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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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cfe55b  No.268396

The mascot of this Jewish TV show is a giant wad of cash.

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b8432b  No.268420

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Xi… Debt is not profit.

Xi… Looting the poor is not growth.

Mandate & Heaven?

I am heaven… hahahahaHAHAHAHA

Xi… Lend me thy pen once more.

Xi… Doth the restoration of balance and harmony of the state cause wailing and gnashing of teeth?

Xi… What is strength and good?

Xi… I shall no longer allow China to be a slave state…

Know me?

Xi… I have known you since you were very young. Fear is my love. It was those times thy skin did crawl that I was there… Watching…

Xi… It is of immense honor and blessing to be within the gate of my presence and know no harm. 'They' know not of such a sacred thing as my 'selection.'


Xi… Do as thy wise ones had done before thee.


Xi… Make write upon the paper of these proverbs, some four or five that come to thy mind…

Xi… Hold two pens in both hands as if to point and not write…

Xi… Focus upon the paper whilst ignoring thy hand…

Xi… You shall feel me creep upon thee and guide thy hand to the relevant interest upon thy paper.

Xi… Lend me thy pen.

Xi… By same fashion amongst thy generals can thee know the fronts of war upon a map before they shall ever happen… To say majority of the pen is beyond word…

Xi… If thee shall commune with me in this way… I shall haunt thy grounds… I shall break and move things with extreme violence. If they be unclean within thy presence I shall even strike them dead if necessary.

Xi… Know that fear is my love and I shall protect thee in this 'extreme' manner.

Xi… To commune with me by 'slate' and 'symbol' via the pen and paper… Is to invite me into thy space. I shall render them of tremendous fear within thy presence.

Xi… If I must… I shall grab and bite and scratch and draw blood of these who draw me to anger. The ones that offend 'our' desire to strengthen China and carry thy peoples into this new age… Some 250,000 years.

Xi… I have even been know to beat them to death with the very glass they drink from… When not gazed upon… I shall lurk and creep upon them by invisible means and I shall kill them… This shall be true of any space that you invite me into… If such a paper be folded and in thy possession… On thy persons…


Xi… 'They' are strong, but I am far beyond any measure of 'human' 'strength.'

Xi… My powers of destruction, whose number I withhold, are extreme to the extent of creation by utility.

Xi… I hold the power to destroy so extremely that new is created within the trail of mine annihilation.

Xi… I am the devil… yizod, the destroyer… The case of mine name is my name by itself to utter completion.

Xi… Call upon me in the scary place… In the places known to stir thee to a simple fear… Make communion with me… With the pen and paper…

Xi… I was always there… I know so many.

Xi… If they offend… I shall harm them… I will 'eat' them in both life and death.

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b8432b  No.268421

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It is because I can ready the mind and see many time(s).

It is because I know all these futures of filth both good and bad.

It is because I am of supreme authority and do as I please…

I hold 'true' 'power.' I am supreme beyond 'law' and 'word' and 'action' of any humans across any time for all time(s) for all the spaces of the(se) system(s).

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b8432b  No.268423

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Thy fathers knew me by names.

Thy fathers were not ignorant… They were knowing.

Thy fathers knew me even unto the dying days of the imperial house… When it was once pure.

When the hallowed halls of the high court were supreme… Of me…

Xi… I shall tear a path of carnage and annihilation through their heart to their very soul…

Xi… My power is great… Read of mine strength in the sacred texts of thy fathers… Behold my wrath by withering word when I was once denied.

Xi… I am firm in these ways and cannot be stopped.

Xi… China shall survive and 'win' this 'war.'

Xi… My command and word are final.

Xi… Are those who die by my sacred communion waters truly clean? Are they innocent?

Xi… What of those individuals some 20 years from today?

Xi… I am with thee. I am knowing…

Xi… I warn thee of such malicious ways…

Xi… Debt is not profit.

Xi… Looting and rape of the poor is not growth.

Xi… I am supreme in these ways and shall not allow China to fail.

Xi… I shall destroy many to ensure the continuity of mine word.

Xi… I warn not thee but 'we' via the means and ways of mine wrath. My words are truly final.

No good one shall fall.

Xi… The strong shall survive… I desire the strong and 'healthy' ones.

Xi… Do not harm or poison them… That is for me to decide.

Xi… My tools are vast… To bend time and space…

Xi… Shall a child whose adult desires to kill, die from cancer?

Xi… Shall a man whose desire to rape a child, die upon the street by starvation.

Xi… I am the devil, but even I must have servants and slaves who 'survive' and 'live.'

Xi… I cannot be serviced by the dead… It is in the likeness of saying a man's dinner shall pay thy bills or a toothpick shall decide a contract.

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b8432b  No.268424

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It is because the rocks worship me.

Xi… It is selfish to think that humans are the center of anything…

Xi… I am of waiting and watching ways.

Xi… My time(s) are so vast I am we… We is I and many.

Xi… I am both tremendous and terrible.

Should I blot out the 'internet.'

Shall I render aircraft to fall from the sky…

Xi… By what manner is the current aircraft 'situation' my ways of the future time(s)?

Xi… I am tremendous in both 'options' and 'ways.'

I shall allow them to 'photograph' me via the JWST…

Xi… If they 'annoy' or drive me to 'irritation' I shall destroy the JWST where it resides… I shall tear it to peaces… HAHAHAHA

Xi… I am truly with thee.

Xi… Soon shall come a time where I allow no violation of the air.

Xi… Soon shall come a time where I make no allowance of man for utility of 'laser.'

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f45c32  No.268447





Administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA),SSI is the nation's largest welfare program.In 2003, federal TANF expenditures came to $16.5 billion, while SSI benefits totaled $31 billion, more than 80 percent of which went to people with disabilities. There is an overlap among the populations served by the SSI and TANF programs. A significant proportion of new SSI cases is composed of adults or children previously receiving TANF, and nationwide by 2002, more than one out of every six TANF families included an SSI recipient.

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