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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 941fed0188d3662⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 266x240, 133:120, EwrVvpH.gif)

c4ff94  No.268324

The Japanese are fucking stupid. Weebs go on and on about their high intelligence but weebs are clearly themselves not very bright. While the Japanese have good designs and great attention to detail, when it comes to thought and decision making they fall absolutely flat on their face. And this revelation came about after what happend in ww2 as well as the way anime is written. But in ww2 the Americans were not involved in the war except for giving aid to allies….until the damn slant eyes bombed pearl harbor. I got curious to find out why the rest of mainland America wasn't bombed to hell and back like the rest of Europe and I find its because the Japanese were afraid of the fact that all Americans had guns and knew how to use them….so the only thing the japs did was send a few subs and some stupid fucking Baloons…what the FUCK is wrong with the Japanese? They are the reason everything went to SHIT! And whats happening with anime. Turning men into effeminate faggots and consoomers. I FUCKING HATE THE JAPANESE

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f673f7  No.268325

File: 20397be247da9fa⋯.png (75.35 KB, 250x471, 250:471, _japan_.png)

File: dd603c79e94559d⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1024x1508, 256:377, Japan_expelling_the_Jew.png)

Modern Japan suffers under the control of kikes just like everywhere else. It's not the Japanese but the parasite within the Japanese world. Humanity will unite to defeat the fake Jew because he's given the world no other choice.

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c4ff94  No.268333

File: 35cee8017278d15⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 510x510, 1:1, 1633914551275.gif)


>modern kiked Japan is relevant to pre ww2 Japan

Oh I get it. The Japanese were always infested by jews and only allied with the axis so they can attack America in an attempt to enter the war and free the kikes and Japanese from German nazi rule. It all makes sense. Clearly a sloppy job by mossad. My bad. The Japanese are actually totally based and kiwi sempei pilled BAKA

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f673f7  No.268334

File: c228f1d78f7bca1⋯.jpg (663.5 KB, 1242x1661, 1242:1661, japan_genocide_2.jpg)


Japan is no worse than U.S. or Russia. Every place kikes set up shop becomes an anti-nationalist multi-cultural piss bucket. Japan is no exception. You want to fix the problem?

Surrender your fake Jews.

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