERE: >>269970

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6abc8d  No.270520

File: 293dac06c337f79⋯.jpg (116.81 KB, 902x839, 902:839, greeks_philistines.JPG)


>I answered that already HERE: >>269949

You agreed with my claim that Palestine does not belong to modern Jews when you said

>The name Palestine for the region comes from the term Philistine

Pic related. Palestine belongs to Palestinians, who are descendants of Greeks, not modern Jews.

>I answered that already HERE: >>269976

You agreed with my claim when you said

>i think any real genetic connection to true ethnic jews is long gone

Modern fake Jews are not genetic descendants of ancient Hebrews or Israelites.

>I answered that already HERE: >>269452

>and HERE: >>269742

You tried claiming the quote from Mein Kampf was illegitimate without giving evidence. Then you claimed that fake Jews have a right to Palestine because

>he common man who thinks he's a jew deserves to follow their personal truth.

>I answered that already HERE: >>269965

>and HERE: >>269968

>and HERE: >>269970

You gave examples of warfare, not radical Islamic terrorism, which didn't exist in the West until after the creation of the Jewish State.


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8913a5  No.279345

File: 2de768d9aa6a31e⋯.pdf (1.78 MB, 2021_12_10_No_new_post_las….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

leaves some PDF feces

without bumping the thread to the surface.


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