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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 5ce1ca706608962⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, PicsArt_10_05_06_48_59.png)

af0071  No.266942

It's been an entire day since Marshmallow Sally announced he was running for the office of /PND/ FÜHRER.

He had a really long night last night, playing anime and "watching videos" in his mother's spare bedroom, so he hasn't made any announcements or reported any progress so far.

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d6c582  No.266946

File: 24f27aa7dd610ed⋯.gif (6.16 MB, 777x777, 1:1, vote_killcen_fuhrer_of_pnd….gif)


> Marshmallow Sally announced he was running for the office of /PND/ FÜHRER.

That doesn't work for Killcen. He would make a better Führer than "Marshmallow Mussolini" , obviously.

Killcen also agrees with the generally accepted policy against announcing one is running for Führer. I don't exactly speak for him, and I'm not even sure he knows there is an Election coming up, but preliminary polls conducted at the Polesmoker Hall lead to the inevitable conclusion that Killcen already has the title of "Führer of /pnd/" in the bag.

Killcen also has better `.gif`s.

> GIF related

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bc3db4  No.266965

Marshmallow Sally is a TERRIBLE CHOICE for führer, but he's still 1,000 times better than that Purple Cocksucking Faggot…

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